After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Hmm...did you make Ice Blossom because you were itching to use all of that Japanese you learned?...
2662750 Nah. I honestly am terrible with the language.
At least that relationship didn't burn. Still upset at Ponyville for their treatment of her/him.
aww... they're so cute together
Gale might not say it but I will... That's hot.
Holy shit, it gets better. This is hilarious.
"Or tearing itself down?" Either does not seem to be matching with that "and" there.
That's hot.
Hoe into the sweets? Is that even a term you can use in this case?
That's that period doing there? Also, the snake pony thing seems to be sentient, isn't that a little cruel to have it locked up?
Ponyville requires a capital.
It's like you're torturing yourself; you are a sadist and a masochist at the same time. How wonderful!
This doesn't quite make sense, you forget some words?
2663072 The period between cage and held was actually correct. The held just wasn't properly capitalized.
The Lamia in my head-canon is only actually semi-sentient. Instead, it is semi-telepathic, using its abilities to find the most effective way to either lure prey, or barring that, mocking its captors and observers. Not that Flim and Flam know, though.
Hoe into is an informal way of saying to eat heartily. You mostly hear it from Aussies and New Zealanders, but you can hear the phrase almost anywhere.
So there was an error to be found. I was suspecting you really wanted to use a comma.
Does Silver think of themselves as a foal or was that just the Lamia doing what it could to screw with her head?
That is the first time I have seen or heard that term. I was thinking "hoe" as in "bitches and hoes".
Is the fact that Silver looks like a foal, I am suspecting Scoota size, come up in the budding relationship with Blossom? Cause now I just have scenes of To Catch a Predator in my head with Blossom being asked to sit down.
2663217 Nah, it isn't going to be that level of creepy. As far as size compared to Scootaloo, think half a head taller than that filly.
And yes, the Lamia was screwing with her.
2663254 They were supportive in the beginning, yes. Certainly, they said they will always love him, Soren. During the events that lead to him going to equestria though, they also told him, “If you can’t be cured or fixed, I’m not sure you’ll be able to come back at all...” That would later come back to burn her when she made one last trip home. To quote the epilogue,
To her, this was their abandonment, their rejection. Families always try to grin and bear things to support their loved ones, but the stress of such absurd things can be far too much for anyone to take, especially after being told that for all intents and purposes their son is dead.
All ponies are onmnivorous, just like horses here on Earth, but abstain from meats because of their moral values. It wasn't so much a calorie reason so much as it was availability of food during early migratory phases, particularly when crossing large bodies of water.
This chapter wins simply because of the delicious appropriateness of using the main song of Lunar: Silver Star Story.
I lost it at the Hansen pic.
If Silver thinks it's tough seeing those pictures, I wonder how she'll feel seeing Lyra and Bon Bon's kid...
I'm Australian and I have NEVER heard anyone say 'hoe' as in 'eat'.
2663634 That's what I got when I researched the origin of the phrase. All I know is that I've heard it many times in my life.
2663624 Did you actually do up an image of Silver? That's awesome!
Sure did. I just had that image in my head and felt like sharing.
It's probably one of those bogan (Australian redneck) things.
2663705 If only more folks acted on things like this. This made my whole night. Now if only somebody would do that with that one scene from the dream.
I'm not going to say how pissed I am at Flim and Flam...instead I'll show,r:30,s:0,i:183
2664397 Um... That mass grave is a bit disturbing...
2664397 If you can't see these pictures...imagine the bombing of Hiroshima, and German/Russian experiments during the WW's, then imagine every casualty of these causes, are the mangled, twisted, in extreme pain, Overkilled bodies of Flim and Flam, and then imagine brutally torturing HELL.
2664403 ...Yes,,,If you do not understand how much I hate them...find a story called 'A Cog in the Machine' ...oh wait here it is.
Other than that....YAY...finally a relationship...there was an idea I've been pandering though...Do you mind briefly having my OC make an appearance in your story...(minus the horn of course), the only things that are special about him, are that he's lazy, and has a bad habit of Ninja-Weegee'ing people.
edit: ...also...Mass graves aren't least to me...they are kind of normal...You do NOT want to see what I find disturbing. That...and I can't find a picture of it in this universe...
Horses can eat meat. It's not advised in the long term, because their body are not used to handle the fat in the meat, but horses can live with a meat regime. That how expedition to the north pole where done in the past, and how nomads managed to feed horses while traveling in arid and mountainous regions in the world.
I really like the the couple you are setting up, but I can't help feeling the way its advancing is a bit awkward.
Bait balls+the Gannet's technique of a high speed dive to spear a fish could potentially work with pegasi. Assuming a large caravan of pegasi with a 'sky wagon/carriage' or other similar sort of transportation for any of their foals that are still too young to fly, or to rotate out multiple fliers during long stretches of travel, it would also go to reason that they would have weapons on board with their transportation, in the case of any sort of attack. Spears or lances, if the pegasi have any with them, could most definitely be used to hunt for fish when needed.
If either of them notices that I picked up on it, they doesn’t show it
1. Don't.
All of this I comprehended happening except for one thing. Flim and Flam.
