If you are a writer, you have more power than the greatest tyrant in the world because of punctuation. You get to tell people how to breathe.
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- Lochees · 4.4k words · 46 4 · 1.7k views
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Restoring the PippSqueaks After the pegasi started to fly they didn't forgive or forget the Royal families lie. Pipp will do the unthinkable to try and win her fans back because her world is not complete without them. by Lochees 9,124 words · 84 · 3
Pipps reach for new heights Pipp is sick and tired of being embarrassingly short by Lochees 4,378 words · 46 · 4
The mangos lol
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Welcome, it was a fun little story, and definitely something I could see pipp doing
You're welcome! I liked it <3