After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Huzzah! New chapter!
So she/he is kind of a personal project the princesses have going on. How widely known is it that he/she is from an alien world?
When the idea of Luna as Dream Monitor entered canon, I was worried that it would be handled badly by fanfic writers. I think I have just seen the proper antidote to that worry.
2246287 Only a hoof-full of individuals.
2246291 So I done good?
You done fine, believe me.
2246410 Needless to say, there's a reason for Princess Luna's mischievous look... The Princess isn't about to let her pet project/a dependent of the crown mentally abuse herself by letting her stew in her own misery. That's part of the thing I alluded to in the author's comments.
i feel sad for soren
yet slighty angry at lyra
i want soren to be human again god dangit
so, does the princess want soren to forget his old self and live live as a pony forever or is she helping soren in someway, cos i am very confused

Turning into a snake? Isnt that part of the evil overlords guide?
2246523 She doesn't want Silver to forget her old self, but she really doesn't have an option but to live as a pony. In the previous story, it was explained that creatures from realms without magic like Equestria's cannot properly exist among the ambient magics/thaumaturgic radiation of the world, and as such the magics restructure them into lifeforms more suited to the world of Equestria. It's an irreversible process as they are fundamentally changed on the most basic levels. That's not to say Silver might not someday try to find ways to reaffirm her humanity.
2246538 Good eye. Rule 34 of the Evil Overlord List.
I have to agree with Samaru here. Soren's letting an unpreventable spontaneous accident fuck her up while the lost of her parents is barely mentioned. Soren is coping with that fine but her heart has a permanent scar because of a foal, who isn't apart of her family, dying because of miscommunication on Lyra's part? This would be plausible if it was a guy with bastard parents, but it isn't. You didn't adresss that correctly last story. Honestly, Soren is becoming too self-recriminating for my liking.
I don't comment very often, but I do want to say that I really love this story your writing. It's just sheer coincidence but everything that is happening to Silver would be like a dream come true for me. Changing into a pony, specifically a pegasus, female, diminutive in nature, take an interest in potions (Alchemy), form a bond with Luna, the list of things go on. Every time you add something to the plot I approve. So thanks for writing my dream if that makes any sense.
you have my permission to continue
I wouldn't mind helping you edit. Sounds fun.
2247803 Of course you would eh? I think I remember you also editing a few other stories... both of us do actually. Emma right? pardon if I can't remember much nowadays, I feel like i'm getting old...
2247803 PM me an email for which to tag on google docs, and I'll add you on the 'Interlude Chapter'.
2247851Yeah, I have.
2247860Alright, I will.
Man, that dream scene... Freud would have a field day with that (hell, he'd have a field day with this entire situation).
Dang man, that dream was intense. I can see why Luna might be worried.
It did seem like Silver cut ties with Earth pretty easily, but there wasn't much keeping her there and after that whole Lyra ordeal I figured she just wanted some time to decompress, and maybe redeem herself for the cockatrice incident, but it does make a lot of sense that this issue would still be festering underneath - After all, she put so much effort into remaining Soren back when, uh, she was Soren.
The mischievous look makes me think that Luna will make Silver's acceptance into the university a call-out for Blueblood.
2258358 Honestly, at this point the whole Soren/Silver instance stopped being an author insert for me around the midpoint of the previous story. I at least have some common sense.
Hmmmm... Very awesome
Your writing is always such fun to read! Even in the middle of the night!
Anyway, in... an earlier chapter you mentioned "the newfoal ward." Was that just the equivalent of a newborn ward with a TCB reference thrown in, or has Equestria actually opened it's borders. I'm confuzled
2259623 Neborn.
2261097 Well, at a certain point Soren/Silver stopped feeling like me when I wrote hir. Particularly, this occurred around the party. Regardless of the amount of stress, I would never mix medications with alcohol. Further, despite having an enjoyment for coffee liqueurs, I'd never drink anywhere near enough alcohol to become intoxicated. Yeah, I might accept an invite to an orgy if I thought the other two were in any state to consent, but that's about how far it would go.
Pretty good chapter, as always. Can't wait to see what Luna has in mind.
Yay update!!!

Great chapter you can write some scary dreams!
Also I did notice an possible misspelled word.
I'm not sure if you did this on purpose but shouldn't the last sentence be "The first dream I remembered in a long time was tonight."
Other than that it was an good chapter didn't think Silver had it in her to still swear, then again could be like me I really only swear when talking to myself or playing video games!
This chapter blow my mind. I loved it we got to go into Slivers head and find thing even she didn't know. And I hope that Silver can be to Luna's what Twilight is to Calastia a good friend and student.And as close as they are too.I can't wait to see what happens next to them and all of them

Nightmare fuel at its best. Great dream scene and even better one with Luna. It is nice seeing her as an actual ruler instead of a living meme.
You know, it kind of gets irritating when everyone not only portrays Blueblood as a one-dimensional character, but the same one-dimensional character. In almost every fic, he's just a spoiled douche of a lout and that's it. Nothing else. All because of one scene in the show where he mistreats a gold-digging, title-chasing floozy.
Seriously, Rarity was far more in the wrong than Blueblood, yet Bluey gets the hate. Sure, Rarity has redeemed herself, and has become a great, multi-layered character, but in that first season she was insufferable.
I'm not saying people should show Blueblood in a positive light, but he doesn't have to be completely irredeemable. The best portrayal of Blueblood I've ever seen is in Rites of Ascension by CvBrony. Yes, Blueblood is still a spoiled lout, but he has morals and he fights to protect them, even if he has to protect someone he dislikes. There's a nobility in him, despite his arrogant, self-centered attitude. That's a far more believable and relatable character.
Regardless, this was a very good chapter. The nightmare scene was genuinely freaky and the scene with Luna was touching. It's nice to see her actually being a princess for a change.
Really, I don't think any of the hate for ol' Bluey has anything to do with his actions. It's more that people find it a convenient archetype-- the vain, selfish noble whose ego completely eclipses his common sense. Blueblood is (deliberately) ridiculously easy to cast in that mold. It's in his name, for crying out loud!
Ultimately, I believe the archetype in its current form has its roots in the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette was falsely attributed as saying something like, "The peasants have no bread? Then let them eat cake." When you're looking to rouse or justify a violent rebellion against the rich and powerful as a group, it's a lot easier if you ignore all the subtleties and complexities of their character. The more vain, stupid, and selfish you can make them look, the better.