"Okay everypony! Time to play Oubliettes and Ogres!" Twilight said, holding up the reference book like the ponies hadn't seen it multiple times before.
Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves. "Oh silly-filly, we can say 'Dungeons and Dragons' we're both owned by Hasbro!" She was ignored.
"Dungeons and Dragons, I mean, Oubliettes and Ogres? Don't you know that's Nightmare Moon's game?" The Doctor gasped sticking his head through the window.
Princess Luna pushed him out of the way and stuck her in the window and shouted, "Just because we were mad with jealous and bruised ego, does NOT mean all our hobbies at the time were themselves evil!"
Twilight Sparkle blinked and uncurled an ancient scroll examining it closely. "At least that explains the ancient 'Slay the Tyrant Sun' campaign module from the ancient first editions I found in the Castle of the Two Sisters."
Luna blushed.
This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.
However, except for the opening set-up post, each post should be more self contained, if say (in joke) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).
There are prototype rules and may change with time.
It's also intended to be an INDEPENDENT UNIVERSE from the Pony POV Series OR the Pinkie Pie Variety Show! So things aren't esoteric.
What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.
Cover image by SolanumEpidemic
Ah, but which half did Dashie mean?
(more later, I need sleep)
Nice to see this here. :)
Sad day when GIlda's the straight man. Mare, bird, whatever.
Well, if it helps, anyone who comes across Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate who ISN'T allied to him or the Hellsing Organization, usually ends up pumped full of either holy bullets or explosive ones. That doesn't help, does it?
Your funeral.
How does that even WORK?
Because you've played Game Master IRL before, the maze and well, your idea of fair play is not fair at all. That, and whatever plot you could come up with would make either no sense, or so much sense it's scary.
A Lawful Good.
When Fluttershy beat you in your maze game.
Of course.
This amuses me.
Careful with the 4th wall.
Souls cause indigestion?
That, doesn't sound good.
This need fanart so bad.
Fair enough.
Not bad, a full Henderson plot derailment.
Ladies and gentlemen, Equestria's most dangerous weapon: The Cutie Mark Crusaders.
... Fair enough I guess.
You worry me, Fluttershy.
Aaand ya jinxed it.
Well played.
You ponies are evil.
You would.
That feels like a subtle reference to Q.
The Horse. Wow. And I thought I had bad puns.
That's evil.
So, a 5 out of 10?
Corner. Now.
Diamond Tiara has a cat. Huh.
It's a DUBSTEP system. DO I need to elaborate?
Famous last words.
You're strange.
For some reason, I'm not surprised.
Guess it pays to use a quartz die when you have a rock based talent.
Rainbow? CORNER. NOW.
More Maud and Trixie please
I've been waiting for something like this for a long long time.
You want to add a short?
Place that request here please. :-)
And poor Trixie... I ironically prefer Damp Rocks which showed Maud's mountain of patience works as well on Trixie as it does on Pinkie Pie.
Er, no, not right now at least. I was just saying that I liked the idea and all.
Happy this was fun for you. What does 'Hm' mean?
Great to see this show up here on FIMfic. The responses to it should be interesting.
Do they just play random games after another? I thought it would be like a whole story about them playing Dungeon and Dragons or something like that.
6385679 This isn't in any sort of consecutive order; think of it more as a collection of short stories, gags and jokes.
I'll keep this in mind, call me when it's time for Shadowrun, it's something I know way to much about.
They all take place in the same universe. But contributors are completely free to time skip as much as they want.
If anyone even notices it's HERE.
Thanks for putting this up on fimfic! A fun series of vignettes. Trixie as Friend Computer has to be the best, but the Ravenloft shout out is a close second. I was all set to call them a bunch of filthy casuals because of the cross-system house-ruled respawning caves the mane 6 and friends have, but I changed my mind after seeing them use critical fumbles.
Gotta disagree with you there Rarity, arranged marriages are creepy but presumably lawful here, and clearly for the greater good. That's the paladin code!
