• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

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This is a fan spin off of Bodyguard!AU Series, with permission from Mono. Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story.

Captain Zephyrina Storm, a highly decorated soldier, has enjoyed her esteemed position of lead instructor for the Queen’s elite guard for many moons. However, as the winds of change sweep across Equestria. Zipp is caught up in the political whirlwind with orders to protect an earth pony princess during said royal's stay at Zephyr Heights. Reluctantly accepting the position, Zipp draws strength from legendary pegasi of old to somehow complete her assignment without causing an international incident.

Editor: Rego

Chapters (1)

Opaline had stolen the cutie marks from half of Equestria and was rapidly conquering the rest. Even the fake alicorn Sunny Starscout and her minions were faltering before her. One more push would bring Opaline to her final victory.

Then she surrendered.

And even Opaline doesn’t know why.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I’m Not A Princess!

Following the events of “Swirlpool Starlight,” Misty is feeling more conflicted about her past being brought to the surface than ever. Fortunately, one pony may be able to help her see the bright side to it all and perhaps help her learn more about herself……

A/N: Episode 4 of the G5 Supplementary Universe.

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/558274/repressed-memories

Chapters (1)

Sunny knew the road to true unification would be a long one. With any luck, it would no longer be a lonely one thanks to the friends she found along the way.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Onkalo

Pipp Petals gets a little too involved in ClipClop and HoofTube challenge streamer culture.

This is an outrageously stupid story written purely as a sequel/parody of Seer's brilliant horror fiction Onkalo, which is itself a sequel to Flashgen's brilliant horror fiction Pneuma (this links to an older, Google docs version of the story than is presently available on fimfic, and is the version on which Onkalo is based). Reading these stories is not only imperative to enjoying this fiction, but is highly recommended in general. Much love to the great minds behind some of fimfitiction's greatest horror <3 and thanks for laughing along with me!

Chapters (1)

Pipp lives a simple life, filled with routine. Her sister, on the other hoof, does not need the support offered by routine, and Pipp wishes she could join her.

Chapters (2)

Opaline Arcana has stolen Sunny's Dad's book and has lead the mane six on a chase to a pre-war bunker in Manehattan. Whatever she is up to, it can't be good. Sunny must confront Opaline and ponykind's past by herself.

Written as a "What if" scenario. Not related to Fallout: Equestria.

Chapters (1)

The Breezie's are just as excited as the ponies are that the night market has opened once again. One in particular, Swift Breeze, feels a connection with the unicorn Onyx. They become fast friends, as Onyx is given a special gift- a key that will let her go anywhere she wants.
As the cold settles in and Winter Wishday and Wishihooves draw near, Onyx feels the pressure of the season and needs a quiet place to write. It is then she remembers-the key!

Other tags: Onyx -poor mare doesn't have her own tag yet!
Preread by: Azure Drache, Nailah , Calypso
Written for hawthornbunny for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

It's been a long while since Applejack and her friends had a real night out, and Braeburn's newly-out cousin visiting town is a perfect excuse to get the girls back together and get rowdy at Ponyville's best (and only) gay/lesbian/non-denominationally-queer watering hole. There's just one problem: Braeburn wants to bring his new boyfriend along too. Also, his new boyfriend is a psychopathic dictator who tried to enslave the Crystal Empire twice and was extremely dead the last time Applejack saw him.

On second thought, that's two problems. Maybe more. Definitely a whole lot more.

My just-in-time entry for the M/M Shipping Contest III that got ever so slightly out of hand. Rated T for sexual themes, lots of booze, a couple of potty words, and Applejack being the disasteriest lesbian in Equestrian history.

Chapters (3)

Please stand by for a message from Queen Haven.

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, for the prompt Queen Haven - Unorthodoxy.
Tagged for references to sex.
With thanks to iisaw for assistance with the cover.

Chapters (1)