After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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How come I wasn't contacted about this chapter?
3823588 Sorry about that. I remembered that after the last editing call, you said you don't come to Fimfiction as often any more. I kinda wanted to get this one out before tomorrow [two weeks and one day since the previous chapter] and since I wasn't sure I'd be able to count on you getting the PM on time, I ended up leaving you out.
Sorry if I upset you.
3823608 Yeah, I suppose I may have dug my own "grave" with that one. I actually just got home from my first college class about an hour ago. Decided to check out FiMFiction.
3823613 So ya probably have homework on top of all that.
3823616 No, actually. I had English Lit, and we don't start doing anything til Thursday. This was literally my first college class. Ever.
And to think that just a couple days ago I was talking on the forums and a guy said he didn't like this story because of it's skewed approach to justice (gelding males accused of sexual assault). Rape is serious business in Equestria.
I see what you meant about my predictions. Now what's a former Princess going to do about the position I expected her to be in?
God, I'm eager for the next chapter!
So they got the rape crime out of the way, are they still going to investigate her kidnapping?
Blueblood should have declared Aqua mentally handicapped for the trial... I don´t think many of the presents would had problems buying it.
Still, throwing his own sister under the bus is low even for that drunk bastard.
3823756 So you gonna throw that justice in their face and say such justice works both ways?
3823845 That is going to be investigated, but no, the Bluebloods had nothing to do with it.
3823894 I'd argue that it was not nature, but instead nurture. It's easy to blame such behavior on mental disorder, but a person will off behave as they've been conditioned to.
thinking somewhere later in the story Silver or Blossom will "just wanna talk to" Aqua

