After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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now im interrested in what silver has to say.
Someone mind explaining the chapters ending to me?
Yyyeeeesss...somepony should really fix that, you know, milk poor Lyra and relieve that tension. And uh, we should watch. You know, for her safety!
I volunteer milking Lyra. I know, I know but I am generous like that. I'll take one for the team.
The entire town just seems easily swayed.
2793339 Ponyville is prone to mass hysteria, remember?
Great chapter as always. Keep'em coming!
2793347 What would happen if lots of tear gas is involved?
Though Silver's statement now makes me wonder, did she experiment with a few potions to see what it would feel like? I know the curious mind would possibly venture forth to do that. :shiftyeyes:
Eh, no problem. Sorry, sometimes I tend to procrastinate and it really works against me.
No biggie though, I'll... god I really can't say anything without it sounding stupid. I'll wait 'til next chapter. Hopefully I can get to it sooner than I normally do.
So, when is the next chapter? I'm sure we all want to know what that conversation at the end was about.
kukukuku, if there's one thing I love about being back in the editing game, it's knowing what happens next. But as usual loved the work Seven, can't wait to read more.
P.S. if anyone wants to know what happens, I'll happily take bribes
tchWHAAAaaa...?? Silver, what have you been doing in that dorm room, pray tell?
This could be a very interesting wrinkle, or a red herring... I guess we'll have to wait and see.
The whole scene with Rainbow Dash is weak. Silver perfectly anticipates Dash's actions? She barely shows any remorse, then throws herself in the way of the tomatoes? She tries to lecture a crowd on morality right after scheming to publicly humiliate somepony?
I don't get the ending. Does it have something to do with what Aqua did to Silver in the bathroom?
As I am reading this, I can smell the smoke from the people in the apartment above me who are getting high.
I am wondering what Silver is talking about as well. Couldn't be the whole rape scene with Aqua.
It is great that we have somepony as upstanding as thou to take one for our team. Thy avatar seems to fit the sentiment as well.
2794369 Have you ever seen somebody who is extremely angry or stressed? They tend to act irrationally and without really thinking about consequences. At that particular moment, getting back at Dash for previous incidences between the two after hearing her talking to Applejack.
Besides. Rainbow Dash is kind of predictable.
And what? Silver is a hypocrite? Surely not! That would be crazy.
2794612 2794442 2794124 Needless to say, this scene has less to do with Aqua Regia than you all are probably expecting. You'll find out about it in the next chapter.
Then Rainbow Dash should be angry. Pawing the ground, flushing red, snorting. Make it clear she's doubling down and committing.
I'm a bit irked that Rainbow is far too loyal and acts rather inharmoniously because of it.

Hopefully, ponies will be intelligent enough not to persecute somepony who has suffered.
What could Silver possibly mean with this?
Awaiting further releases.
2795754 I'm honestly hoping after what Silver did they'll all be a bit less quick to judge either of them.
What could Silver possibly mean with what?
That she knows how Lyra feels like...
2795784 You'll hear a bit about that in the next chapter.
I see then.
2793998 Damn... fine, here's my last mustaches!
Don't spend them all at once...
One has to love how unchecked lips can bring about such pivotal points in the conversation!
Be careful, Silver's approaching Sue-status with her interactions in Ponyville.
Well at least Silver is trying to make amends with the others, some people are just too stubborn to forgive others though! Also at the end, Silver you really need to stop doing things like that, and randomly saying the first thing that comes to your mind!
Looking forward to the next chapter!
2796742 In what way?
What was going through silver's mind at the time? The fuck is going on?
Likely (though not the original poster) their concern is that everything seems to fall into place too well, to the point where the conflict is that Silver was too successful in hir plan, and how the townspeople are about as intelligent and persuadable as cattle. If they did not read the previous story outlining how the Mane 6 and Soren's relationship started, that would probably contribute a great deal as well, because while this story is mostly stand-alone (to the point where you could probably read it without reading its prequel), this particular chapter really heavily relies on prior story knowledge to make non-Sue sense in the whole "Rainbow Dash grudge, yeah I solo'd Twilight Sparkle" sense of things.
