After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Just as I got done reading the previous chapters, another update comes out right then and there.
you have no idea how much ive been waitin for this to update. that is, unless you know how long its been since it last updated, at which point, yeah, you have a pretty good idea. either way, keep up the mental and (physical) trauma
Nicely written.
That is not my fetish. Mildly surprised Silver's not having any(seen-in-as-so-far)problems with her run in with Aqua Regia.
Wow silver/sorren is very unlucky when it comes to sexuall stuff.
Always rape with this guy/mare. Just the worst kind of luck.
2582269 Technically with Lyra and Bon-guy, it was a drunken threeway that ended in regret. None of them were in any condition to be making decisions.
2582181 That much is, as you've pointed out, yet to be seen. I'd be willing to hazard that this is the instigator for the thaumaphobia mentioned in the previous chapter, though.
You know, I actually find the fact that she's so fucked in the head that getting raped actually made her realize that she likes sex in her new body, to be kind of arousing, in a fucked up way.
I can't wait to see her continue to learn about her sexuality. You really do write good clop~
So, given what happens to stallions who get grabby with mares, exactly what world of legal pain did Aqua Regia just buy herself? Or is it different when it's a mare / member of the nobility / insert Get Out of Jail Free card here?
2582443 Honestly? She's probably be spayed and/or disowned.
You scoop something from Whatimustdo? Do not do it. Hes characters suffer much. Personally I would not like, that SILVER though has somehow repeated destiny of Navarone. Otherwise the plot of my picture can be realised to the worst.
2582524 What I meant was the warning for sex-scenes and skip phrases.
Honestly, Silver was foolish not to tell Luna what Aqua did. Especially since Luna could just as easily find out inadvertently if Silver has a nightmare about it. Gut wrenching but amazing chapter.
I can say with 95% certainty that that was the first sex scene I'd ever read. Silver's retaliation was particularly funny, and Aqua kind of deserved it.
Holy crap... I get the feeling that Silver just wants to lay low and get through school and all, but if Aqua's willing to jack her bullying up to RAPE levels...screw that! Chewed nethers or no, she lets Aqua off that lightly for something like that, who knows what else the royal bitch'll try to get away with...
2583309 You skipped the drunken threesome in When a Pony Calls?
I just wonder if Silver would write a letter of absense every year when her heat comes and just hides in her room. Not the healthiest choice but a choice nonetheless. I probably would considering the umm... 'trauma' that Aqua just did to her.
Wow Aqua... Wow... I don't even know where to go with that scene. What could she possibly hope to gain from that kind of display? She gets Silver off and then demands reciprocation in exchange for a lightening of hostilities?
I know I kinda' wanted to see Aqua x Silver (thanks for that snippet btw), but this is just so weird. Yeah it sucks, but it isn't as cruel as I was expecting Aqua to be. (Well, at least not from her end of things - she doesn't know about Silver's history with sex and how this could affect her, right?) And the reciprocation? I know it was interrupted, but I don't get her angle. Dominance? Humiliation? Simply lust-addled?
Rape never ends well, and I was thinking that a mare in Aqua's position should be smart enough to know better. Am I expecting too much, or am I simply missing something?
I'm thinking too hard again...
2583546 Dominance angle, possibly aiming for mind break.
Maybe you're overthinking, and maybe you're not.
Y'know, I kinda' hope I'm not. I did say I wanted to see Aqua x Soren, even as long a stretch as that is, and what optimism I have can swing this as Aqua finding she's lost something, trying to figure out what it is, not knowing how to go about it, and suffering a worst-case scenario because of who she is and who her friends are.
And I'm honestly very surprised that Aqua didn't go all-out with that scene; coercing Silver's reciprocation by tormenting her up to the edge of release but repeatedly not letting her cross it. That's why I'm a bit confused.
But maybe I give her skill too much credit.
2583357 Oh yeah. Like I said, 95%, so there was room for error. I think my mind glazed over that scene. Given enough time, I'll probably forget about the one here too.
Damn, Aqua. That is, uh... that is... "No means no" and all that.
I wonder if the mirror in the mare's room in that university has one of those campus police/sexual assault crisis center stickers with all the phone numbers on it. Silver might be intent on taking this to her grave, but if memory serves that was also true of the Lyra incident, which ended up being taken to the exact opposite extreme.
I definitely got the humiliation vibe, and maybe Aqua was subconsciously picking up on some of Silver's extra discomfort with the whole estrus thing. And she might be in the same boat, of course, with sex being the first place her mind went in thinking of a way to torment Silver.
Right now it seems like Silver's just kind of addled by the whole thing, and is sort of in an adrenaline-induced state of invincibility, but it'll be interesting to see if this parallels the slow degradation of the guilt from the Pound Cake incident, or if it adds to it (or subtracts), or if it otherwise becomes something that needs to be "managed."
Maybe the fact that she wasn't even willing to get herself off before means on some level she just doesn't identify enough with that body to be particularly incensed by things that happen to it, short of making it harder to use in some way (like the blindness from the fireworks).
Drunk means no informed consent, which means rape.
I'd certainly say it's a different sort of rape than what Aqua just pulled (just like statutory rape with a consenting-but-not-legally-adult girl is still legally rape), but Soren was raped while in Lyra's body, regardless.
I suppose "No" means "Yes" to nobles. Who cares if they rape anyone, especially a mare in heat, they are only doing them an unwanted service.
I thought the fear of magic appeared before this scene. If anything, the bathroom rape would help enforce said fear.
I don't feel this chapter was really well thought through.
Out of nowhere rape is just impossible to beleive in, and there is no emotions whatsoever to support it.