Got to admit, I was actually expecting that Blossom was going to turn out to be straight.
I was hoping that Hansen pic brought about a couple laughs. Wasn't quite sure which one to choose but I think it worked out alright.
2663634 I'm also Aussie and have heard it a few times, but I never thought it originated from here, lol. the romance has started!

Silver needs a mare in her life, otherwise she'll lose herself a second time!
Hopefully, Aqua is not foolish enough to actively attempt to shatter her psyche...
Awaiting further releases.
But they didn't do it to cover up the incident, and Silver/Soren wouldn't have bothered having it done to do so either, especially with a viral youtube video of her as Lyra about to leave for Equestria, questionable validity of said video put aside.
Her parents simply couldn't comperehend or handle the loss of their son, Silver isn't their daughter, she's a creation born from magics from a realm not on their plane of existence, to them she most likely seems to be a talking, winged horse who has the memories and part of the personality and mannerisms of their son Soren, but who is distinctly different. Some people say a personality can't change, but it happens frequently and we saw with Soren that his personality rapidly changed under the stress of having entire memories overwritten or jumbled by having memories side-by-side, further addled by a sex change that was not instigated by his own design... finally he accepts that he is now a she and further more attempts to fit into Equestrian life, a mistake it seems since she still retains much of her human intellect and understanding as well as the morals she had as a human, she eats a herbivorous diet out of belief that's all she can eat, but when presented with the possibility of her eating meat once more, she dives at it, it's a part of who she used to be and she has to stay true to herself, perhaps in the future she could ween herself off of it, but I doubt it.
Also I'd like to point out that we're talking about sentient beings whom not only live in a world full of magic but undertake activities that no normal equine would do... logic in regards to eating meat is invalid.
Horses will seek out meat for nourishment if other sources are scarce or nonexistent. In fact, they can be extremely violent in their attempts to obtain it. It's not good for them in the long term (horses are not omnivores and their digestive tract is bad at digesting fat), but meat-eating horses isn't limited to those fed by humans.
Also: To my knowledge, the only horses that went crazy due to a meat diet were the Mares of Diomedes (aka Mares of Thrace, referenced in this story when Silver first eats meat) in Greek Mythology. Considering the Mares of Diomedes could also breathe fire in some versions of the story, were owned by a giant, and were stolen from their owner by a mythical Hero (Hercules), I think it's safe to say that there is some fiction in the tale.
Are you kidding? Come on, Regia, keep bulling the mentaly unstable, once-human, with considerable alchemic talent
and a criminal record involving almost killing Celestia´s protegee and Element of Magicpegasi. What´s the worst it could happen?
Well, to be fair, the only pony in the story who eats meat (apart from pegasi and their fish) is really a human.
We all saw the reactions she got from the other ponies, less than positive ;p
I think they mentioned a few chapters ago that her bowel movement is taking the brunt of it...not really having any solid droppings if ya know what I mean.
Meat is not deadly to horses, barring something like binge eating.
The worst you're likely to get is a nonfatal colic. Maybe some irregular bowel movements and feces. Over extremely extended periods, you might see malnutrition as well, but that would only be if the animal is prevented from self-regulating the diet.
In order for a horse to actually die from eating meat, you'd need to force-feed it a never-changing amount of meat while simultaneously preventing the animal from obtaining nutrition from any other source, and maintain that regimen for months if not years.
The horse would probably die of boredom first, because you'd be keeping it in a metal box with nothing to do.
Killing an animal that doesn't get bored with boredom is an impressive feat.
2665110 Yeah, that instance started out as an "it doesn't show" situation. Things changed but a certain somebody [me] didn't notice.
2665717 Oh well, things change, especially stories and how they progress
Nice chapter.
Ah, Lunar. Fantastic game. Fantastic song, as well. Though that makes me wonder, is Silver's voice supposed to be similar to Luna's (Luna from Lunar, not best princess), or did you just put the song in because you thought it fit with the situation?
2667329 Closer to the latter. At some point, I've gotta get a headcanon for how Silver's voice sounds though.
Dunno about you but I read her dialogue (and thoughts) in a slightly older voice than that of Twilight's with the perkiness of Rainbow Dash. *shrug*
Since when did Gale have hooves?
Hazzah. Good chapter. I am continuing to enjoy your story. I'm surprised Flim and Flam aren't doing well with their business if the animals they have are even "close enough" to the real deal. Yes, they will empty their money cup every so often, but you leave some in it to make it appear donations are welcome. You'd think they'd have a bigger draw. (At least with the Biology majors).
2662780 Please, you've never seen me use Russian. Now there's a language I'm bad at.
Now that I think about it... Ice Blossom, with her back story of how she can help flowers thrive in other environments... Silver is now a mare which can be considered a delicate flower and is in a different environment...
You set them (and us) up didn't you?
Or am I thinking too much on this?
2668745 That was a terrible oversight on my part.
2670063 I neither confirm nor deny.
2670113 Seems nobody else caught on to it either, at least as far as I can tell with the comments.