The respawn thing is from Minecraft. And happy you like Friend Computer. And critical fumbles always make for good comedy.
Rarity, "Darlings . . . lightning strikes Howard, he's reduced to ashes and a wind blows him away. Roll up a new character. And allowing an innocent to suffer IS against the paladin code."
Seriously, reminds me of Brian in Knight of the Dinner Table, when the only nice player in the group pointed out he was stealing from the shares of his own subordinates, when he was supposed to be lawful good. "Hey! It's lawful! And it's good for me!"
6387461 Paladins have to think about the big picture too, though I'm not being fair to Rarity here. Technically, she said Knight in Shining Armor, not Paladin. Based on her earlier comments, I'm guessing her view on a noble knight is less Paladins performing triage near the Worldwound, and more Ivanhoe and the classic knights of the romantic era. They would never allow a named NPC to suffer for any amount of unnamed NPCs, and since they live in romance novels, they always find a way to save everyone.
Yeah, I am a huge KODT fan myself, especially Brian, including when Sarah calls him out. I was discussing a rules option in Pathfinder for letting players play using subjective morality instead of the standard 9 alignments. My friend is a philosophy major, and he was sure he could have the GM admit by the end of the first session that burning down that orphanage with the doors locked first fits within a paladin's alignment. (For the record, we decided against that rules option, because it wouldn't be fair to our poor GM).
Now that I think about it, this group could use an annoying rules lawyer. The next time Shining Armor stops by, he should bring Gaffer, that guy always struck me as a rules lawyer type.
The only thing as annoying as a paladin who ends up justifying burning down the orphanage, is the DM who zaps the paladin for politely saying hi to a guy who littered some time in his childhood.
this entire thing is Hilarius im glad i found it.
6387622 Agreed.
Thank you.
Hilarious and I loved it. Also some of these things I also experienced at my times with some many RP games. ^^
Ah, Paranoia. Wonderfully funny and interesting setting, but you really need the right kind of players to make it work or the evening will degenerate into endless bickering and hurt feelings and nothing interesting ever happening.
I can totally see Trixie want to run that one, though. It is a power trip. Especially the "rulebook knowledge is above your clearance" rule.
How about Teenagers From Outer Space? A game where shenanigans rule. Pinkie and Discord would like it.
Oh really? TELL ME MORE!
I hope the ponies playing Paranoia was FUNNY!
I never played that game myself. This IS a glorified free for all round robin, if you write it yourself, I'll add in to the next chapter as one of the sessions!
Well the Maud Pie incident. Against the odds I had a player that scored natural 20, 12 times in a single row. Which resulted that his low level character defeat an ancient dragon whom Challenge Rate was way too high for their party to face head on. The dungeon was designed so that the party members could move around safely because they were to small for the dragon to enter but certain room the players had to gamble in taking risks knowing they could encounter the dragon. Against all odds not only did they met the dragon thanks to that lucky dice karma they defeated it. I had to chance my entire story and come up with a new story arc for my party.
Not to mention all the skill checks he passed resulting in a single session he was actually knighted and giving a small patch of land as level 4 character. To top it all of for the irony he was a halfling rogue. Yeah it was a real weird session.
I'd have sworn my players were cheating if they did that. Then again, we did use a chat room, so there was no telling who was cheating and who wasn't. I read in a gaming magazine where a drunk level 1 character used their mace on a pit fiend or similar high level demon, and did a string of crits to one hit the baddie, but the monster exploded killing him, but his mace was regarded in the campaign world from then on as a holy relic and he was given sainthood or the like.
Naw I knew the player personally. He doesn't cheat. It was just one of those against the odds. Like when a party of 6 all rolled a natural one for perception check in a pathfinder campaign. I still chuckle about how they all failed to see a hill giant sneaking towards them. XD
I hope your planning to do a sequel. This was hilarious to read.
DUDE! It's still going on! You can add another part for yourself right here!
