After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Anyone else thinks Lyra will go into labor when she hangs around Blossom?
Meatstick, eh? You dirty minded griffon you. And thank you for the unexpected feels with Diamond Tiara there, didn't see that coming. Not used to feeling sorry for her, nice job.
It seems that even without Soren there to cause a ruckus (fracas), Ponyville continues to stay the course of being the most exciting boring little podunk town ever. It'll be interesting to see how their trip to where it all began turns out.
Seriously? Making us feel bad for Diamond Tiara? Seven Fates sure knows how to tease me when it comes to turning Aqua's character around.
Script is right in that she is still a filly and has time to change her ways to be a better pony as an adult. It would be interesting if there was a second petrified pony out in the forest now... a chance for Script to find out how, or if, cockatrices can un-petrify their victims at will-- or be forced to do it. Also if there's a time limit, a window of opportunity on the reversal of stoning.
That was indeed a fun chapter.
Now, forshadowing at something mysterious and/or epic that will happen around Silver Spoon dissapearance.
Okay, "meatstick" had me dying of laughter after the bit of feels for Tiara. Well done.
So, obviously the Crusaders are going to be there when Lyra is in labor.
And it will put them off stallions forever.
2750970 Correct me if I'm wrong, but was it not Apple Bloom in the image that your avatar crops that said 'Holy fuck'?
Why yes, yes it is. I felt it most appropriate for me.
So it appears that Ponyville has not taken a liking to Silver.

What an interesting trio indeed.
I hope Tiara will find her friend and better herself.
Awaiting further releases.
Cutie Mark Crusaders Midwives, yay?
I wonder what the cutie mark for that would be? hrm...
A bowl of hot water and a towel?
2751435 2751644 Nah; a pair of foreceps. Big enough to be handled with hooves.
Think about that for a bit.
And seriously? Nobody picked up on the reference? I am disappoint.
2751742 To be fair, it is kinda vague for this generation.
2751860Yet I got it almost instantly.
And I'm only 17.
2751877 Not everybody is has good taste.
They're reading this, aren't they?
countdown until the manure hits the fan... 3...2...1...
2750846>>2750725>>2751887 This foreshadowing of Silver Spoon makes me wonder when another statue is going to be found...
and another randomly dead cockatrice...
I do want to know, if Flim and Flam possess a confined cockatrice, and Silver watched it unstone another cockatrices prey... why not consult with Luna regarding the practical application of such knowledge?
Stoped mid way though a Kamfer episode to read this. worth it
2752520 'cause Silver's pigheaded like that.
2751742 2751860
If there was an reference in this chapter I probably didn't see it as I was doing other things while reading!
Still it was an good chapter going to be interesting to see what happens!
2754325 I guess a yeti holding a crane and eel while riding an ox is pretty normal.
I like how fluid this chapter felt.
2754475 ...I think I know that one...But I can't remember where it comes from... Anyways, Great chapter, as usual, and I'll be looking forward to the next one.
I can hear the mad god murphy and his prophet finagle with this chapter.
As in being confused with silver spoon the townsfolk will try to ask her question and then bam. The monster that nearly killed the hero twilight sparkle is in town along with "Scary" griffons.
Oh that sounds familiar but I can't place where I've seen that!
I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Also, I'd love to see Gale eat Angel. That'd make for an awesome introduction to the mane six.
"This is Silver, who nearly killed Twilight, and Gale, who ate Angel, and Ice Blossom who... hmm, have you kiled anypony yet, Blossom?"
Ahhhhh, love these chapters, and I love how naturally Silver flowed through it all.
Gale... you naughty Griffon, get your head out of the gutter, and stay away from Silver's porn for goodness sake.
2759463 Would she happen to be on deviantART under the name MasterPlanner?
It´s because you are still human on the inside, Silver. Aqua Regia? please, if you decide to give in the Dark Side Discord or Chysalis would want to be there to take notes.
2760579 You know MasterPlanner? (I'm guessing this means you did actually base that crocheting pony off of her) I was actually thinking about buying a plush from her, but I currently don't have a summer job to pay for it. I do kind of like the fact that the crocheting pony was based off of someone in the real world.
Yeah, the Silver Spoon disappearance is definitely leading to something, but I'm going to say it doesn't lead to finding a Silver Spoon statue. Seems too obvious.
2762430 Her and I go back a long time. Years ago, I used to frequent deviantART's complaints forum, before migrating to a chat channel that had, at the time, been made for regulars of the complaints forum. It was even one of deviantART's most popular chats for a time. I spent a stretch of time as a moderator alongside her, and even co-owner of the channel, and over that time, the two of us became good friends. Originally I was going to base the crocheting pony off of a ponification of her that I did ages ago under an old alias-crude compared to the vectors I do now-but I ultimately decided to settle on the idea of her instead. After all, you don't introduce a unicorn mare with a tentacle harness like that of Doctor Octopus and then just writer her out. That sort of character is just too interesting.
If you do end up buying from her, make sure to tell her that I told you that it isn't a mistake to purchase from her. Hay, feel free to mention that I based pony off of her whole amigurumi business.
Normal? I think it tragic. Very tragic. That kind of wild animal set could easily tragically drown if they aren't paying at least 1/2 the attention they need to.
(~Your faithful reader and otaku, Ravenscroft Raven.)
Good chapter, seemed truncated, but real life restrictions, eh?
2773579 Pretty much, regarding the restrictions. The next chapter sits about half-way done, and I'm thinking about taking a short hiatus to catch up on a rather long fic.
I loved it all so much and I hope Silver Spoon will be ok. And I loved Silver's reunion with Bon Bon this chapter had me LOTF. I can't get enough and I can't wait to see what happens next and her reunion with Lyra.
I dunno what's worse, the fact that I understood that reference, or that I cried from laughter because of it.
I'm amazed that pinkie hasn't appeared to give gale and Lily there parties