• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

TwiDash 56 stories
  • TwiDash 56 stories Horse words about the Princess and the Pegasus
    Created by Axolotl222
    - July, 2021
Found 54 stories in 95ms

Total Words: 2,313,100
Estimated Reading: 6 days



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Rainbow Dash gets an idea to fix a relationship she broke. Being Rainbow Dash, this idea lacks common sense


An experimental snippet, this little thing is meant mostly for processing some emotions, and as a writing exercise in expressing the same. Not meant to be completed. Not a story, in the usual sense. Navel-gazing nonsense, really.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow are dating! But all it takes is a little birdie (a.k.a. Applebloom) to let a little rumor slip to Applejack. After that? Well, the house of cards comes crumbling down. Except for Twilight and Rainbow. They're fine. It's everything else that falls down.

AYOO who's ready for another CXCD story that doesn't ever get finished? I AM. Although, I do already have half the story written out, so it would be a procrastination achievement to not finish this one. Can you tell TwiDash is my favorite ship?

My YT channel, if you're curious.

Chapters (6)

Twilight has had a very eventful week: Fighting Tirek, getting her home blown up, defeating Tirek, and getting a nifty replacement home would already be pretty exciting on its own. But now she has been summoned to Canterlot by Celestia, who has some big news to tell her.

After long consideration and no small amount of pestering from Luna, Celestia is about to grant Twilight access to the files of the Equestrian Secret Service so that she and her friends can be better prepared for future threats to come.

What will Twilight learn in the depths of the archive? Surely nothing that could shake the very foundation of the friendships she so painstakingly built in her new home ...

Obligatory edit: Woohoo, featured on the front page :pinkiehappy:. Thank you all so much for liking my story :twilightsmile:.

Many thanks to silent_user for proofreading and editing this story.

Written as an entry for BWG's 'New Blood' Contest. I would greatly appreciate some feedback from any of the judges.

If any of you would be interested in an epilogue, where I unveil some of the secrets or thoughts behind them, let me know in the comments.

Chapters (1)

For some reason, Twilight and Rainbow Dash's friends think they're dating even if they show absolutely no signs of doing so! They were just really close friends...

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been having weird, unfamiliar urges ever since she became an alicorn. Like an intense desire to grow flowers, or the fact she can't stop chewing on her wings when she's distracted. As it turns out, you can't just suddenly inherit the magic of all three pony tribes without getting the instincts to match, and instincts can be a powerful thing. Doubly so when you're not used to them, and especially when they're telling you that your best friend with the gorgeous wings would make the perfect partner to share a nest with.

Wait, what was that last part?

Originally this was supposed to be a birthday gift for Celysus, but I fell in love with the idea so it's gonna be a full fic now. You can't stop me.

(Rated teen for mildly suggestive flirting)

Chapters (3)

When the weight of time - both past and future - comes to bear, Twilight writes one, final letter. Seeking closure, she may just find something more.

Pre-Read and edited by Rimmer.
Cover art edited by ModMCdl. Because for some reason they both still put up with me.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has important news to share with her friends; she's pregnant. Obviously, this comes as a surprise to everypony, especially Twilight, given that the two are currently dating.

In other news, Twilight finds out she might be a morosexual.

(Rated teen for discussions of sex. No actual sex happens.)

Pre-Read and edited by Rimmer.
Cover art by ModMCdl because he doesn't like it when I don't use cover art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had been dating Rainbow for some time now, but didn't have the opportunity to spend as much time as she wanted with her. Now was the perfect moment! Her schedule was free, and she was going to spend the whole day with her!

Unless she somehow always get interrupted by her other friends... Why does it feel like she is the third wheel in her own relationship?

(Short story)

Chapters (5)

Twilight insists on lending Rarity a trashy risqué book. Rarity really wishes she’d turned it down.

Gift fic for RBDash47 who also did the cover art!

You can also read this story and others on my personal website! c:


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Awesome, radical, amazing, and at least twenty percent cooler than any other pony in Equestria.

She is also lost, lonely and uncertain. Not that anypony else would know.

During the day she is everything everypony expects her to be: she is fast, daring, and adventurous, but when the sun goes down, she is left alone with her thoughts. Tired of simply yearning for something more, she sets out on a night of soul searching and stumbles onto a friend in need, and maybe, underneath the vanilla twilight, she finds something more.

Chapters (2)