Fallout Equestria Spinoffs 63 stories
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Sunny Starscout and her friends find out about their bloody history and the real reason why magic disappeared. The answer is what nopony expects.

1000 years since the beginning of Littlepip's story, we have arrived here.

Chapters (6)

Two Enclave ponies watch the wasteland from the skies.

Editing done by the fantastic Everfree Pony

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fallout Equestria: Cloudy Skies

The rationing of the Grand Pegasus Enclave makes for somewhat bland cuisine: opportunities to spice up meals are generally seized with enthusiastic ruthlessness steered by a desperate desire to inject some flavor into life.

Chapters (2)

Two Bit has found a lead to a Stable's location and heads out to obtain the great riches that are locked inside, consequences be damned. This stable has a state of the art auto turret defense. Easy he has Circuit Breaker. It has Corridors that are a literal labyrinth. No problem, he has Half Hazard. It also has the added bonus of being full of feral ghouls and lethal doses of radiation. Eh he'll be sure to bring along enough Rad-X and Rad Away, besides ghouls aren't a big problem right, right?

A Two Bit, Half Hazard, Circuit Breaker story.

Other stories, 100 Caps, Recon.

Chapters (1)

End of the Line is a massive city on the boarder between Equestria and Griffon Territory, it was untouched by the bombs and the mega spells, though the wasteland was not as kind. It is now under the control of several cartels each of them running massive industries between slavery to narcotics, and everything between. The city's run by a massive city council all of the ponies on which are all fighting for their own interests. And at it's center are the Big Five the largest cooperation in the wastelands. In this world the ponies, changelings, and griffons live under constant stress. The city would have been a living hell for them if it weren't for those that would fight tirelessly the good fight. This is the story of those few. Those brave. Those Heroes.

Cover art Ponies done by Leastways
BG done by Casteroki

Lapis: Sapphire the Crystal Archer, belongs to Dusk the Batpack, used with permission.
Light Chase and Dream Chase belong to SpheeDC, used with permission.
Ash belongs to LightningScratch used with permission
High Flyer and Rusty belong to MasterDerek118 used with permission.

Chapters (6)

Donner and Blitz are two first time mercs, long time whores will do anything that pays them. They were wanting a chance to make a name as wasteland adventurers and here the DJ talk about them. Finally during their stay in Manehattan the Brother and Sister team may have bitten off more than they can chew when they make a delivery down one of Manehattan's most dangerous routes, Amstermare Avenue.

There are no sexual scenes in this story but they are heavily implied.

Chapters (1)

Star Armor on a quest comes across a town harassed by Steal Rangers. This is how he earns his knighthood into the Applejack's Rangers.

This was a commission for Chrome Flyer. Star Armor is his character.

Chapters (1)

Dead Eye was just a simple mercenary, after both of his parents died he inherited their house in Goodsprings. With his parents dead, he needed the money to repair their old home.

So, as any mercenary would he took up a couple of odd jobs, whether its protecting a Caravan, guarding a store, breaking up bar fights. He would always take them.

One day he was a approached by a High roller-looking stallion, he offered Dead Eye a job; to protect and deliver a package. Dead Eye was skeptical at first, but when the stallion promised him 20,000 caps on a successful delivery, Dead Eye fully accepted the job, little did Dead Eye know the package he was supposed to protect.

Would change his life and the Moohave Wasteland forever.

Author: TheWriter101
Editor/Pre-reader: Lucid Spark (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/289879/Lucid+Spark)

This is my first ever story, so please if you have any comments and suggestions on future chapters and stories, PLEASE comment down below or contact me here: notwriter1011@gmail.com , (don't let the email fool you).

Chapters (1)

All eras come to an end and the era of the Wasteland is no different, it's Raiders dead, it's Steel Rangers made extinct. It's Heroes and Villains either gone or retired. But The Stable Dweller has other plans, she sees a bright future for Ponykind in lands unknown to any creature. This is the story of the end of the Wasteland and the beginning of a new era.

Chapters (1)

In the Wasteland, there are two types of creatures, the weak and the strong. To be strong in the Wasteland is a blessing only the goddesses above can grant, it's a eat or be eaten world and I wish to be on top of it. I will fight all who stand in my way of taking my rightful place at the center of Wasteland! Raiders, Steel Rangers, Red Eye's Slavers, the Alicorns. All shall bow to me! For I am Nightseer!

Created for a ABC contest but hasn't been posted yet.

Chapters (1)