Making Apple Butter - Teen Version

by Autumn Twilight

Chapter Five: Date The First, But Not The Last

The next few days passed quickly for Big Mac and Butterscotch, yet they spent most of their time thinking of the other. Whether it was caring for his animals, hanging out with Rainbow Dash, or spending another couple ‘self-care sessions’ in the feed barn, Butterscotch’s mind was almost always on the big red stallion, and considering about how their first date was only a few days away. Then two. Then the next day.

It was Friday before he’d even realized it, and Butterscotch sat there that late afternoon on his front porch, waiting for his date. After some fuss on what to wear, if anything at all, he’d chosen to wear just a plain green dress shirt, simple but fitting for most situations. It wasn’t long that he’d sat there before he heard heavy hooffalls coming down the dirt road to his cottage, and soon after saw who his mind had not been far from for long over the past few weeks.

Big Mac approached Butterscotch’s cottage at a trot, wearing a simple black suit-top, his mane combed, and looking rather nervous over something, brow furrowed in thought. As he looked up and saw Butterscotch’s cottage, that slight frown disappeared, replaced instead by a smile as he sped his gait to a canter. 

Arriving on the porch, stopping to look at the smaller stallion there, Mac was surprised as Butterscotch stood and reared up, wrapping his hooves around him as he gave him a hug. “Oh my goodness, I’m so happy you’re here!” Butterscotch said, squeezing a little tighter, “I was so worried that you changed your mind, and that I’d just be sitting here waiting for you and then you’d never show up! And then…” Butterscotch’s worried tirade squeaked to a stop, rather literally, as Big Mag rose one of his own hooves and wrapped it around the other stallion’s back, giving him a firm squeeze.

“Now don’t ya worry ‘bout that. Us Apple always sticks to what they say they’re gonna do,” Big Mac stated with some pride, before gently backing off, having Butterscotch drop to all fours again, “so, like Ah said on Tuesday, Ah was thinkin’ we could get some dinner first, then pick up a show at the cinema?”

“That sounds wonderful!” Butterscotch said, giving an eager smile, ”So, uh, are you ready?”

“Eeyup, le’s go.”

Butterscotch couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Big Mac’s muscular glutes as Big Mac led on, and Butterscotch followed him during the trip back into town, before blushing and looking away every time. He nearly ran into Big Mac, so lost in his fantasies of what could come from a relationship with him, as he’d suddenly stopped, glancing around and realizing that he’d been so lost in his thoughts and checking out Mac's hindquarters, that they were in Ponyville already. “So, what do ya think about Prançais food?” Big Mac asked, taking the Butterscotch off-guard with the question.

“W-what?” Butterscotch asked, shaking his head softly, trying to get the question to register properly in his distracted mind.

“Ah said, what do ya think about Prançais food?” Big Mac repeated, before nodding towards the restaurant they stood in front of. A simple sign read ‘La Selle Dorée’, the facade of the building looking like a saddle with a gold-inlay, which Butterscotch recognized as a restaurant he’d avoided, as it looked too expensive for his meager income. 

“Oh! Uh, well, it looks really...fancy…” Butterscotch said, reading the sign, “‘La Selle Dorée’. ‘The Gilded Saddle’. Sounds…really fancy.”

“Huh, didn’t know you spoke prançais,” Big Mac said, giving an impressed little smile.

“Oh, well, I...I don’t,” Butterscotch admitted, looking down, “I just know a little bit from the fashion designers I follow.”

“Oh, so yer into fashion?” Big Mac asked, getting a gentle nod from the other stallion.

Mmhmm. Some of those dresses are really pretty, and it’s amazing the kind of stitchwork they can pull off! How creative the seamstresses and dressmakers get, and coming up with new designs every’s pretty amazing.”

“Uh...yeah,” Big Mac said, considering that the only stitching he knew how to do was to crudely repair burlap sacks, work-clothes, or the like, “perdy impressive what some ponies can accomplish, fer sure.”

