After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Good words, sad to see a complete, but I guess themz the ropes.
Sure, my grief and obsession have lead me to do some amazing things
1. Led.
A fantastic story. I keep telling my friends to read it
"Good End"? What're you talking about? This is a good end for this story.
I loved this chapter it was funny and sweet.I loved getting to see Ice Blossom again and I'm happy she ok and happy .this was a awesome read.I can't wait to see what happens between them all next and what happens next to them all.This story just keeps getting better and better.I hope that they see Pastel again and she end up out of there and happy.And the end had me cracking up.And most of all I'm happy both Silver and the twins are ok .
“Don’t worry, we’ll be closer than you think.”
The rebirth
Anyone else connecting the dots?
Huh, I missed the RvB reference the last couple read throughs.
At least there is some happiness. Warm the heart. As I said before, I love my adorable fluffy happy little ponies.
And with that, you broke me. Congrats. Even better considering I decided to play RvB music in the background because I thought it fit the tone better.
Aww caboose is right on something