• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2019



Rolling Back into it · 4:46am Jun 12th, 2018

Hello there fans and readers,

As you probably noticed a few weeks ago, I finally updated my chapter after about a year of no updates. This was due to me being in the army and in Korea which, though I did get progress and some writing done, led to difficulties. Luckily I'm back in the States and as the title of this post implies, I'm slowly getting back into it.

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Fire Emblem Classes for Ponies · 6:56am Oct 23rd, 2013

So hey, as I was writing a chapter I started thinking about other characters in the MLP universe. I know for sure what classes I'd make the Main six and a few others in the Fire Emblem universe, but what about other Side Characters, Background Ponies, Villains, etc? I've already thought up a few out of curiosity and possibly expanding the amount of characters I use in my story but I'd like to ask my readers and followers:

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Hi I'm Icebraker.

I'm an American Brony with issues being social in real life.
I like Videogames.
I'm also currently trying my hand at writing fanfiction instead of just reading it.

Update: If my life was like a game, I'd say that I leveled up from Newbie Writer to Amateur Writer. The reason being now I know somewhat of what I'm doing, but I still definitely need more practice.

My Top 5 Favorite Ponies in order:
1)Tied between Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna
2)Pinkie Pie
3)Twilight Sparkle

Favorite Villain: Queen Chrysalis (I love the voice)

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Comments ( 92 )
  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92

Whoa! Now THAT'S a profile pic! Fire Emblem FTW!

Well, you probably don't remember, but couple years ago you reviewed my story (or at least the first two chapters) in Twilight's Library, temporarily tearing my pride to shreds. I don't hold it against you since I took value in the review and have improved since then, but I never bothered to follow you or anything so now I'm doing that.

Oh, I've just seen you around on Fimfic and you seemed like a pretty decent guy/girl so I thought I might as well follow.

Thanks for the watch! To what do I owe this honor? :duck:

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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