“Oh! Right, asked a question...I’ve never really had Prançais food before.”

“Ahlright, well we’ll have it fer th’ first time together, then!” Big Mac said, before holding the door open for him.

“OK, if you’re sure…” Butterscotch said, a bit hesitant at just how fancy the inside of the room looked. The whole room was reds, greys, and royal purples, with everything having gold or silver accents to it. It looked like the kind of restaurant that belonged in upscale Canterlot, not Ponyville!

Big Mac was just as amazed as Butterscotch as he looked around at the restaurant’s decor, so amazed that he had to be asked twice to follow the host to their seats. As the menus were placed before them, Big Mac opened it...and quickly realized that he could only understand a hooffull of words. “Uuuuh…” Big Mac said as he looked over the absolute gibberish, at least to him, written on the page.

“Having trouble?” Butterscotch asked, scooting a bit closer to Big Mac to see his menu...or so was his excuse. “Let me see what I can understand of these words...”

The next few minutes were spent by Butterscotch explaining each dish that Big Mac pointed out as interesting, but even he didn’t know more than a few of them. He kept close to the other stallion, even leaning his head on Big Mac’s shoulder as he ‘got a better look at the menu’.

Big Mac wasn’t oblivious to Butterscotch’s closeness to him, occasionally, ‘accidentally’ nuzzling him to get a better look at something he was ‘blocking’, or brushing Butterscotch’s hoof with his own when pointing out a word. After they’d decided what they wanted to eat together, Butterscotch’s cheeks were once again flushed pink, and his wings at half-mast beside him, from all the physical contact.

“Je voudrais la tarte au chèvre pour l' hors-d'œuvre, puis les lasagnes aux aubergines, et, mmm, une eau au citron pour une boisson, s'il vous plaît*.” Butterscotch said in perfect Prançais to the server, to Big Mac’s amazement, “and, um, what did you want, Big Mac?”

“Uh…” Big Mac said, looking over the menu for the things Butterscotch had mentioned sounding really good, “Ah’ll take th’ spinach-cheese soufflé an’ an order of pomme frites fer starters, then th’ ratatouille fer mah main course, an’ two glasses of wine. Butterscotch, y’prefer white er red wine?”

“Oh, I don’t drink often enough to really have an opinion, but I remember liking white wine the one time I tried it.” Butterscotch said, getting a nod from Mac.

“Right, two glasses of your cabernet sauvignon, please.” Mac concluded, closing his menu.

As they sat waiting for their food, Butterscotch debated on what to talk about in the meanwhile. “So, um, what do you do for fun?” Butterscotch asked, soon after feeling Big Mac’s gaze upon him.

“Well, Ah read sometimes, an’ Ah like t’ sing. In fact, Ahm in a quartet here!” Big Mac said, “an’ while Ah ain’t as into it as my li’l sis Applejack, Ah like a good rodeo too sometimes.”

“Oh, you like to sing too?” Butterscotch asked, his wings giving an excited little flap at finding a common thread between them, “I love to sing too...but in private. I couldn’t imagine[/] performing in public! I’d...I just don’t know what I’d do!”

“Aw, Ah’m sure you’d do great,” Big Mac comforted, placing his big hoof on Butter’s shoulder, covering nearly the whole thing, “Anythin’ you put yer mind to, you can accomplish.”

“Do you like animals?” Butterscotch asked next, really hoping he’d say he did, otherwise he didn’t know if this relationship could work out for long.

“Well, of course. Ah’ve got Winnona, who we got as a puppy when Ah was still a colt, an’ we’ve fostered a few animals fer friends throughout. Plus we've got animal husbandry on th' farm, so..."

The two chatted about this and that for a while, before Butterscotch’s mind continued to dwell on one question. “So…” Butterscotch started, Mac’s ears pricking up, “...of all the ponies, of all the mares interested in you, why did you ask me out?”

