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This story is a sequel to Rainbow Factory

Cloudsdale Weather Corporation has been running without incident for over twenty years. That is, until two foals manage to avoid being processed and find themselves in the haunted bowels of the massive facility. Can they make it out of the abandoned factory with their sanity intact? Will they uncover the secrets even a company as dark as the CWC is ashamed to keep? And what of the workers who help ensure that, in the end, not a single soul gets through...

Love the series? Buy the book!

[TVTropes Article][Plagen Shiki's Reading][The Song Inspired by the Story]

Chapters (5)

After a hard day's work at the post office, Derpy Hooves has a list of errands she needs to take care of. After all, she has to be ready for tonight!

...If only she could remember what it is she needs to be ready for!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie is extremely unsettled when the words comprising the story she's in are suddenly replaced by emojis.

An entry to Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest under the Experimental category. I'm also somewhat generously going to call it Humor.

Chapters (1)


(Noun) the fear of seeing, reading, or pronouncing big words.

Usage: The psychiatrist diagnosed her with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

And Rainbow Dash has it. Surely long words don't come about very often right?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Best Hell Ever

Once upon a time, Twilight went to hell. It wasn’t that bad. It was pretty great, actually. It had a library! A big one. Like, bigger-than-the-universe big. But then Twilight went and got herself kicked out of hell, and now she’s depressed.

There’s only one logical solution: with Starlight’s reluctant help, Twilight is going to break into hell and invade its library. Oh, it’ll be tricky — trying to find one specific location in an infinite dimension tends to be a bit hard — but the infinite knowledge it’ll provide is too good to pass up. Twilight will find that library if it kills her (which, since this is hell, isn’t the worst thing ever in the grand scheme of things).

There is absolutely no way this can possibly go wrong.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Gordon Ramsay Savagely Critiques a Cupcake

After Gordon Ramsay savagely roasted Pinkie Pie, he ruined her. Now, she wants revenge. And she plans to get it in one way and one way only.

By beating his savage Scottish ass.

Still rated T because Gordon.

Featured 8/29/2021!! (Cue "Back to Back" by Drake)

Now with a reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (1)

Gordon Ramsay walks into Sugarcube Corner and orders a cupcake.

Then he savagely critiques it.

What more is there to say?

Rated T because Gordon.

Featured 8/27 & 8/28/2021!! Thank y'all so much!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Now with another reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (1)

Worried that she may not always be there to bail them out, Twilight hires the renowned Iron Will to stage an intervention and teach Celestia and Luna how not to get their plots kicked all the time. But can even the greatest motivator of all time accomplish such an impossible task?

Warning! Contains IRON WILL, booty shaming, implied pre-marital hoof holding, napping on the job, and not reading the contract.

Featured on 12/8/2021! Thanks!

Chapters (1)

Spike has had enough of being treated as a slave instead of a friend. He works, cleans, does chores for Twilight and her friends, and gets abandoned. Being sick and tired of being used as a tool, an object for his so-called friends, he wishes for better life without them. Little did he know that his wish was going to grant him the best adventure ever.

While Spike is gone, Discord is going to disguise himself as Spike to see if Twilight and her friends are worthy to be Spike's friends or not. Change is on the horizon in Equestria for everyone. However, some changes are not for everyone.

Thenewbluebrony sent me a gift. An artwork of Spike's Fairy Tail Emblem on his chest. In honor of the gift, I've decided to make it my cover art image for the story after the 200th chapter.

I lost count of how many times the story was featured after 100 times but it started on June 16th, 2021 since I mainly publish chapters late at night. (Habit of mine)

(Spoilers in the Comments. You have been warned.)
(Please note that this is an alternate universe of Fairy Tail)
(Takes place before season 8. Also, an alternate universe)
Fairy Tail is copyright of Hiro Mashima

Chapters (287)

While Sunny Starscout is in town running her smoothie stand, Izzy Moonbow (left home alone in her marefriend Sunny's house, which was definitely the first of many mistakes in this chain of events) finds the now-reactivated Alicorn Amulet buried within Sunny's closet of artifacts and knick-knacks.

Predictably, chaos ensues.

A reading by StraightToThePointStudio is now available!

Chapters (1)