It's probably worse than that. I get the feeling that the whole kidnapping thing was orchestrated by Blueblood himself in order to force the issue and get her thrown out of the family. He probably already knew about the rape (considering Aqua's something of a blabbermouth) and you notice that the disowning document was apparently prepared months in advance.
It seems like they were about to assign restitution to Silver prior to that revelation; if the writ was considered punitive then that constitutes an admission of wrongdoing, and thus the family would bear the burden of restitution.
Further, the writ would only be valid as of the date it was made public or enforced - otherwise the head of a noble house could maintain a stock of writs for each house member in secret, and only present them if it becomes favorable to do so. Aqua Regina did not know, ergo the writ has not been in force.
More clearly? Blueblood represented her as a family member, meaning HE did not consider the writ valid prior to its reveal.
Of course, had it been valid then he would have had no legitimate cause to be present, and thus violated Silver's privacy by participating.
Either way, his house is in deep trouble beyond the attempt to avoid punishment.
This would all be so much simpler if Luna granted Silver a minor title.
I guess five years on prison isn´t half as bad as losing everything. Aqua is a ruined mare, barred from even entering into the university for a degree. Depending of the publicity of the trial, she could consider herself lucky of getting a job on a hay burguer...
3824191 Not only that, she can't have foals, and she is not allowed to leave Canter lot for risk of breaching her probation... for five years.
Nah. There were other things they didn't like about the story, but it's funny to see one of their points accidentally and so quickly reversed.
Yeah, this chapter only reinforces my earlier prediction that Aqua Regia set herself up by being a bitch, and someone else noticed and decided to make her take the fall for something. One "little" indiscretion that could be pinned on her would push the whole issue over the brink and someone gets to fill the gap left by her.
Is it weird of me to want to slap Aqua with one hand and hug her with the other?
I can see how this looks like skewed justice. I mean, in a male, gelding stops the production of testosterone; killing his sex drive. It should probably be pointed out that frying ovaries has the same effect on a woman. If they are rendered completely inert she will no longer produce estrogen, meaning no sex drive, among other things.
Perhaps I'm just vengeful, but I'd really want to be told that my attacker's sex life would be even more messed up than mine if I were Silver.
So, Aqua is going to be left without any bits, to fend for herself. Considering her previous lifestyle, I would put it in the "There are things worse then death" category for one such as her.
Now, Silver only need somepony or griffin to explain her exactly how harsh her punishment is.
You know, I was all excited when this popped up on the updates. Then I realized I had edited it.
Okay, I'm definitely gonna try to make a Silver Script and Aqua Regia SFM model so we can all watch Silver knock that bitch out cold.
I think some time later aqua is gonna want to apologize to silver. She is a big part of the story I can tell.
At first, I was as pissed off as Silver when Aqua seemed to have got a light sentence.
Aqua is a mare who has been waited on by servants her whole life. I can think of no conceivable way she can survive without any money, any of her 'friends' or connections. She'll have to turn tricks for bits just to stay warm at night.
Chopping off her head my have been more merciful, if only because it would have been a quick death. And imprisonment means she gets housed and fed for five years. Luna made sure she wouldn't be a burden on Equestria's tax system (with the exception of her probation officer) by keeping her out.
So, let's see if I have this straight.
Blueblood exiled Aqua from the family so that way she could avoid the punishment of jail and her genitals getting axed. Also, this helps to keep the Blueblood family name out of trouble. One of those "I'm punishing her on my conditions to avoid your punishment." Luna and Celestia had no choice but to comply on the matter, but made sure that Aqua still wouldn't be able to mess with Silver. Silver, of course, is upset.
Think that sounds right.
Where does the 'no foals' come into play?
Part of the punishment for rape is rendering the perpetrator unable to breed. In this case, making her womb and ovaries useless.
But with Aqua cut off from her family and their funds, he won't be able to afford to maintain her attendance and be forced to leave the university. After leaving sshe will be required to get a job like a 'commoner', which, for her, I imagine would be a fate worse than death.
My prediction was that Aqua, mad with shame and depression, hunts Silver down and tries to commit suicide by using her magic to make Silver slit Aqua's throat with a knife. At worst Silver has to watch Aqua die right in front of her - at best Silver is accused of murder. Aqua succeeds in using magic to make Silver hold the knife and cut her, but when Aqua passes out Silver uses an alchemical adhesive to seal Aqua's wound long enough for help to arrive.
Aqua is even more screwed after that because she can't so much as pee without a guard watching over her, but Silver, being one of the few ponies who can possibly understand what Aqua has lost, is the only pony (outside of the Princesses) who visits Aqua. Aqua may hate Silver, but she also doesn't want to be left alone.
But meh... I know it has a huge plot hole (I'm sure Silver wouldn't be allowed to visit) but it was little more than daydreaming.
I suspect that Blueblood knew of Aqua's crimes against Silver and that Blueblood is the one who hired the mercenaries. Aqua has the means and motivation to do the abduction and so is an easy patsy to take the fall. Blueblood then has an official writ of familial termination drawn up so that when the ax falls on Aqua he can divest the family of her and step in to take her stuff.
Because Aqua set herself up perfectly for a savvy noble to take her down. And someone is going to get her stuff.
Now I wonder whether Blueblood, in retribution for losing 60% of the estate, is going to go after Aqua and Silver is going to just happen to step in to help her.
That's what I guessed, I just don't remember it being explicitly spelled out females were spayed.
Turns out.... Demon conjuring!
word order is wrong. should be: clean in the jaw
3826796 She would have been expelled anyway. Even off hours, she still assaulted another student on-campus in front of two professors and a number of students.
3826878 The word spaying is indeed never mentioned. The princess instead stated that her womb and ovaries would be rendered magically inert. If her ovaries, a part of her endocrine system in addition to holding all of her ova, are inert, a major factor in her sex drive and reproductive cycle is out of the equation. She would never release any ova; she would never go into estrus, ergo no foals. She would, in effect be forced into early menopause. By rendering her womb also inert, she would be unable to simply exert fine-telekinesis and force an ovulation by dragging an egg to her womb, because a fertilized ovum would be unable to take root.
3826068 But that was Ice Blossom that punched her out.
I know, but Silver probably wants to as well.
I loved this chapter it's so sad that Silver had to relive that

