• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 5,272 Views, 1,900 Comments

The Alchemist's Heart - Seven Fates

After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.

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Comments ( 129 )

Fantastic endpoint. Best I can say right now because I'm too tired to elaborate. You did well. I'm out.:moustache:

Fairly good ending overall, though I think the plot line with the princesses seems a mite sparse.
Also, the rebirth thing is kind of a major cop-out to the pain of the death penalty that doesn't solve any of the problems.
Regia can no more be considered alive than if she saw the chair, except now there's a genetic clone of her, which doesn't even mean that she's going to have the same expression of traits. So really if the erasure anywhere near significant and permanent this has the same moral implication as giving the penalty and doing a clone the normal way, that of it being entirely pointless except if the prisoner really wanted a kid and couldn't get a donor or something, or they had some really rare/useful mutation they wanted to study.
A.k.a This is in no way a second chance for Regia but brings up some incredibly akward questions about the nature of souls and brain injuries (even moreso than they already are) that seem to indicate that afterlife sequence was entirely hallucinatory.

Fantastic work i was on edge of my seat through the whole thing and im glad you was able to finish this fic the you wanted. It was worth the wait.

Omega is the final letter in the Greek alphabet , aided in meaning by the phrase

You have a weird space in here.

Finally, I need to thank all of you who have taken the time to read this story [and incidentally, this A/N].

I didn't read it, but I am an ass.

What will Silver do in the Crystal Empire? Have her and Cadance gotten into any shenanigans? Why can't Shining stand to eat BBQ'ed broccoli anymore? I won't give any spoilers.

Well? Will we get a sequel?

5238132 I may have commented on as much in a few blogs, but basically, Silver Script is getting at least a temporary retirement for a while. Barring something drastic, I plan on working up to writing a non-pony novel and hopefully getting published once I finish with my other open story.

5238147 So, basically, we wait at least a year?

5238155 No idea. For all I know, I might get called next week and told I got the job I had a walk-in interview for Tuesday, and suddenly I have much less time for writing.

5238160 Meh. Just be sure to post a chapter here telling us when you do.

5238173 No no, that's actually not allowed here on FIMFiction. I might post a blog post tagging the story. I mean yeah, I COULD write a whole 'bonus chapter' with actual content just to link the sequel, but even now I'm looking at different projects.

I really liked this story, good job dude. Thanks for the ride.

Really happy with this story. It had lots of ups and downs and I must admit I did NOT notice the tragedy tag when I started reading it and was a bit blind sided by certain events :pinkiegasp:. Still loved it regardless! While I don't necessarily agree with Aqua Regia's fate I can understand why things turned out the way they did.

Kind of sad to see this end, but at least things mostly worked out. The crossover thing is interesting, but tough to expand. I'll be waiting for more of your stuff. Until then, it's Greek to me.


fantastic finish to a great story, whats your next story?

the begging and the end


On that note....does Silver ever figure out how to make a potion to turn herself human, or is that just a piece of pretty art?
Also, what's Script's mark again?

Not one complaint. For a good while I reeaaally hated you, man. The scene where.. Well, yeah.. That was probably the only time I've ever actually cried and silently begged for a story to have gone some different way.

But you knew what you were doing, I guess. Everything that's lead up to this happened like it should have. I'm not personally angry with how you handled Aqua, and that last scene had me teary-eyed as well. It's no Background Pony to me, but.. It's definitely, definitely one for the books. As it were.

Great story.

The Genesis Project that Silver worked on... sure the volunteer themselves does not get a second chance but my question here is; what's to make the cycle stop?

In theory like you said, the pony involved would essentially 'die' however should the new pony do something either different or similar to get into the same situation as their predecessor, who is to stop giving them a second chance? And what if it continues? Granted there might be some ways to curb this but I doubt those would meet little resistance as it would once again bring up moral choices in terms of court.

It's been a harrowing journey and no doubt that several had stopped when the dark point of this story was published but it just makes you wonder a little if the readers are loyal to you, loyal to the character or even loyal to their resolve to finish this story till the end? Who is to say for each of us really? Either way, know that this was a journey not for just us, not for your character but for you as an author as well and your editing team. All of you persevered until the end and it's shaped you be it for better or for worse but you all at least grow a little more inside

Well, this finally ended, and I have to say, it's been a hell of a ride. I was wondering where exactly you were going with a lot of this, and I'm glad I was here to see the end of it. At least now Soren/Script can move on with their life, and be a better person for it. Hell of a fire to be forged in, though.

