After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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I'm finding the academy environment quite interesting!
Huh, I was expecting what's-her-face to be Script's roommate; you know, for the whole funny "I'm going to make your life a never ending torrent of misery and woe" scenario of having to bunk with such an intolerable, "princess-y" nag.
Nothing better than insufferable nobles to spice up your day, right?
Knocking yourself out...great work, Soren.

Hopefully this griffon is friendlier than she appears to be.
Awaiting further releases.
yay for griffins.
I think you're missing a word or two there.
Silver has a rare opportunity here. If she makes friends with a princess, she can exploit her financially to make up for her own lack of material goods!
And also maybe teach her a thing or two about respecting those of lower status, but that's not as important.
Also, am I the only one who spells it "Gryphon?"
Are the books a mistaken?
1. Either it's All of no need.
Ooh school, no matter how old you are, school will always get you one way or another
Interesting sheep you've got there...
Also, the griffon's entrance is giving me FlutterSHED vibes for some reason.
And its a griffon. I wonder if that was in part because of her proclivity towards eating meat. I can't see that going all that well with the "princess" if they were roomies.
As for spelling, pretty much any version is correct. I like griffon myself.
Instant dislike towards that bitchy "princess". I'm glad you didn't make her Silver's roomie, because that would have been... not okay.
Besides, griffins are cool
(when they're not like Gilda that is...) For some reason I'm getting a prankster-feeling from this individual.. May the fun begin 
Also, "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please!"
I'm getting some Harry Potter -vibes from the school 
with a name like Gale... should've known
2317453 This is coming from the guy who just last night dreamed he was sliding along the ground on his back, against his own will, and then proceeded to essentially moon-walk on his heels from a sitting position, before proclaiming "Because fuck gravity." I think I meant plants though.
2317401 Thanks for the catch. As far as griffon/gryphon, the way I write it is dependent on the context. For example, the show itself uses the griffon spelling, but I personally like the other. As for Aqua Regia, I don't think Silver will have much opportunity for such things for too long, even if she was interested in it.
2317406 Thanks for the catch.
2317768 2317590 2317668 2317334
As far as Gale is concerned, she isn't bad. She's actually a pretty good person. A bit impulsive and playful, but no more than anyone else. I figured if anyone would be beneficial to Silver, it'd be Gale and not that stuck-up noble.
Like others, I assumed Blueblood's sister was going to be her roommate also. However, with Twilight Velvet said the part about not being what she would expect, for some reason, the idea of a griffin entered my head. Heh. Totally called it.
Good then.
2318017 Yeah, Aqua Regia ain't there just to be the mean roommate concept, if you get me.
As for Gale being good for Soren... It might actually be the worst possible roommate. Like Dash back in flight school with Gilda, it will give Soren an out. Soren will not have to interact with the other ponies in the same way because "she" will have Gale. It is going to give her a more comfortable place to fall back on.
This is not bad for the story of course, but it could be bad for Soren(Silver Script).
2318102 Some of Silver's problems are that she doesn't have too many she can relate to. Say you were stuck living as a pony. Not too many ponies would be able to relate to you on the whole meat eating business.
Part of the reason the GilDash friendship didn't last is because they were TOO similar. They both had the same motivations and the same egos at the time. They got along great at the time because they were a good team, and because they were competitive. What changed was that Rainbow Dash grew up—realizing there was more to friendship than having common goals and abilities—and Gilda didn't. Gilda made Dash choose between goofing off and acting like an arrogant tool with Gilda, or keeping her friends.
I don't think that Gale will be bad for Silver because their personalities aren't too similar, but at the same time aren't dissimilar. No related courses. One's introverted and one's an extrovert. In reference to 'Personality Dimensions', Silver's a green orange while Gale is an orange blue.
Well we will see how it works out. I know when I write, sometimes the characters lead me in different directions than I think I will be taking. Just saying that based on the statement you just made about the pair that it will be VERY easy for Silver Script to get lost in a Gale. They have exactly the right kinds of things both in common and not in common for Silver Script to end up leaning heavily on Gale and learning lessons that are very different from the ones that were intended.
2317951Jeez, I missed a few things didn't I?
Aqua Regia seems to be a sensible name for the princess, given that it's also the name of one of the world's most corrosive substances. Just noticed that and couldn't resist.
I'm guessing she'll be a major problem, seeing as aqua regia dissolves silver?
2319514 It would seem, but it's okay. Ya can't win'em all.
2319911 Aha! We have a clever person in the crowd. I was wondering if anyone was going to point that out. Care to guess the princess's cutie mark?
2320077I suppose.
How long is it gonna take for the next chapter?
I'm going to play Mad Libs and assume you mean "in order to get her sex toys."
2322102 I'd like to say I'll have the next chapter done by the end of this week, but I also have to account for editing.
2322525 Thanks for those finds.
Eep! I can't wait!
2323885 Your username makes me think of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED.
Is Regia going to end up as a bully antagonist for a while?
2326042 Essentially, yes. Not saying that she's going to get better or worse, but I have a plan.
I like the way that the guilt mentioned in the Interlude is transforming more and more concretely into drive and focus.
This is a really different setting from what we've seen in this series so far and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops and how those conflicts within alchemy play out within Silver Script's quest.
2333744 Which guilt though: the pointless guilt about Pound Cake's petrification, or the valid guilt about his family issues?
2333774. Both, I guess. I don't think they can be completely disentangled because the Pound Cake incident is also partly about taking somepony away from a family.
Ok that first response was funny as hell!
I loved it all and of course a Blueblood would be there.and you just know she is going to be messing with Silver.And I can't wait to see what happens next
I really hope the Princess isn't there for the stereotypical asshole in school that keeps getting away with everything.
As soon as Silver met Aqua I thought to myself: "They can't stand each other. They're going to be roommates!"
Ah damn I thought the noble girl would have been her roommate