So I'm calling BS on this chapter and forgetting its existence.
Also turning a possible fun estrus awkwardness chapter into this is a missed opportunity. I would have much more fun with more awkward situations, more stupid hormones blurring the judgement, some griffin seducement attempts...
Frankly, I'm surprised there aren't more comments about meat-eaters... And I know the joke is that mares are rock-hard down there because a clop sound effect only occurs hoof against stone, but there's a reason oral sex is a high measure of trust (implicitly, at least): Either trust in your power over them (this scene), or trust in their integrity (most relationships)... Skin is a remarkably tear-able thing. Especially skin with many folds, grips, and bumps.
To finish this image, consider that Applejack has no problem biting clean through an apple, right through its core, in one motion. And don't forget that regeneration is apparently not a thing in this Equestria, since they would not have been able to fix Soren's human body had it been mutilated. She'd be doing more than walking funny for a few weeks.
2584774 I know the fear of magic was indeed mentioned in the time skip in chapter 9, though I didn't really get specific about when her estrus hitting was in relation to her last sessions with Clear Conscience though.
2584907 That's a very good point. It certainly sounds like Aqua won't be enjoying sex or anything naughty in a very long time.
I finally got around to reading it. Poor Silver but yay that bitch Aqua got what was coming to her. What's next? Hmm ... I predict a bad scene with ice and silver in the making.
'About-to-pass-out drunk' is one thing, but surely the millions of tipsy people around the world hooking up at closing time are not all rapists. Drunk sex might be shitty, but it's not "major crime" shitty, unless "ughhh, hold on, lemme lock my cat in the other room" also means "no."
Soren was wobbly and uninhibited, but cognizant enough to talk Lyra and Bon Bon into it and move around on the bed initiating things, so they're guilty of enabling a bad personal decision, but that's hardly sexual assault.
Now Aqua, on the other hand... Silver's something of a special case, so any harm done is likely to be of a slightly different character, so it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.
As far as I understand US Law (however, IANAL), it is in fact rape regardless of the level of intoxication -- or the gender of the intoxicated party. Obviously, though, two normally consenting adults already in a healthy relationship who get tipsy and then go have sex aren't going to report each other for rape.
I've tried looking up some legal precedent for "how drunk" someone has to be before they lose the ability to give informed consent (and remember, informed consent doesn't just turn sex into rape, it also does things like invalidate contracts signed while consent couldn't legally be given). I didn't have much success, although there seems to have been several UK cases where the issue came up. It seems the answer is still inconclusive, though.
I do believe Soren's going to have to find a way to deal with heat, otherwise not much else will get done (fixing his mind, fixing Pound Cake, fixing his sexuality, fixing his life, fixing his general level of what-the-fuck). I'm blaming the heat on the fact that he's not thinking clearly enough to not realize that telling Luna is exactly what he should have done!
That certainly wasn't foreshadowed or Fate-tempted at all. Nope, nuh-uh...
Thinking on it, Aqua Regia is something you would never want in your mouth.
2593466 Cue rimshot.
2593682....on another note, I've read most, if not all, of WhatmustIdo's Diary of a Madman, and must say you have done exceedingly well. He's a great guy. Now that I've finished the sequel to your other story, I'm off to find more work of unquestionable quality, and I wish you well in your endeavors.
I whole heartedly support this. Make it hot enough for our noses to run and our eyes to tear.
2606139 I have yet to eat a chili that has done this.
I made my own that has. Cause I figured that the jalapeños that I got at the authentic Mexican shop were like Raley's jalapeños. I than accidentally added too much chili powder as called for by the recipe. I had to use some tissues while eating, but it was good. Fed me all through last term's finals.
2606198 I'd use habaneros myself, but for two things. Firstly, I've done it before and it came out really damn weak... Like, it wasn't nearly as spicy as it <i>usually</i> is. Second, can't make food too spicy on account of my father's spice intolerance.
Well that is a bummer. I generally go with jalapeños cause they are easier to find and even if they are not hot they have more flavor to them, least in my experience. If I want straight heat, I like to go with the dried peppers.
Thanks very much for providing the option to skip that... I wish the authors of Eternal and Xenophilia would do/would have done the same...
Why do I see Poker Night at the Inventory 2 coming up in the near future?
Nice chapter, kind of feel sorry for Soren because of all the shit he has to go through, also looks like he's starting to like Ice Blossom!
All I could think about during this scene:
Even funnier how Silver Script's name is Silver. (Plus I always imagined Silver's fur/mane color to be similar to that of the Lone Ranger's horse.)
[Naughty Scene start. To skip the cloppy bits, hit Ctrl + F and type in ‘Naughty Scene finish’.]
HAHA good try!
That was awesome I loved it all and I was hopeing she would be bisexual at least.l it better if she was because lately it's more girl and girl you know what I mean .I can't wait to see what happens next to them all

and it was meast up what Aqua did to Silver she deserves what happen to her

too far man
4041433 chshhhh-oooooooo-sympathy pains....
4041433 too far? Aqua raped someone, I'd say that little love bite wasn't nearly far enough. Scum like her deserve the kinda thing that makes Saw look like a relaxing day at the spa!
What makes this line so infuriating isn't that it's ridiculous or unbelievable, but the complete opposite. All too often, rape victims convince themselves of this very thing. They blame themselves instead of the useless waste of flesh that violated it to them.
Castration is too good for rapists. I say cover their dicks/clits in honey and pour fire ants on them, then post the footage on the internet as a warning to others. Watch rape rates plummet.
Or you'd be given a medal by Celestia