After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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As said before a bit rushed, but still very good chapter.
However, one thing:
I don't think that Celestia and Luna would like to be called goddesses (because they aren't).
2522302 2522224 I honestly fully expected the chapter to seem rushed. I even recognized during editing that any sort of time skip would come off as railroading, but I felt it necessary to do regardless. Otherwise, it would have just been me dawdling in Silver's day to day life with nothing getting done. There's a reason I didn't flag this with slice of life.
... and say as you will, Ponyator, but anything capable of controlling celestial bodies is nothing short of a demi-god/goddess in my book.
2522325 Like I said in the author's comments, there are a lot of things to be included in the next interlude that would not otherwise get airtime. They're just little things, most of them not even relevant to the main plotline.
2522313 They don't even have real celestial bodies like in our world, because it would be impossible to move a sun around the planet in a 24h pattern without ripping the planet apart by the gravitation.
And furthermore, a few unicorns were able to move the sun and moon aswell before the princesses were born (Spike said that in one of the episodes).
If you look closely at the whole MLP show, you will notice that there are many hints showing that hey have something like in Greech legend, a celestial vault with fake, or magical celestial bodies with no mass, just pure energy (or something like that).
If Celestia really had the power to move a real, solid sun, she would have vaporized Chrysalis in an instant and cut a hole through the entire planet...
Power =/= God
Or, you know, Celestia and Luna are really just full of shit, and just happen to be long-lived and very powerful, even though they really can't move the celestial bodies around.
GGs and "Concept of Love"?
Fuck Yeah.
Sometimes a breather/recap episode like this is a good thing. Helps the viewers, both long-time and new, catch up and review over everything that's happened so far. I know there's been plenty of stories, shows, and games where a recap would help get me back up to speed (especially if it's been a while since I last saw the work).
That being said, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Soren's adventures at the university. It seems I was close to the mark when I thought Ice Blossom could have been the love interest. That other dude had the feel of a one-shot, and so far, he is. Time will tell, though. Japanes- er, Neighponese sisters, eh? Memories of Fook Mi and Fook Yu from Austin Powers springs to mind.
At any rate, looking good. Waiting for the next chap!
2523097 Which other dude?
Meh, for some reason, I thought I remembered some pony stallion that Soren was talking to earlier. If I'm making stuff up, then ignore. The rest of my post still stands.
2523736 You might be recalling the random classmate from the Cafeteria, Silver's psychiatrist Clear Conscience, or the pony who sold her the magical compass.
I think it was a random classmate. Whatever, it's inconsequential at this point. thanks for clearing that up for me.
You know what this story needs? Centaurs, centaurs from fallout, dancing to the sunrise.
2524022 Are they the dance police?
Um, define?
2524435 Listen to this and you'll eventually find out.
"Friendship is magic"
It's not just a catchy title... it's reality. Love being the logical extension of the concept of "friendship," and Chrysalis being an entity that feeds on love (who had positively gorged herself on Shining Armor), the reveal at the wedding ceremony was Chrysalis at her peak of power. Set that against a Celestia uncertain with what she's up against, and you've got a recipe for disaster. It later took the combined love of Shining Armor and Cadence to expel Chrysalis and her army from the city.
The Elements of Harmony? Celestia told Twilight to "make some friends," a command which ultimately led her to meeting the rest of the Mane Six and finding the Elements of Harmony. The Elements are each a facet of friendship, including that unknowable spark that ties friends together: magic. In fact, Discord proved that if the ties of friendship are broken, the magical Elements no longer function properly.
This idea is similarly realized through Pinkie Pie. She is friends with everypony (and we mean everypony!) Pinkie Pie is clearly capable of shattering the normal laws of physics, and the only other force known to do that is magic; logically, Pinkie Pie achieves her reality warping by magic, as well. The sheer number of friends Pinkie Pie has gives her a great amount of magic, which she uses on a regular basis, to the befuddlement of everypony.
Ah, defenestration, I'm beginning to remember how the world seemingly changed after I learned such a magical word. Although perhaps it was a bit worrying that for around a week after I couldn't help but fantasize what it would look like if every person I saw enter or exit a room did so by jumping out of an unmolested window.
Also, my shipping sensing are tingling. Beat and Gearalt.
Also also if this were a video game like Phoenix Wright, I'd imagine that Chill Beat's song (as a character) would be something inspired by Nujabes. I don't know why, but this thought just stuck with me the whole chapter, and although it wasn't much, I imagined all inter-character dialogue looking exactly like the game.
Still loving this story, can't wait for the next chapter.
Keep in mind, it wasn't a few unicorns. It was the primary responsibility of the entire unicorn race. We don't know how many it took. Maybe hundreds to do the job. Celestia, without even breaking a sweat is doing what once was the responsibility of an entire race. Combine that with what we saw out of Luna in her episode. She was controlling the weather and breaking apart the earth below her without even trying to. And they're thousands of years old.
Are they a god in the sense their they're omnipotent and all powerful? No. They're more like the Greek gods. Strong as hell, but can be bested at times.
2528790 This.
Can't wait for more. Skip all the time you need, that just means you can get to awesome alchemy stuff sooner, and Silver will get to the good classes on blowing stuff up.
And here I was really hoping for Gale and Silver Script to ship. Sigh.
I smell a BlossomScript shipping!
or is it SilverBlossom?
I loved it all and I like getting to know Beats I little more and again I just love it all so much and I can't wait to see what happens next

This is the second time i'm bringing it up, but the characters are amazing. There is not one character whos personality was touched upon that I dont remember. My favourite (other than Silver) is probably the proffesor because of the kind of teacher he is, funny, hands on and clearly takes a good approuch to what he does. Even other aspects of the story are great like the setting, extra detailing and lets not forget conflicts between characters. Good job on the story and I can't wait to read more!

Silver is a well done character, even if the constant development of mental issues tends to grate on me a little.
Well Gale is a shit editor. There are three.
Word repetition.
Comma missing
And I'm doing this on mobile.
I take it would is replacing the second we?
Oh my god I wanna see that
Ah damn and here I was shipping silver and gale