Big Mac sighed at the question, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof, trying to think of how to answer it. “Well,” Mac said, “Ah never really felt, y’know, drawn to them at all. Physically, sure, they smell real nice in estrus an’ all, make mah parts feel all tingly an' such, but...well, Ah never really felt attracted to them at all, not emotionally. It was a real hollow kinda physical attraction, one based on lust, an' one Ah never really wanted to pursue.”

“So, why did you choose me then?”

“Well, besides ya sayin’ ya liked me, an’ not just seekin’ a rut or a foal from me?” Big Mac asked, before squirming against Butterscotch’s side, “Well, Ah ain’t never been really attracted to, nor courted by, a stallion before, so maybe this’ll feel right to me, unlike how Ah feel ‘bout all them mares askin’ me out. Plus, y’ sure ain’t too harsh on th’ eyes.”

Butterscotch felt a blush starting on his cheeks again at the compliment, glancing shyly to the side. “Well, I certainly think you’re really handsome, too,” Butterscotch said, “and generous, and you care about otherponies’ feelings, and you like animals! I’ve never been asked out by anypony either, but probably because, well, I’m pretty average, and below average as a flier. Lots of pegasus mares like a strong flier...”

“‘There is nothing wrong with average, for it is the standard we live by’,” Mac said, giving a little smile, “Though yer not really average, are ya?”

“W-what do you mean?” Butterscotch asked, looking confused.

“Well, th’ average stallion can’t talk t’ animals, now can he? Or be so selfless as to share his house with wild critters, an' feed them every day?” Big Mac asked, seeing a little smile growing on Butterscotch’s face.

“Well, that’s true…” Butterscotch admitted, looking up at the stallion, “...but I’m no ‘Playfilly’ magazine centerfold either, not like you.” Butterscotch’s eyes widened at the blatant flirting he’d just done, felt right. It felt right to shower Big Mac with compliments like this, to tell him how handsome he thought he was.

“Aw, Ah think yer quite a looker too. Then too, Ah’ve always had a thang fer...smaller body types.” Big Mac admitted, before being interrupted as their meals arrived.

The food was quite possibly the best meal Big Mac had ever experienced, something so new and different from the common, if still delicious, fare that Granny Smith or he made, and certainly leagues beyond a common hay-burger. As they ate, Big Mac and Butterscotch continued to chat and flirt, about their everyday lives and pasts, their dreams of the future. 

With their bellies full of good food and wine, then ordering a delicate assortment of prançais pastries for dessert, Big Mac paid with a hefty bag of Bits, then guided Butterscotch out, both smiling contentedly. “That was delicious, thank you,” Butterscotch said, before reaching up and giving Big Mac a little kiss on the cheek as they walked.

While it was a bit of a surprise, Big Mac just gave a little chuckle, before reaching down and giving Butterscotch a kiss on the cheek in return. Butterscotch gave a little squeak at the kiss, before hiding away in his mane, cheeks once more glowing hot and wings erect behind him.

“So, um, what now?” Butterscotch asked after composing himself again, the loud, excited squee that had been going off in his brain since he’d gotten that kiss finally dimming.

“Well, we could go to a movie, or maybe hang out at your place? Ya could introduce me all yer animals, or we could talk 'bout how ya know so much about Prance an’ prançais? Maybe ya could show me some'a yer fashion magazines, and favorite dresses in 'em?” Big Mac asked, not unaware of his insinuations of wanting to go back to his place.

“Oh...well…” Butterscotch said, “I guess we could. I have a Hooflicks subscription, so we could that instead of something at a theater? Or maybe...something else?”

That ‘something else’ certainly got Big Mac’s thoughts wondering, and his eyes wondering over Butterscotch’s lithe form. “Hmm...sounds good ta me! So, what animals ya got?” Big Mac asked as they walked, taking a leisurely walk back to Butterscotch’s cottage.

