• Member Since 17th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen July 8th


Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.


Chris has lived in Equestria for a few months now, and finally got his own place with help from Twilight and friends! Just one small problem, as he is quick to discover: ponies tend to just walk in unannounced. Can Chris keep his sanity intact as new ponies stop by every day to say hi in thier own special way?

Chapters (3)

Todd left the fandom of MLP around season 3. He recently heard that the now-neverending series is entering its record-shattering 49th season, and decides to tune in for old time's sake... only to find he has a LOT of catching up to do.

Written for the Season 9 Bingo contest. My prompt was:

The donkey nation, two of the main 6 in a relatoonship, Lauren Faust, Chrysalis, and the Groffon Kingdom.

I intentionally wrote this as ridiculous as possible, please consider this to be nothing but the most blatant of satire.

Chapters (1)

Arcane Catalyst, ageless royal alchemist, has had hundreds of adventures over the years. This is a collection of his field research studying various creatures and enviornments in the thousand years he was alive before the events of MLP.

An anthology of research notes, done in comedy style.

Fantastic cover art by Amalgamzaku aka Mix-Up

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Put that crown back where it came from

You all asked for it. The reign of the mighty Leaf With Googly Eyes has arrived in Equestria as best villain, and total conquest seems a forgone conclusion.

That, or Celestia really doesn't want to work today.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna announce their retirement and their plans to turn the throne and power over Equestria to the mane 6. Unfortunately, this is the last straw for Twilight, and she goes off on a rant about why this isn't a good idea.

Chapters (1)

Injured, broken, and nearly powerless after Luna learned to accept her own mistakes, the Tantabus was presumed long gone. But the truth is that it lives on, trying to lead a normal life under 'her' adoptave father, Jake. Stranger still is that not everypony can see her, and she feels oddly weak when nopony else is around...

Chapters (5)

Joseph just had his birthday today, but things haven't gone as planned. A freak storm has left him alone for his personal holiday... but maybe there's one gift waiting for him, just not the physical kind.

Written as a sort-of birthday gift for An Intricate Disguise, as I got the idea of a pony visiting a human for their birthday as I was talking with him.

Chapters (1)

Far away from all the craziness that is ponyville, one pony stands against the ever-present threat of shenanigans as he tries to live his life. Meet Laugh Track, an average pony who somehow manages to turn the most mundane things into an adventure. These are some disconnected stories from his life, each one more of a oneshot than anything else.

He feels like his life is a sitcom, so the main rule? When all else fails, LAUGH.

Chapters (5)

In the small town of Rainbow Falls, amid the constant hustle and bustle of the trade exchanges and Equestria games tryouts, a little alchemy shop goes relatively unnoticed by tourists.
The townsponies know better, though. The shop's proprietor has magical power to rival the best in history, and has on more than one occasion gone off to hunt monsters alone for ingredients.
It's a pity that in the crazy world of Equestria, all he wants to do is run his shop.

Now with cover art by Little Tigress!

Chapters (86)

Over a decade after the main story of the show ends, a pegasus colt crash lands from the heavens with no knowledge of the new world he's ended up in. Weaker than anypony due to a near absence of magic, he must survive in Equestria as new foes loom on the horizon...

Chapters (15)