To be fair, Twilight has made quite a few problems (and made existing problems bigger) by messing up her spells. Personally, my interpretation is that she's always studying new and more powerful magic all the time, so she doesn't take the time to perfect any spell (except teleportation, which is her "signature spell"). Conversely, Trixie hones her repertoire meticulously, because she can't afford to mess up on stage even once.
This is the proper way to deal with them. GMs should not try to be PCs. It never ends well.
"X-COM: Crushing the alien menace under our mountain of rookie corpses."
"Join the pony side, we've got cake." I'd say Pinkie can be a corrupting influence when she tries.
As if that would be out of the ordinary in Equestria.
Ah, Neogi. Makes mindflayers look pleasant by comparison.
I'll just assume that's the Equestrian counterpart to F.A.T.A.L.
Fun fact: Minty is now a blindbag pony. So yes, she is G4 canon!
Your guesses were right on the money.
I begging for a leeroy Jenkins moment!!!!
Anyone can play, even the Cake Twins?
How the heck would they understand all the rules or say what their characters were doing?
And if you want one baby, you just need to write one.
Indeed. Guess it pays to have family in high places, huh?
Yes, I suspect she wouldn't take that well.
But what does Celesita have to do with this?
Spike, dragon or not, you're still a kid, you were asleep on your feet as it was.
Really Spike? Really?
Not helping.
No, no, I think you mean
She's right.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me!
No offense AJ; but, while you are intelligent, she has a point.
That makes, little sense.
Not helping.
That's how most things in Doctor Who go, let the Doctor do stuff.
I'm sure you do...
Wow. Not sure who's more popular, regular 'Shy, or Pony POV 'Shy for reasons I shall not spoil if you don't know what I mean.
... Do, you really want me to answer that?
Pinkie! Enough! The 4th wall is FRAGILE! Keep breaking it like that and you'll do some serious damage!
Besides, even considered that he just has little to say most of the time?
That works.
You'll get a concussion.
A different kind. You can't just EOH them.
Fair enough.
Fair enough.
Smile and weAther. Proofread this stuff before you put it out. Because I do not want to.
Hm, I get that the episodes aren't in chronological order, but you make a good point.
AbsoluteLY right.
THis should be fun.
Good point.
Poor guy, he's getting Old Man Hendersoned.
Cadence is pregnant? Congrats.
There there.
Fluttershy just pulled an Old Man Henderson.
Poor Yearling.
You worry me.
ANd thingIES.
She has a point.
Oh dear.
I can imagine.
I think she'll appreciate it.
SNorted. Also, be my guest.
Ponythulhu is probably the most polite Eldrtich Abomination I've ever seen.
Good idea.
I see.
Soarin', you're overthinking it.
Megatron disagrees. And considering he's IMMENSELY Evil is Cool and has a canon on one of his arms most of the time, Imma side with the Decepticon.
Fair point.
AnaogizeD. But yeah, that's how it usually works.
Caliber. But she has a point.
YES. Robots are cool, the best argument ever. But cool isn't always effective, for example, if given the choice between a rifle, a bazooka and a chainsaw to deal with zombies, I'll take the rifle, because the bazooka's too heavy and has a lot of recoil, and the chainsaw is not meant to be used as a weapon.
Can you blame him?
... Kinky.
Cadence, you're traumatizing your sister-in-law.
If it's what I think it is, agreed.
THis should be good.
Oh yeah.
Wat. Also, pleas.
Well then.
I though Bazookas had zero recoil, it's the backwash that'll get you killed if you try to figure it with your back to the wall.
BTW: Minty made an IDW cameo recently. And, She got made into a G4 toy.
Whateever the case, I'd rather stick to a weapon I know I can use.
Huh, good for her.
Thanks for the play by play.
No problem.
Nice Flight of Dragons/The Dragon and the George reference in there. A shame it didn't work in Twilight's favor.
Also, really Shiny? You didn't account for your sister to completely turn your game on its head? Kudos to the Mane 6 for turning X-com into Macross.
sweet more zanny antics