Couldn't complain, however: s/he got an awesome "fuck with me and I'll show you what an eyeful really means" upgrade out of the deal, as well as being pretty much set up for life. Also, two daughters. Probably the best part of the entire ordeal.

And yes, I will forever refer to the character with both names and both gender descriptors. He's kept enough of his past self that it's forever ingrained into his psyche, but he's come to terms and accepted his female identity, and she has come into her own enough that she has looked into her past to model her future off of. They are one and the same, and to deny one or the other would do the character injustice.

All in all, thank you for a wonderful story. May your other endeavors be as fruitful.

Well, that was good. It wasn't as perfect of an ending as Background Pony, but it fit very well regardless.
I also agree with the sentiment at the end. It takes a lot more strength to forgive and move on, than to hold a grudge.

5238180 Actually, what I'm pretty sure you CAN do, is post a sort or pre-prelude for the next story here, linking to the new one, you just can't post a chapter that is nothing but a message about the sequel with a link. (so many old stories do that though)

Thank you for the story, and these characters, I for one will never forget Silver Script & Ice Blossom. :heart:

EDIT: Almost forgot, that cowboy bebop song and the scene you used it in actually gave me chills, which I didn't think it would. Bravo!

I won't lie, I'd hoped you wouldn't go through with the pregnancy plot, but I'm not gonna hate for it.
You pulled it off, by NOT doing a scene of the actual birth, unlike so many other authors.

I am glad for you as well. I wish I could try to get my own novel published.
Maybe I could ask my coussin for a recommendation. He's got an E-novel on Amazon called Psy. His name's Andrew Irvine.

I wish you better luck than I've had in my attempt at getting published.
I won't even get looked at without a $6K US deposit.

Converted to my currency, it's roughly $7000 Ausie Dollars.

Very good story, and the ending was good. I'd def rate this as one of the better stories on fimfiction (coupled with the original story)

I still think you're the universe is a bastard about what occoured with Iceblossom. Yet at the same time, from a literary point of veiw, it was a definetly a good choice with what followed.

5238593 It's just a piece of art done because I felt artsy. Her mark is an alchemy flask atop an upraised crescent moon.
5238789 Five people went over that chapter. None of them noticed that. I am one of those five. I am ashamed. Though to be frankly honest, writing in the present tense tricks your perceptions into not noticing things that should be past in the dialogue.
5238846 I suppose a lot of it boils down to what is nature and what is nurture, doesn't it? I would hope with the right nurturing, even someone with a rotten nature can be good.
5239008 I hadn't even heard the song at the time that the chapter had been written, but when I finally finished the series, I'd listened to it for a few times and thought, "Holy crap, that song eerily fits that scene."
5237901 I'm not sure how the "Aqua's soul hasn't returned to the Nexus" bit of her 'rebirth' means that the afterlife had to be hallucinatory. From my POV, all it implies is that Silver actually did something rather horrible by getting in the way of the life/death cycle, even if there is a bit of predestination thrown in.

I want to say that. Since I found both stories, I enjoyed them full heartedly. I felt sad in the right moments and when the story took it's truly dark turn with ice blossom. I cried for both characters and what I felt for it. As I posted some chapters back that it brought up a painful memory when I read it. I guess it really help me as a reader feel for sliver's pain and the break down that followed. As for then ending itself. Honestly I'm glad you kept her alive. Both Regia and Sliver. As much as I didn't like Regia I did want to see some sort of redemption for her and I agree with the bucket metaphor you used. Granted at the core she is still alive and sort of Scott free. But the pony she was, pain, past, and personal nightmares are gone. I hope you write more with this universe. Maybe have both aqua become friends with the new Regia. It would be nice and I did enjoy the cameo. One last thing, you goofed the alpha and omega bit with the word beginning. (it's misspelled) I wish you luck on your newest project.


5239409 Or maybe it was a subtle hint to give Fri stuph:pinkiecrazy:

Well, it's been one bumpy ass ride. I can't say I loved the story, especially after... the incident, and if I'd known how it was going to turn before I started reading, I probably wouldn't have started at all, but I'm glad I at least stuck it through to the end.

I still hate you a little bit for Ice Blossom, but you dun good, kid.

Make sure to let us know when your next novel is ready!

I loved how Silver resolved everything with Aqua Regina and it was good to see her really let go of her anger and depression. You pulled off the ending wonderfully.

5238180 Well, explain that's not allowed to every single popular artist on the site.

5239757 Just do what I do and report the issue whenever you see it. Just make sure it's a chapter that amounts to nothing more than "Hey look! I did a sequel!" and not an actual chapter prefacing the next story/hooking the sequel.

