After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Wait, Tragedy? Besides the fact you've already dumped on Silver for so long, was it truly necessary to wait until you were well over 100,000 words in? If I'd known Tragedy was tagged to this story, I would've never started on it.
Fuck. Adios, and goodbye.
More bad things are going to happen. Good Grief man.
great. the tragedy tag never bodes well, and usually is in reality an Ass Pull for feels. I have more faith in your writing than that, but why tragedy? Hasn't Silver gone through enough/will be going through enough? WAS SOREN DREADFULLY HORRIBLE TO PUPPIES IN A PAST LIFE? WAS HE HITLER???????????
Soren was in fact, literally Hitler. Literally.
3254834Oh, then continue on with the tragedy tag, for he still has a net positive in karma from recent events (more bad shit needs to happen before it evens out.)
You disappoint me Seven Fates. Clearly Aqua Regia should have been the princess' envoy. That would have put her in the same position Twilight was in the first episode of needing to deal with and overcome her faults or risk a failure that simply can't be allowed.
Wait, no, that's a terrible idea. It would mean the princesses are purposely setting up horrible situations...
But all the potential drama...
Oh god, I can't decide which would be preferable!
The original story was marked a tragedy. Yeah, it was pretty bad for Soren, but this is the one story I have faith will not end with the main character being slowly driven insane, refuse/hurt/destroy those trying to help, and end up meeting some terrifyingly grisly end just because.
I had asked an individual who'd already read it before I read the original. I didn't consider the only aspect of what qualified as Tragedy to be enough to not give it a go, what with the lack of it tagged in the sequel. Which it now is. And, the whole slowly going insane bit, that's more dark. The tragedy aspect was his inability to save the Cake's kid, even though they were right there.
But, this one, no. Just, no thanks. If I'd known he had it in mind from Day One to have this tag, I wouldn't have read either story.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What? Tragedy? Tragedy's a tag now?
I never read tragedy, so I'm sorry to say I'll be leaving when I feel the story's at its peak. 
Springing the Tragedy tag 100k+ words in is mildly uncool.
3255306just mildly uncool?
I'm wondering, is Discord going to be making an appearance? Since this is presumably post Season 3, it'd be interesting to see Silver's reaction to him being free.
So, why did Silver Spoon run away to the Everfree in the first place?
Given what's already happened, I would have to say the Tragedy tag is completely jutified.
Springing the Tragedy tag this late into the story is a pretty bad move, especially if you've been planning that move from the very beginning.
I've really enjoyed the story upto this point, but knowing that you are now planning to hit us with something really bad has me debating whether I should continue with this story. I don't think I'll drop the story altogether, but I don't think I'll be reading any further until hearing from someone else to find out just how nasty things get. Good luck with it, but this story will be going on without me for the time being.
I'm not going to lie; I fully expected reactions like this, and hell, I even deserve them. This was a nasty thing to pull during the home stretch, but I honestly felt it was better to include the tag, however belated it was, It is without a doubt a great big dickmove to do this as late in the game as I have, and my prior laziness is not an excuse. That being said, I respect your choices to discontinue reading for my nonsense.
3255652 Trouble child. Parents didn't want her hanging out with Diamond Tiara because Diamond was a bad influence.
3255443 No ready access to a functioning cockatrice is a good start. The fact that she had to kill the one in the Everfree cave doesn't help any. That, and you know, nearly dying, becoming an 'aunt', and being treated like a hero don't either, for that matter.
3256117 Oh, I'm not going anywhere. Changing story tags midstream is just a huge pet peeve of mine, especially if it was planned from the start, especially if the new tag is Tragedy. It comes across like bait and switch intended specifically to pull in readers who otherwise would have avoided the story.
3256136 Yeah, the whole bait and switch thing is pretty much why I'm not upset if anybody chooses not to read. It is a massive betrayal.
Suddenly Tragedy, huh? Aqua Regia does nasty things to Ice Blossom, and/or Silver offs herself to undo the 'Trice incident (with an outside chance of some permutation of the above), calling it now.
I'll stick it out for now, but Not Cool.
I'm not going to stop reading, and I would have read it anyways since the first was so good, but I am still very disappoint that you used such a dirty trick to lure folks in.
Seriously? I thought that tag was there before...Oh, well...Shit is going to happen. I'm going to try to laugh when it hits....
And as an added dickhead move, I think I am one of the few who know what that tragedy tag is for...but I am not saying more than that.
welp... tragedy
not going to be fun, well at least I hope it isnt too bad, just small mild tragedy solved in the end with a happyish ending will be good but seriouslly please dont turn this into some dark torture fic of Silver or something, things are going so well too
3257624 I have an idea of two what the tag is going to pertain to myself, but one of the biggest reasons I consider it a tragedy is that such an entertaining story is coming to its end.
I loved it all I'm happy that Silver got not only Rainbow dash but Apple jack by her side
.And that bit when the door opened was so funny it had me LOTF
.And all through this all Silver should effectively become the alicorn of Alchemy for all she's been through .
Hey it worked against Tirek