• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations


Another year, another miserable holiday season for Misty and Opaline. However, once Misty mentions a certain jolly pony with a belly full of jelly, it might just change things forever.

Featured on Christmas Day 2023!

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be fun. Just something a little spooky for Nightmare Night. Unfortunately, it seems the spirits had a little more to say than anypony anticipated...

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is a mare who seems to have it all. She's awesome, she is the greatest flyer who ever lived, she has the best marefriend anypony could ever ask for, and she's awesome. Surely, something as simple as cooking a romantic breakfast for Twilight should be easy for her. Right?

Written for Beans writing group, with proofreading and brainstorming provided by RDT. Now available as an audiobook, courtesy of Skijarama

Chapters (1)

Zipp has something that she needs to tell Sunny. She's a pretty open minded pony. She'd probably be cool with it. Right?

Written for the A Thousand Words II contest under the drama category. Special thanks to starcoder for proof-reading my story, and a happy pride month to everypony!

Rated teen for a brief mention of sex Image credit

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Bell isn't a robot, right?

My entry into the Science Fiction Contest II, with special thanks to my proof reader, gapty.

Chapters (1)

With the advent of the Marestream, new adventures are on the horizon for Pipp and her friends. However, Pipp may soon discover that air travel isn't exactly what she suspected.

Written for Bean's Writting Group, with special thanks to my pre-reader, EileenSaysHi

Chapters (1)

The summer has ended. A new school year has began. And Sunny has already gotten into a fight with another filly.

Chapters (1)

Wanted: Isabella "Izzy" Moonbow
Unicorn, lavender coat, blue mane
Medium sneaky
Reward: 100 bits
Magically capable and potentially dangerous. Approach with caution

Now with a dramatic reading by StraightToThePointStuio

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Neither

Twilight and Rainbow have their first fight.

Written as a sequel to Neither, though prior reading is not necessary. Rated teen for mild violence.

Chapters (2)