• Member Since 17th May, 2013
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Daedalus Aegle

Black Lives Matter. Good things are good, actually. I write about wizards and wizards' apprentices. 90% of prophecy is just pattern recognition.


Please stand by for a message from Queen Haven.

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, for the prompt Queen Haven - Unorthodoxy.
Tagged for references to sex.
With thanks to iisaw for assistance with the cover.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

“It was also at this point in the evacuation that I may have inadvertently referred to pegasi with monocolored wings as ‘background filler’. If indeed that happened it was highly insensitive and I apologize for it.”


Seriously, this is some stellar political satire, well done.

I can swear that I heard Clinton, maybe even Nixon, about half way through this. Well done.

this made me smile so much.. 10/10 dashies

Okay? So, in other words ZH is a non-sexist, non-religious version of Saudi Arabia with a female in charge?


Well, at least Haven didn’t pull out a ukulele.

What a lovely fantasy story, which is related to the real world in no way whatsoever. :rainbowlaugh:

Perfect final line. Beautiful.

She's a good Queen, she's just misunderstood. Probably because of all the anti-pegasus unicorn spies, and their dastardly earth pony minions.

This is really entertaining and framed perfectly to fit Millenials and Gen Zs too! Awesome writing, Wordsmith!

If only TYT or MYM does something like these during their slice of life moments.

By the way, what is "down-wing" supposed to reference to? I don't think it is a down syndrome thing or a disability? I assume it is the distinctively different wing profile?

P.S. The cover is so perfect!

11759304 11759453 11759692 11759775 11759781 11760405
Best. Queen. Ever. :moustache: Thanks for reading all.

If we know one thing for sure it's that Queen Haven absolutely did not have her husband and father to her foals murdered because of his pro-origami views, absolutely not, why would anyone even say that.

Pipp's wings are far fluffier than other pegasi, as though made of down feathers, and this is apparently definitely not something pegasi can be prejudiced about I guess.

P.S. The cover is so perfect!

Queen Haven at peak form.

Very interesting and amusing portrait of royal power and the origin of the Queen's legitimacy. A shame we never had the chance to explore the potential for establishing normal diplomatic relations with Stallion-in-chief Sprout. And I wonder if Izzy would be such a visible royalist if she knew of the prohibition on papercraft.

What a great humorous characterization of Queen Haven. It reminds me of political satire by the likes of Sacha Baron Cohen. The 11-month old Zephyrina talking eloquently about the economy is what killed me :rainbowlaugh:

Dissapointed at the lack of a "I did not have sexual relations woth that unicorn stallion!"

I take full responsibility for what happened at the Rainbow Dash Garb of Victory anniversary ball at the Royal Mint. The Dash Sash Cash Bash is a beloved time in the Zephyr Heights social calendar

You started strong, and then you just kept going. This isn't refuge in audacity so much as a fallout shelter. Exquisite display of Haven simultaneously at her best and worst. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

Seeing as not even Opaline tried to get Sprout on her side, I seriously doubt Zephyr Heights or Bridalwood took him seriously. And with the return of magic, Sprout's reign was even less legitimate than it already was.

Angry mobs do not count as a power base.

Man I love Haven.

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