..And I was PO at who ever made that latter and who ever kidnapped Silver

.I hope that Silver will be ok and I'm get Aqua's punishment but still think she deserves a little more.I can't wait to see what happens next .
Hm... Some of true princesses used Silver as scapegoat in attempt to shake an unwanted ruling clan. But Blue was good, several steps ahead. Oh, Celly, you so angry right now
So, this story teached us some good morale: Its good to have friends in High places.
Hmmmm... Since I believe the abduction was a setup and that Aqua had nothing to do with it, and now the Blueblood estate is being wrecked, Aqua the commoner might 'conveniently' disappear and violate her probation. Because we already know somepony out there is horribly callous and spiteful and we don't know if they've been caught yet.
Good heavens this situation could be going dark!
Oh jeez, that's why. I was reading so fast I missed that sentence.
Why isn't there a facehoof emote ahhh?
3829206 There is.
I am totally on a roll for missing obvious things
This gives them the opportunity for Aqua to lead them to the pony pulling the strings.
Silver should start a charity. Swords for Foals. And contrary to what everypony might say and fear, nothing bad happens. Mass sword violence never comes about, the foals are all disciplined with the blades, and the existing crime rates fall (after all, what criminal wants to say they were stopped by a foal?). Sword shops also begin to pop up, bearing both mass produced and custom made swords.
3824439 Slap + hug = slug. The best slugs are not biological in nature.
3824919 Ah, the woes of being an editor.
3827539 Why not have both Silver and Ice teaming up against Aqua?
3827690 3 hours dungeon. 3 HOURS! AND NO TEA BREAKS!
3834014 (break's out of dungeon looking pissed NO TEA BREAK'S YOU HEARTLESS BITCH!!!!!!!!

uses magic to teleport Blazikenking into a tentacle dimension why don't you spend three years in there
3834257 Now that just seems a little disproportionate, doesn't it? *calls in an air strike on Master king*
But I dunno, I'm already rather more on board with this punishment without explanation - Her being a spoiled royal bitch was the whole cause of her thinking she could do this kinda shit. It's a much more central part of her identity and motivation than functional ladyparts. When someone who thinks they have the right to ask "Don't you know who I am!?" can be correctly answered with "nobody anymore," it's much more devastating. Working menial jobs and sleeping on a fold-out for the next several decades is much more humiliating and correcting than a few years in a box, learning how to be an even bigger troublemaker. They're experiences she should have had already, to prevent her from becoming what she did.
3836450 You may smell a fish of the red variety, but I shan't tell you which.
I'm a bit surprised that Silver can't see that Luna is actually being far crueler by now not putting Aqua into prison. She absolutely would need to be in prison as a member of the Blueblood clan, since anything less wouldn't be a harsh punishment. However, now that she is stripped of all titles, abilities, and financial backing putting her into prison would have been a kindness because she would at least be looked after. By placing her on probation, she can't leave Canterlot, where everypony will know her shame (just imagine how juicy that bit of gossip is and everypony will know within days) she'll be ostracized by everyone that she knows, she'll have no friends, no support structure, and she'll be turning tricks by the end of the week just to survive and all it'll bring her is further into shame and ignominy.
3834953 you really what to do this I don't want to have to do this but ok .(Master king eyes begin to glow and all air strike blows up. And then uses his magic to hold Blazikenking down and stuffs gender swap Poison down Blazikinkings throat with a little extra in it to make it last 14 months. And then throws now female Blazikenking into a cell of a dungeon with three of the biggest and Hornyest stallions from Ironhoof Penitentiary and locks the doors .And then uses magic to soundproof the dungeon so no one can hear and won't try to help her also takes phone so she can't call for help.)
3837500 No phone? No problem. HENSHIN! *Equips Suika Arms*
Thus is the time when I sweet talk sevenfates on skype and learn a bit more.
Blueblood's writ was far too convenient and nobody has even talked to Aqua about the kid- er, foalnapping yet. Her and Blueblood's statements regarding Silver are especially telling when considered in the greater context of what just happened.
He and I have been chatting but he's only telling me things I don't want to hear.
3838717 Oh did I forget to mention that the dungeon is magically and technology safe guarded any one trying to use ether .Activates it and the room becomes a hyperbolic time chamber now from 14 months to 14 years we are going to time ship that and you came out with 72 children congrats have fun with that.

3843262 Yes, you did forget. Regardless, I fail to understand how you got 72. If human, the number should be around 16, and if equine, 14, and that's assuming back to back full terms, which would be detrimental to the body. You also aren't accounting for the possibility that I could fight back without any spells or technology. The stallions can't use magic or technology either, so that makes fighting back unarmed even easier for me. No telekinesis, no flight, and none of whatever Earth pony magic does. And if you say that I'm the only one actually affected, then the dungeon is not magically/technologically safeguarded. Area effects can not be applied to a single target unless there is only one target in the area.