G5 stories 25 stories
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Estimated Reading: 7 hours



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Sunny believed the tales. Really believed, in a way that most ponies didn't anymore. About the Elements of Harmony, and about Twilight Sparkle. Back when Equestria had princesses, and was whole, when every creature knew the real power of Friendship. She believed⁠—and she knew that, one day, if she believed hard enough, it could be again.

Elsewhere, distant, Twilight Sparkle watches her would-be student, and frets.

A Russian translation by NovemberDragon is available here. | Русский перевод от NovemberDragon доступен здесь.

A Chinese translation by forgivenlove is available here here. | 这里forgivenlove的中文翻译。

A reading by ObabScribbler is available here.

Part 1 of Equestrian Scions, which continues with The Dreamer and Me.

A late addition to the "But what happened to Equestria?" story pile.

[04/29/21 - 05/02/21] Featured. That's a first for me. Thank you all so much.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Symbiosis

Just keep digging. As long as we break through soon, we'll live again. Just keep digging.

Second place entry in the Expanding Universes #2 Competition for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.
Our prompts were to do a sequel or prequel to a story submitted by another user, and I wrote this based on Silent Whisper's wonderful piece Symbiosis
Lovely cover art is also by Silent!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Your Faithful Disciple

Izzy Moonbow has always been a dreamer. Her imagination is boundless, and her energy bottomless. Most of her family and friends have learned to take what she says with a grain of salt. So when Izzy starts talking about her dream of the mare with the mane made of stardust, most everypony goes on with their lives. Magical manes? Alicorn princesses? Myths; relics of bygone history. 

But Izzy knows that Luna is real. And Luna has a dream…

A Chinese translation by forgivenlove is available here here. | 这里forgivenlove的中文翻译。

Part 2 of Equestrian Scions, which began with Your Faithful Disciple and continues with To Be a Princess.

[08/13 - 8/16] - Made it into the featured box at some point during the quiet hours of late night/early morning and was still there two days later. Thank you.

Cover art by pkbunny, used without explicit permission; if the use of the image offends, I will gladly remove it.

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout struggles to live in a world without Harmony. A world where the magic of friendship can't save you anymore.

This story is in Sunny Starscout's first-person POV.

Entered into the MLP Renaissance Contest. If the judges feel this story is not in the spirit of the contest, I can voluntarily withdraw my entry.

This is a work of fiction that contains fairly dark themes. Use your discretion, and make the decision that's best for you. Just so we're clear, Sunny Starscout does NOT die in this story.

Featured 7/14/21 and 7/15/21 :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To Be a Princess

It’s a wide world out there, and Zipp Storm wants to see it all. Too bad she spends most of her time locked up in a castle. The burdens of royalty and popularity don’t sit well on her shoulders—not like they do on her sister’s, at any rate. Her passions and destiny lie outside the walls of the castle or the streets of Zephyr Heights.

So what if she has to sneak out without getting caught? By this point, she’s pretty good at it.

Flurry Heart has found a kindred spirit.

Part 4 of Equestrian Scions, which began with Your Faithful Disciple; this story is preceded by To Be a Princess, and followed by the conclusion, Shine Like the Sun.

Cover art by Swaybat, used without explicit permission. If the use of the art offends, I will gladly remove it.

09/02 - 9/03 - Despite the controversy in the comments (or perhaps because of it), featured. Thank you, though given the feedback so far I think this is far from my best work.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hope and the Horizon

Hitch Trailblazer’s family has always been important to Maretime Bay. Their lineage goes back to the founding of the town. And now, with the sheriff’s badge pinned to his shoulder strap, all the weight of that legacy is coming down on him. He has a lot to live up to. But he’ll be okay.

Elsewhere, distant, Celestia watches and ruminates on her choices.

More than one dawn will happen in Equestria today.

[09/23 - 9/24] Briefly featured. Thanks, all--and happy G5!

Part 5 and the finale of the Equestrian Scions, which began with Your Faithful Disciple; this story was preceded by Hope and the Horizon.

Cover art by sofiko-ko, used without explicit permission. If use of the image offends, I will gladly remove it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Final Salvo

Sunny and her friends have brought back magic to Equestria, and they want to celebrate. Suddenly, Sunny is blown up. What the phoney pony full of baloney is happening?

Takes place in My Little Pony: A New Generation(Movie). Not to be taken seriously.

Chapters (1)

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

Cover by HeavySplatter@deviantart.com

Newcomers, welcome! Confused on the order of this story series? Look no further!

Part 1 (You are here):

Part 2:
Forgotten: The Frozen North

From here the story divides into two separate versions, no spoilers aside from what can be gleamed from the titles.

Part 3a:
Forgotten: Sunrise
Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood

Part 3b:
Forgotten: The Crystal Princess

Chapters (18)

As punishment for his actions, Sprout Cloverleaf is sentenced to clean up all the rubble from Sunny Starscout's destroyed lighthouse. Furious at how successful Sunny is, at how happy all the Unicorns and Pegasi are with their magic, and at how his mother Phyllis has begun to distance herself from him; Sprout constantly stewed in his anger and wished for some way to get revenge. However, when he comes across the ancient Bewitching Bell among Argyle's collection of Equestrian artifacts, it seems that the bigoted would-be emperor would finally get his wish.

Sunny and her friends soon find themselves fighting and fleeing for their very lives as they are faced with the newly self-proclaimed "Final Emperor of Equestria."

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt Sprout Cloverleaf/DETERMINATION.

Chapters (1)

It was a tough few days. She made a few unlikely friends and ran away on an epic adventure, and it almost ended in a disaster. Almost. As it turns out, she may have just saved the world... or at the very least, put an end to the hatred that divided the pony tribes. Her dream came true, but there’s something missing.

Or somepony.

So Sunny writes a letter to him. Nevermind that he’ll never read it; she just had to get a few things off her chest.

Spoiler alert for the G5 movie! Proceed at your own risk if you haven’t watched it yet.
Edit 16-Jan-2022: Now with Youtube reading by Rainbowshine295!

Chapters (1)