I have a lot of things I want to say, but I think I'll just say that you're the cruelest author I've ever seen to a character... And yet, the story remains good. I am ambivalent towards the ultimate resolution with Aqua Regia, but I liked the fillies and the cameo bit. I don't regret having read this story, but it joins a very, very tiny list of stories that I can never, ever bring myself to reread - only one other story resides in that list, and I even told Skirts to his face that I can never, ever reread Background Pony, despite its overall excellence.

5239961 I am honestly surprised by all the Background Pony comparisons I've seen since the conclusion of the story. I only got so far before I lost interest on account of just how wordy it was. I don't mean lengthwise, because I have reread Diaries of a Madman twice, but in terms of how it comes off as trying to be too meaningful. Could you perhaps fill me in?

You know, this ending doesn't surprise me in the slightest. And to be honest, I'm quite pleased that Aqua was given a second chance.

All in all, a good story.

5240112 I didn't mean to imply a direct comparison. There's no plot or thematic similarities or anything like that. The most I can say that they share is a certain level of emotional response - that is, just how horrific, and despairing, the reader can be at the ending parts of Background Pony and, well, those certain chapters of this story. It's a very raw reaction. I've been sad, horrified, despairing, among many, many other emotional reactions to all sorts of stories (I am seriously one to get emotionally involved in what I'm reading) But there's just something about what happens to Silver Script here and Lyra in BP that brings it to another, very uncomfortable level.

Honestly, it's the stuff amazing tragedies can do. And please, I hope you take this all as praise - it takes excellent writing to get that kind of reaction. I wish I could explain better for you, but I can't really out it any better right now.


Personally, I think some of the appeal in BGP came for me in the later chapters. At first, yeah, it can seem like the author is doing their best to make Lyra seem like this super wise character, who's found some kinda peace in being so selfless and blah blah, but as it goes on, a lot of what I found interesting was in the history of her curse, and the resolution. As well as her journey as a whole.

The odd way it's written just doesn't allow for a very good sense of character, or at least entirely, in Lyra, until pretty late on. So if it's coming across as trying to be forcibly meaningful, I guess that's just how it is in the beginning.

Only story I've ever really found to be trying too hard to do something is First Pony View. Talk about using the most intelligent sounding vocabulary you can, just for the sake of it, even when it often feels like you're reading in circles.. Which you are for most of it, now. Well, haven't read the last couple chapters.

As for why you're getting comparisons? Background pony was an emotionally involved story. When I was reading it, something in the way it presented itself just made me care about Lyra and some of the other characters a lot. And the way it ends is.. Hmm.. Spoilers, don't click if you plan on reading it.

Well, in the end, for reasons I won't get into, she has the option to either lift the curse, and negate everything she'd ever done while under its effects and lose the experience, or keep to it, and slowly lose more and more of her memories, with a shortened attention span. Something about the curse slowly deteriorated the mind, and long-term memory. Well, she chooses the latter, and it's kinda sad, but you also understand why she does it. It's really the best way it could have gone, and you tend to sympathize, and accept the choice, even though it may not be what you'd ideally have prefered. It's kinda just what has to happen.

Sorry, rambling by this point. Something that really brings BGP to mind when I think of this story now, is that it ended in the best way that it could have. It wasn't perfect, and fans are certainly still bummed about the way some of it went, but as a whole, and given everything that did happen, the way it ended is something that you can really sympathize with. In my opinion, it's not quite as sad as BGP, but it's still felt like the kinda story that I'm involved in.

Back in 'When a Pony Calls', I wasn't too fond of the characters, or the premise, but as the story progressed, the characters felt a bit more relatable, and I started enjoying them through 'contact', per se. It was just the type of experience in which I felt everything mattered to me as much as it did the characters, I guess. I often cried when Silver cried, laughed when there was something to laugh at, and felt pride when Silver felt pride. I'm proud that she managed to get her life on track, and made peace with Aqua as best as she could, and I absolutely hated her for a while.

Eh, sorry. I don't really know how to explain it any better. Short answer is that both stories were great to me, and I cared about the characters and how things could end more than I do about most people and events in real life.

I think the Background Pony comparisons come down to the depth of character the two share.

In a good story, you connect with the characters, and go through an emotional gambit as you read of their exploits.
In a great story though, the characters feel real. You don't just feel along with them, you feel as if they are real and want to be there beside them. When they are sad you aren't just sad, but want to comfort them. When they're on the brink of losing, you want to stand with them and help. When they are enraged, you want to destroy their enemies, not just hope they pay for their crimes.

