• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

Read it later Volume II 101 stories



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To save her family and home, Applejack the Peasant would travel across Equestria through many hardships, even rescue a Princess from a dragon keep.

But now the journey back, that’s what she considered the problem.

After all, escorting Princess Rarity across the country safely would be nothing but a nuisance.

Because of course, A Princess and a Peasant could never get along.

And naturally, A Princess and a Peasant could never fall in love.

…But there’s a first time for everything.

(That’s right. I took the baseline of the story of Shrek 1 and I made it about Rarijack; And it’s glorious)

Chapters (11)

It's a shipping story between Princess Luna and cellist pony Octavia, touching the theme of mortality versus immortality. What would go through your heart when you can't age but you see your loved one aging before your eyes?

Chapters (1)

Butterscotch has just moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale, comfortable to have his hooves on solid ground now instead of clouds, but uncomfortable around all the new sights and sounds, and utterly terrified of meeting the new ponies there.

As he soon finds that he has unexpected feelings for the farm-pony Big Macintosh, whom he just met, Butterscotch has to question himself: could he possibly have the courage to take it to even first base with him, let alone beyond?

Yes, yes he does. WAAAAY beyond first base. Or even second, or third.


Last minute submission for the September 2021 M/M Shipping Contest.

This is the teen version of this story. Mature version can be found here: <link when done>.

Obvious Flutter/ButterMac ship-fic is obvious. I've always found this couple's male/female couple adorable and finally decided to take my own spin on a Flutter/ButterMac romance now that I believe my writing skills could do it any amount of justice. Plus, this is an entry for a contest. This is also my first foray into male/male romance or sexual relations, so here's hoping I did it justice.

Also, this is only tagged 'Alternate Universe' because Mac never gets with Sugar Belle, like in the official show's universe.


Unrelated to the story tags, but there's a brief scene involved where a complete perv is trying to (unsuccessfully) solicit and exploit a vulnerable, clueless stallion for sex. If that disturbs you, well...yeah, it doesn't actually end in anything except comeuppance for him.

Contains: A secret crush situation, then a budding, then growing, romance between two stallions, including kissing, dating, and so on; mentions of mares in estrus, m/m fantasies, implied masturbation, making out, pheromones/scents, implied sex, aftersex cuddling. May also contain other things I forgot, but nothing explicitly sexual. That's in the other version.


Written with help idea and editing help from my friend AngelDust. Thanks!

Cover art is by cartoonlion, and was found on Derpibooru.

Chapters (5)

This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship

Despite triumphing over his most recent foes, Timmy feels no joy from his victory, still hurt from the betrayal and cruelty he endured at the hands of the Dazzlings, a trauma so severe he is plagued by horrible nightmares and outright sleepwishing that are endangering those around him.

Fearing not only her charge but the damage he could inflict, Sunset and his godparents decide to bring him to Equestria, with Sunset willing to reunite with her estranged mentor to get Timmy the help he needs.

Unfortunately for him, sinister forces with a grudge against Timmy learn of his trauma and seek to exploit it for their wicked ends. When backed into a corner, Timmy faces two choices: face his fears or lose those he cares about.

Shoutout to DragonRex1 for the cover art. Feel free to add tropes of this story to the TV Tropes page.

I own nothing from either Nickeledon or Hasbro. All rights reserved.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to You're not Twilight

Ever wondered what happened that caused such a difference in Equestria from Generation 4 to the new generation? Well here's my take on what I believe happened.

Set in the same universe as "You are not Twilight." before the last chapter. You don't need to read the previous story to enjoy this one. But if you want to understand a bit more of the characters that are visiting the museum, then you should. But it's not necessary.

