After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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yay update
Really good chapter. I felt it was kind of short, but that is just because you have my interest and I would like to read more. Keep it up.
I'm always glad to see another chapter of this story.
p.s. can't wait for Silver to get bacon.
This single chapter had five new entries for me to add to my 'good writing words' list. Well done.
2400985 Oh?
Yes, they were diminutive, chagrin, appraise, adamant and blanch. Good little words for use in a fic.
New ones is "potential lover" and "fearful" new friend?
I somehow doubt that the concept of "potential lover" is anywhere near ever being on the table for Soren, not after everything that has happened to him. At best, yet another male friend, much like the griffons, but this time in pony form. Nay, after everything that he's been through ever since arriving in Equestria, I doubt he'll ever have a lover for a long, long time.
The other pony, however, I can see him working on befriending. That will take a lot of work, however, and there's gonna be a lot of pitfalls to avoid and crawl out of to see that friendship to fruition. I have a feeling it'll be worth it, though.
As far as the story goes, I really would like to see more of Soren actually having things turn up for him for once. His friendship with the griffons and him overcoming the BS that is Aqua Regia (for now, at least) are steps in the right direction. He needs to continue working on what he's built up to earn his happy ending, but so far, he's looking to being on the right path for that.
Get this man..... MARE some In-N-Out! Fourpony does not endorse culinary suicide unless it is delicious.
About the whole "cannibal mare" bit, people from North America don't eat horses, that's the British. If that mare had taken Inter-dimensional History 101, she would have known this. Also, how potent is that spice? Cause there is bound to be traces of it on all the foods in the griffon section of the cafeteria.
It is necessary to tell that this is not Soren. This is Silver Skript. As the heroine told, she has a CUNT, and, as we know, the chemistry of an organism defines the personality.
Why this new character can be the potential lover? Because some men have resistant "taste" on tiny women; the history has tags "romance", "adult" and "sex"; the romantic relations enrich the story. From what you took, what there will be a happy end?
P.S. Also story is too good. It must update often.
A number of things that I see wrong about what (I assume) you are saying about this situation.
First, while he has the form of a small pegasus mare, Soren is still male on the inside, in his mind, heart, and soul. The fact that he continually reinforces his masculinity to himself and distances himself from his feminine side only adds to the fact that Soren, as a character, is male. In this very chapter he only acknowledges the fact that he has a vagina (certainly a lot less of an offensive term for it than what you used) as a fact, and writes it off as nothing that he concerns himself with any more than what he needs to do to keep his body functioning. At the very least, he's not freaking out over it anymore, but he certainly hasn't accepted it wholeheartedly, either.
That addresses the second point I'd like to bring up; the one where one's personality is defined by what one physically is, instead of what one chooses to be. Soren did have to deal with Lyra's body being in heat, and that did skew a lot of his thoughts, but overall, he was still himself, and also had to deal with a lot more than a female body overcharging his thoughts with estrogen. A personality rewrite, wayward magic spells, and hallucinations probably had a lot more to do with messing with Soren's head than an estrus cycle.
As far as the "potential lover" thing is concerned, I have to dismiss that outright. Soren was raped. I repeat that for emphasis. Soren was raped. That's just not something you bounce back from and expect to get into relationships again. It takes a long time for someone that has suffered something that traumatizing to even consider relationships again. On top of that, he was raped by a male. I wouldn't be surprised if Soren never dated again, especially any stallions. At best, I'd expect him to at least take an interest in mares. If even then.
Just because the story has certain tags, doesn't mandate that they be present all the time, or even for the main characters. I honestly don't see Soren engaging in any relationships that go beyond friendship for a while (quite possibly within the scope of this story, at least), and you know what? That's not a bad thing. Romantic relationships aren't always necessary for a happy ending. One can have a happy, full life without having to kneel to the expectation that one has to tie themselves down to a relationship that doesn't make sense to achieve said happiness. I believe Soren can do that, and he seems to be doing just that.
Now, do I have some sort of authority to state that is what will happen? No, I'm just making guess based on what has happened so far. But from what I've read, the most likely course of events for Soren doesn't include a relationship (especially with stallions). Just because one doesn't have a romantic relationship going, doesn't mean one can't have a happy ending without it.
I will agree with you on one thing, though. This story is good, and I, too, would like to see it continue, and often.
Are these all characters you made up, or are they other people's OC's that you got permission to use?
This is what i heard when silver script sang.
2401214Because shit happens. I sometimes can't get to editing the chapter until a day or two later. Like I said, shit happens.
2401542 Aside from the appearance of canon characters such as Shining Armor and fanon characters like Twilight Velvet, all of the characters are coming entirely from my head.
2401657 Hilariously enough, that is the exact version I was listening to as I wrote the scene.
2401269 The whole cannibal mare thing is more a reference to Greek mythology, as referenced earlier with mention of the Mares of Thrace, better known as the Mares of Diomedes. As far as the spice is concerned, I think Equestria at the very least has a concept of cross-contamination.
2401214 As NightmareKnight has mentioned, the release schedule is a bit wonky because I prefer my editors do their editing only when they can, or when they feel up to it. Even if I was some hell-raising stick-in-the-mud, the schedule would be crazy because I get roughly a chapter done each week.
Must have more!
Is the stallion from food time going to be a reacurring character?
I have to be at school 40 minutes early tomorrow to play Jazz, including Fly Me to the Moon. That part made me smile.
2402671 If you have someone who plans on singing along, get them a pulled pork sandwich and tell them to hold it while they sing.
Yes update!!!

This is getting interesting, really interesting, I'm looking forward to more!
Hazzah, the word count has been... increased somewhat!
Yay. You rock. Woo hoo.
Chapter commentary: Interesting path, leading to a more responsible Soren Script, taking responsibility for hir actions like that. I hope we get to see the paper "what alchemy means to you", but if we don't, no biggie I guess, since we kind of already know, but it would be a good opportunity for some background info on if Script's mood and opinions have changed at all, especially since "it's a means to an end of curing a statue in the garden" is a bit abrupt and wouldn't get good marks.
I blasted through the previous story and I am enjoying the direction this sequel is going in. Looking forward to the talk with Ice Blossom.
The song was a blast to read, too, don't ya know?
best way to make friends in collage: terrify people
I loved it all it was awesome it was so cool when they all cheered for her and I hope things go while with Ice Blossom I can't wait to see what happens next and I loved the song in my head I'm giving her a beautiful and awesome voice
Which stallion? And why could the entire cafeteria hear her?
Singing to your sandwich gets kind of loud, don'tcha know?
Thinking about it, it is probably best to send the letter as direct as possible through ponies that she could trust. Who knows what corruption is in the ranks of the guards, and considering part of the letter details corruption that probably should be investigated... Well, it is best to prevent the letter from falling in the wrong hooves.
I got halfway through the first line before I recognized the song, you glorious bastard. That was great
8291976 For a minute, I was wondering what you were even talking about. I glance through before remembering the Fly me to the Moon parody.