• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015


Very divisible.

Committed To 6 stories
  • Committed To 6 stories - 322 unread chapters This is the stuff that I'm currently committed to reading, but have not finished yet, regardless of whether it's marked "complete" or not. These aren't my top favorites, but I still enjoy these fics.
    Created by Nines
    - April, 2016
Found 4 stories in 38ms

Total Words: 526,828
Estimated Reading: 1 day


  • Favourites 26 stories

  • Committed To 6 stories - 322 unread chapters This is the stuff that I'm currently committed to reading, but have not finished yet, regardless of whether it's marked "complete" or not. These aren't my top favorites, but I still enjoy these fics.

  • Recommended 17 stories Fics that I can recommend. Not all are my top faves, but certainly worth a read!


  • Featured 24245 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 116 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story is a sequel to Looking Glass

Sunset’s life is far from glamorous, but when she learns that Fluttershy has it even worse, Sunset can’t help but take it upon herself to solve her friend’s problems and give her a safe place to live.

For Fluttershy, the invitation is a shelter from the storm she’s spent years living in fear of. For Sunset, it becomes the hope to be part of a family for the first time in her life.

A story set in the Who We Become series.

If you want to read this story without reading the ones preceding it, here's a quick summary of events.

Content Warning: Contains discussion of rape as an event that happened in the past. The assault itself will never be shown, only talked about. The sex tag is included for consensual sex. Narcotics tag is for heavy use of alcohol, no hard drugs or anything like that.

Thanks go out to Char-Char-Chan, Moonlight, Mind Jack, and Wendy Gowak for proofreading and helping me shape this story into what it is :ajsmug:
Cover art by the ever amazing Pasu-Chan :yay:

Chapters (51)

Set in the Nightmare Moon Takeover Timeline of the Season 5 Finale.

When Nightmare Moon cast down Princess Celestia and rose to power in Equestria, Rainbow finally found some sense of pride as one of her chosen Night Guard; pegasi empowered by Nightmare Moon herself as her elite soldiers.

When Rainbow joined the Night Guard, she met Applejack, the only pony she felt she could ever truly rely on. The only pony who ever gave her a sense of joy in her otherwise dreary life.

But when Rainbow discovers a terrible secret hidden by her closest of companions, she will find herself with a difficult choice: Choose her pride as one of Nightmare Moon's finest, or the one thing that brought joy to her life.

Written for the Appledash Contest #4, featuring: "A Place Outside of Ponyville", "Deepest Darkest Secrets"

Chapters (1)

It's obvious to everypony, themselves included, that Applejack and Rainbow Dash have romantic feelings for one another. The only reason they're not together is that they're both convinced that a relationship between them could never work out. Rarity, on the other hoof, is convinced that it could, and Rainbow Dash agrees to a 'three date trial' to prove her wrong...

Many thanks to Ruhje for the amazing cover art!

Original (OLD) version here.

Chapters (6)

My roommate's name is Octavia, or "Tavi" for short. She likes vintage red wine, soft pillows, and long walks on the beach. But, more than anything, she loves music. She loves it with a passion that radiates with every burning color of the spectrum.

Each day I spend with her... or without her, I learn a little bit more about life, about the sick beat to which we all dance, whether we know it or not. I hope you don't mind if I say a few things about her. Just a few things. One can learn a lot from Tavi.

After all, she saved my life.

Cover Art by Eztp

Playlist - Because Even Original Things Aren't Original

Chapters (200)