Chapters (6)

In the aftermath of the Changeling incursion of Canterlot during the marriage of Shining Armour and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Equestria gears itself for war against the Changeling menace. Against a foe that can take the shape of anypony, assume their life, and undermine Equestria from within, the Royal Pony Sisters create a new institution to monitor their Royal Guard for any Changeling corruption, cowardice, and incompetence: the Commissariat. As total war rages across the land one hero stands out above the rest; Commissar Blueblood, Hero of Equestria. Or at least that's what the propaganda says. The truth, as ever, is far more complex, as the esteemed Blueblood is merely looking for an easy and sedate life. Unfortunately, fate has a habit of throwing him into increasingly dangerous and suicidal missions, which he must survive with a combination of self-preservation, lying, and sheer blind luck, even if doing so only fuels his soaring reputation!

Equine military fiction in the style of Ciaphas Cain and Flashman.

Cover art done by me.

Proofread and edited by the always dependable Setokaiva.

Chapters (52)

This story follows Bridges and Guides, but it can also stand alone nicely.

After their first Grand Galloping Gala, Applejack and Twilight talk about the Blueblood disaster, and about Rarity’s expectations for a partner. The discussion meanders into new territory, and gets a little personal for both of them. Initially written as just a fun little one-shot.

(Chronology note: this story takes place between seasons one and two, just after the season one finale.)

Artwork by Sixes_and_Sevens. Please check out their excellent artwork and stories.

Part of the Elsequestria Continuity.

This continuity continues in In Vino Veritas. Its beginning can be found here.

Please check out Sparrow 9642’s reading of this tale for Pride Month 2020 here.

Please check out Agent Fluffy’s reading of this tale for Pride Month 2021 here.

Sparrow’s version uses a team of talented voice actors, while Agent handles both voices and narration alone! All of them do a wonderful job bringing my little tale to life, each version offering a slightly different interpretation. I recommend them both very highly.

Also, my most humble apologies to Sparrow 9642 for forgetting to place a link to their performance for so long. I am a very meek and penitent Coyote and offer no excuse.

Chapters (1)

This story follows Lessons for the Teacher, but it can also stand alone nicely.

(What if, ages ago, Sunset Shimmer had leaped through a different mirror? And instead of landing in a high school, had found herself in a mystical dimension filled with dangers undreamed-of?)

When newly-made Princess Twilight attends the first Princess Summit, she is concerned about many things: her new responsibilities, Celestia and Luna’s relationship, and the prospect of immortality just to name a few. But when an old enemy from Celestia’s past returns, Twilight finds herself in a battle for her life and her people, beneath the falling sky of an alien world. And just what does it mean to be a princess, anyway? Sunset Shimmer has reached her own conclusions…

(Chronology note: this story takes place betwixt seasons three and four, and is the point where my Elsequestria timeline branches most distinctly into an alternate reality [though most episodes remain compatible with it]. Therefore, while it was inspired by Equestria Girls, once the stage is set this tale makes no effort to maintain any cohesion with the original movie.)

(Content note: contains violence with serious consequences, some profanity. Initially posted under the working title Equestria Women.)

Part of the Elsequestria Continuity.

This timeline continues in When Legends Meet.]

Chapters (12)

A thousand year absence from the world would be disorienting for anyone, but when your job is Head of State, understanding how society has changed during your interregnum is vital. Princess Luna, banished in the age of the longboat and the longbow, has returned just in time for the launch of the tablet computer. With the help of her sister, she undertakes to understand the history she's missed and the people she finds herself among, in order to resume the duties of her title.

This story takes the form of a series of conversations between Celestia and Luna that take place months and years apart. It is openly concerned with political ideas and how societies are organised, and not at all concerned with monsters and magic beyond the conceit of immortal monarchs. The Alternate Universe tag is there because I will be ignoring every single one of the thousand year catastrophes that occur in the show after the Nightmare Moon crisis, the retirement of the Princesses, probably the presence of any other Princesses, and anything else in the show I feel like ignoring, because I find them irrelevant to the themes I want to cover.

In short, if you wanted The Audience with ponies, I got you covered.

This story can be considered canon to my comic works such as The Sunjackers, and my other associated worldbuilding projects, and uses the same date system as them (ie. roughly matching our own, with the return of Nightmare Moon happening the same year as the episode aired, 2010). May also be your jam if you like Equestria At War, but not affiliated at all.

Chapters (8)