After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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I just wnna see Luna do some yelling IN the Royal Canterlot Voice... You know, because it's not loud enough to begin with.
Ha ha, stupid "Princess'" plan is stupid. Well, at the very least, this will probably help clean up corruption in the prison system a bit.
I think those wonderful and kind ponies would appreciate a lovely little trip to the Fires of a Hell.
Tragedy may strike at this point. We must hope that it is not so; these early stages for naught.
Awaiting further releases.
Goddamnt you, Seven. Such change from stressful situation to calm of study. This chapter nearly strucken my nerves.
You better release new chapter soon,i want to see how this will end up.
3665348 More than just the prison system, I'm afraid.
Class society, duh.
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the
lawyersnobles."Ohohohohoho~...... Aqua Regia is gonna get in the shit, shs has no idea how many powerful friends Silver has
Ooooh I can't wait for the next chapter now! This is bloody brilliant as always, but... Gods I love legal drama of any sort... Wonder why nopony's gone and done a Law and Ponies fic... Hopefully not SVU of course. I realize I'm rambling at this point but SVU with ponies... I do not foresee things going well for Scootaloo. She sadly seems to get the shaft too often in fan fics for anything of that sort NOT to happen.
Aqua Regia: "Yes, I want those mercenary griffins to infiltrate in Luna´s academy, maybe passing as royal guards. And I want them to take Silver in bounds thorught the city attracting as much attention from the citizens as possible". And after putting her in the state prison forever, put a suicide letter in her desk. Nopony will suspect anything!"
I really really hope that we get to see the suicide note. It actually wouldn't surprise me if it's something along the lines of "I saw the error of my ways and can't live with the knowledge of how much I hurt the beatiful Princess Aqua Regia"
If being tossed into solitary confinement was productive enough for her to find the flippin' cure for CANCER in less than a day, she might decide to go more often.
Hell, Silver might discover the Unified Theory of the Universe if given a week.
3666178 Not the cure, just a line of exploration to the cure. We don't want her ego getting TOO big.
That's still gonna burn the hell out of Aqua. Not only was her petty vengeance ruined, expensively corrupt operatives discovered, and bags of bits uselessly thrown away on mercenaries, but she helped the damned mare find a way to cure cancer???
She better stop now before she has a brain aneurism over the next epic failure.
Does Aqua Regia not know that Luna sponsored SIlver? And that Luna can immediately (well, maybe not, but close enough) verify that she is/isn't dead with a bit of handy dream-walking?
Take away her horn, that thing is a privilege, not a right.
3666844 Technically, Luna DID find her by dream walking.
And no, Aqua Regia hadn't thought to do a thorough background check on Silver Script. That being said, she has done some. You'll find out soon enough.
She's gonna play the 'mentally unstable' card, isn't she?
3667143 She kinda is.
I meant she's gonna attempt to use Silver's earlier attempt to murder Twilight against her.
3667210 Among other things.
So you're saying this is one of the most sexually charging moments she has lived through as well?
Should there be a comma here?
And Luna appeared in this chapter! Another great chapter and it was a marvel to read. And not because Luna was in it, but mostly because of Luna. It makes sense, just don't think about it.
All this alchemy shit is playing havoc with my science. Crystalized rose petals are crystalized rose petals, not some symbol for shape. Fuckin' magic...
I know that Aqua has shown a marked lack of common sense when it appears she isn't going to get exactly what she wants, but this seems awfully excessive even for her. I'm torn on believing that she's really going to go all-out as the Big Bad and looking for other explanations. the problem is I think I do have another.
If Aqua is truly a product of her environment then there are plenty more ponies who hold the same mindset as her. It's possible that another noble got wind of Silver's very public reveal and has found an opportunity to make a very telling strike at a pony whose power they covet. Aqua has the personality and motivation to do exactly this kind of thing. It would be ridiculously easy for someone to frame her and get her removed.
But again I'm grasping at straws. Here's hoping Aqua's more than just the stereotypical arch-villainess.
If Aqua had paid heed to unease at the sight of a pony eating meat, she might have avoided this outcome. If she had spent those bits on a thorough background check instead of mercenaries and fake orders from a princess. She might have known that Silver Script started out a human named Soren Friedrich, a human male, part of a race well known to adapting to any situation by choice or necessity. Perhaps knowing this chapter of Silver's life Aqua would have walked away counting her blessings she did not end up on the wrong end of a crystal shard or unknown potion
Instead she has made her final error, and is completely and utterly bucked.
I love this chapter. The whole scene and the bondage... or prison or whatever, all that matters is Silver being trussed up. Can't wait to see what happens next.
3665350 I accidentally read that as the Fries of Hell. They're the most tempting things ever to eat, but they burn your whole digestive system. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, and both intestines. It's done through extreme heat, spices that make the ghost pepper look tame, and specially bred and raised potatoes. The worst part is that even though you get burned like that, and you know you don't want to eat any more of them in order to avoid the pain, your body will start to act on its own, requiring greater amounts of willpower to stop yourself from eating them. The only way to not be burned is to give in to the temptation and let your body do as it pleases, eventually turning you into something you might see on a red Magic: The Gathering card.
Happy belated Birthday!
Things are shaping up to be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Aqua Regia sure doesn't know when to stop digging.

3669460 It's not just that she doesn't know, but she also keeps on getting new shovels. The only way I can think of that she can truly stop digging any deeper is when she hits rock bottom and gets a few sticks of TNT, but that's up for debate as well. Also see below response.
3669902 I think the Fries of Hell would be a good punishment for Aqua Regia. Just saying.
Very novel.
Using the power of imagination to trick your body into thinking it's asleep...What ingenious. My approval of your descriptions of meditation.
Hey Aqua, I would like you to meet two good friends of mine, Tom meet Aqua, and Aqua greet Gravity. What do you get when you combine the three? answer: Crushing Defeat
This just dawned on me... What if Discord is really the god of fertility? Implications seem to point that way, so far.
3678643 Hey, it'd explain the chimera.
Punishment you say?
3678765 my mind is blown!
Who needs super convoluted plans on how to escape a maximal security prison when you have a powerful goddess to jailbreak you lol, It is almost cheating. Also I can imagine a very furious and scary blossom over what Aqua tried to do to her marefriend , especially when you talk of going to kill her one and only love of her life within listening distance x3
3689782 I have a predacon that things may or may not turn out like you expect.
That makes it all the more exciting and terrifying.
This was a awesome chapter it's so mest up what Aqua did that Bitch just don't learn to just leave Silver alone.
.But Silver's meditation state was so awesome beyond awesome
.And I'm so happy that Luna found Silver and will be saving her
.I can't wait to see what happens next
Uhh... I am pretty sure that you were born without them...
I wonder if it's possible for the princess to strip aqua of her tital and give it to silver?