
Six Shots Heard Around the World · 4:20am July 14th

I am not one to make blog posts about IRL things (in fact, i rarely make blog posts at all).

Nonetheless, I can't help but feel like what happened today is too important not to speak about.

Today, at approximately 4 pm PST (7 EST) a lone gunman climbed upon a building with a rifle and fired six shots at Former (and likely future) President Donald J Trump before being taken out by a Secret Service counter-sniper. Fortunately Trump managed to survive with only a perforated ear.

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:pinkiehappy:Thanks for the Follow!

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted May 2nd

Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!

There is a reason that I have never changed the status of The Twilight Prince to cancelled or on hiatus, because it was never intended to be such. As of right now, chapter 14 is about half finished and I have even started a (second) rewrite of chapter 1(to the point where I have been thinking about starting a redux rather than just altering the original story). The problem is that I am a horrible procrastinator and easily distracted (I am also a glacially slow writer).

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