“Oh! Well, I’ve got squirrels, raccoons, mice, ferrets, chipmunks, lots of different songbirds, chickens, pigs, and of course bunnies! One of my bunnies just had a litter, so there are so many bouncing baby bunnies around now!” Butterscotch said with glee, listing off all of his animal friends, “Well, and those are only the ones who live with me, not including those that live around me and come to visit! Among those, well, there’s also Henry the Bear…”

“Wait, wait, y’all are friends with a bear? Big Mac asked, getting a confused nod from Butterscotch. 

“Well, yeah, he’s really nice! He doesn’t like how so many ponies are scared of him.” Butterscotch said, looking over at Big Mac with a small frown.

“Aw, Ah’m sure he is. Jus’ never went around makin’ friends with wild animals before,” Mac admitted, seeing the frown Butterscotch had dissipate, turning instead into another soft smile. 

The small talk that had followed certainly passed the time, Butterscotch telling Big Mac all the species of birds he had, and Mac telling him all the crops they had on Sweet Apple Acres in return when asked. 

“So, what would you like to watch?” Butterscotch asked as they arrived back at his cottage, after settling down next to Big Mac on his couch, using the remote to turn on the magic-plasma-screen TV, and going to Hooflicks.

Instead it would seem, Big Mac had other ideas.

“Hmm...what would ya say t’ headin’ upstairs instead?” Big Mac asked, feeling incredibly bold all of a sudden, this stallion bringing out a confidence and braveness he’s never known before. Honestly, it was almost frightening to the usually quiet and to-himself stallion just how forward he was about this whole relationship. Besides, all those peeks he’d gotten at the sexy, lithe stallion, and his rump and what he had his between his legs, on the walk home had gotten him riled up.

“U-upstairs? Y-you” Butterscotch asked, not anticipating something like this, but welcoming the surprise. The fantasies he’d been having in the shed, of cuddling up to and...doing more...with Big Mac were all rushing back to him, his cheeks flushing red as the lewd thoughts all but overwhelmed his thoughts.

“Yeah...but only if you wanna. Ah hope Ah’m not bein’ too forward, this bein’ our first date and all. It’s jus’...well...”

“I...I wouldn’t mind,” Butterscotch said, mentally chastising himself for his eagerness, but with his heart, and other parts, swelling with anticipation, ”But...I’ve...never been with anypony before, like that.”

“Well, me neither. Never been with anypony intimately before, neither. First time fer everythin', Ah suppose?”

"Ah suppose so," Butterscotch drawled back as he leaned in, before giving Big Mac a kiss. His first kiss and, little did Butterscotch know, Big Mac's too.

Both just sat there in silence for a minute after the kiss, their lips softly tingling and the other stallion's flavor and scent in their muzzles, before silently standing. Butterscotch then moved rather eagerly to his bedroom, with Big Mac close in tow.

About half an hour later, Big Mac and Butterscotch were cuddled up beneath the sheets, Big Mac chest to chest with the smaller stallion as they rode out their afterglows. The sex had been intense emotionally, like they were sharing themselves with each other, and discovering things about the other, in ways they’d never seen of them before, and connecting on a whole new level too. Like they were just themselves carnally, no internal restraints holding them back.

Now as they lay there, gazing into the other’s eyes, Butterscotch met his lips with Big Mac’s in a soft kiss, the only thing audible in the room their soft breaths. “Wow…” Butterscotch said after the kiss ended, nuzzling into the larger stallion’s chest. He had a good feeling this wouldn’t be their last time sharing this bed, nor their only date.

“Yeah, Ah think this is th’ start of a good, long relationship…” Big Mac said, placing his fetlock behind Butterscotch’s head and gently pulling him into another kiss.

As he pushed back into the kiss, and felt a tingle of anticipation up his spine for more of this, more of Big Mac, Butterscotch couldn’t agree more.