Your story has that. Some of us wished we could actually jump in and help Silver, especially after chapter 29.
The same is true for Background Pony. We wished we could help Lyra regain what she's lost.
But in both cases we also knew, deep down, that even if we could enter the world and provide comfort, we couldn't fix things, and that made it worse.

I felt similarly in the first story when Soren started truly going crazy. Like maybe he was right. I wanted to defend the idea of MLP that he was holding the characters up to, despite their failings. And in a world of magic, it wasn't hard to imagine that things really were as he perceived them.

I've read around 1000 fimfics, and this connection very very rare.

Well, I've read the ending here, and all the comments. It's frigtening in a way. I don't know if I can compare to what you've done here.

Also, may I say, with the utmost poise and decorum, "squee." And just because it's fun to shout out to/about people, I might have to declare your take on Etherea's birth to be canon. I'm not sure I can work in Clara and Pura, but the character list isn't set in stone.

Grrrrr... What to do? :facehoof:

5245083 So basically, you want to make it canon that she was delivered in a cafe?

I absolutely loved the whole story with all it's twists and turns. and i hope you had as much or more fun writing it as we had reading.
and I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for what you're writing next :twilightsmile:


Well, maybe. I could always go for my initial idea that she got scared at the first contraction and teleported herself straight into her bier, complete with some swaddling. Y'know, just like the Sweet Baby Jebus.

I've got to say, a much gentler ending them I was expecting. Still, quite good. Are there any plans for more stuff here in this universe?

And at last my most favorite novel series is at an (temporary?) end. One of my most favorite fictional characters created by another person, a character I feel I could be best friends with, who I could cry with and cheer with finally finds peace in an existence full of trauma.

Thank you Seven for going all the way and giving us this ending... while I am truly sad to see this beautiful tale come to a close, I know that it has to be this way and that maybe... maybe one day we all will see our beloved Silver Script and her two beautiful daughters again someday, I hope we do.

Best of luck with your career pursuits my friend, thank you so much for the ride, the feels... just everything was incredible.

During this adventure I have sat at the edge of my seat, chewed my finger nails, pulled my hair, sniffled, cried, broke down into sobbing, whimpered, felt incredible outrage, an anger I've only felt once before with another person and a kind of love for someone I know who doesn't exist... but is just as real as any of us... truly Seven, thank you so much for all you have done here.

You, my friend, have done something special here with this story. I've been following this particular piece for quite sometime and loved every minute of it. You have made Silver the perfect representation of a true hero and protagonist. Though the graphic nature of the rape scene was a little much for my liking and I did skip over it, there wasn't a point in this story, that I READ, that I did not totally and wholeheartedly enjoy. I never doubted your talent for a second and I hope to possibly someday have a "ten years later" chapter to see the young ones growing up together. You made me truly care for Silver Script and I could only hope to be half the person you have made her out to be. Manly tears were shed reading this story. 1 million kudos for your effort. :)

Man, that's twice this fetish came up.

Silver has surpassed all of her fears, and no longer fears and end. Though she has lost her beloved, she awaits in the afterlife. A bright future awaits.

Letting this spectacle rise again,
dreaming once more within absolute bliss.
The pain can no longer reach you,
and thinly the blackness fades.

an endless wonder:
letting go of what was taken
and that which was lost.
Rest now,
and wander no longer.
The greatest dream has approached you.

Excellent work, dear Author!
It's a sad thing her adventures have ended here.:fluttershysad:

5250649 Unbirth

I know the ending is not supposed to be a fetish, but it sure as hell feels like it

I would put that slow clap gif here if I knew how. Bravo don't stop writing. I'm going to read some of your other works hopefully they won't be as dark. Also PM me how to follow people/authors on this site I don't trust that little eye icon that gets a slash through it when I click it.

5256332 If the eye icon on the userpage has a slash through it after clicking, it means you're probably watching them. :raritywink:

So, I'm surprised nobody has commented on the bit where you apparently reincarnated Blossom as the 'innocent' twin and Silver is the 'Knows too much' twin. Then again, there's what, 2 little hints regarding it total that I saw, so if I'm the first to pick up on it, yay :twilightblush:

Strange to see this finally done. Other than the idea Equestria has Death Row, which I think they'd not allow, the ending felt...nice, yes.

5282873 Ha! I knew someone would catch that eventually.

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