Personally, I think you're still well within the "All main characters have some Sue aspects" side of the "Nobody Sidecharacter -> Mary Motherbucking Sue" continuum. After all, if things didn't happen around them, no story would be written about them, right? Better flow, though I think Ponyville Pt. I and II should be just one chapter. Keep up your good writing.
(Slightly cliff-noted and remixed version due to my losing it at 99% completion.)
2799112 is about spot on with the domino issue.
I think that my Sue-alarms must have been in error for several reasons that may be worthwhile to look at further in some cases:
· The Ponyville populous has been twice thrown into a nebulous state whilst Silver did their plot-rattling thing. First with the Sorren vs. Twilight in WAPC (read when live) and now with this. Post-script analysis lends it being likely more an issue with the depiction of, rather than a total characterisation issue en total as I had been seeing it until now.
· The mane six have been OOC, but now that I've sat back and ran the why past them again they're better for it methinks. They're more real as you have them unlike the cartoon that they normally are.
· The depiction of how the crowd was moved in this take was very nebulous, truth be told. Looking back, I can see why they were moved as easily as they were with the runaway-filly issue on their minds. The former event likely has a similar result if looked back upon as well. Showing more of their cards rather than solely Silver's with a touch of her direct
ionopposition may be advised.(Wrote this in my late night near-sleep post-illness recovery delirium, so the duplication with a touch of extrapolation is the result. More can be brought up if further analysis is desired when I'm in a better state of mind.)
“I used wake up just from someone talking
*Inception Noises*
2799112 2799459 The concern I have is that previously, user complaints have pointed out how bad stuff almost always happens to Silver. In recent attempts to concern the bad things for 'special occasions' [or rather, plot points], I guess I can kind of see where things have been going too right for Silver. With what is planned for the next chapter, there is a good chance that things are going to be going in the 'Sue' direction further if I don't make the exact right choices in how to deal with certain things.
Those things, are really not that simple to deal with, either.
>Town reactions: upon exiting the Everfree, there is bound to be a bit of mixed reaction from the townsponies, but how do they feel? In the past chapter, Silver has acted like a complete sociopath. Word of an event like that is sure to spread. Do they simply ignore that and pay more attention to whatever deeds she's done in the forest? Or do they flip it, and ignore whatever it is she does, and tell her that her continued disruptive behavior is not welcome in their community, and to get the heck out? Or is there a mix?
>Rainbow Dash: that isn't the last planned appearance I have for her in the story, and she's certainly slated to reappear rather soon. She flew off with barely a word in favor of time to think. How does she feel the next time she sees Silver? Is she upset? Apologetic? Would she speak in favor or against Silver if she's there at the time of the mob gathering?
In the present state of my planning, I imagine her making some sort of peace with Silver. After all, as protective as she was being of her friends, what she was doing was still a bullying sort of action, something that given the opportunity to reflect on, she might come to recognize as well. After all, we both know that Dash too had to deal with bullies.
Well...that was one of the best written chapters I've ever read in this series...too bad it took so long for me to get to it I have to say though, I quite liked this chapter, and would love to see more in the future.
Be waiting for your next chapter/installment,
Your friendly 'Neigh'borhood HIE&GB Critic and Connoisseur,
IkioSTAR the STARborn...
I look forward to it!
I think you're still on the right side of the Sue, don't worry.
I'm guessing that Silver tried some sort of potion that made her lactate.
It's good to see some nice developments in this chapter.
Something to keep in mind is that not everypony is going to react the same. Each pony is going to have their own biases that will change how they see a situation, so even with the sheeple like reactions of the Ponyvillians it's unlikely that all of them will treat Silver well nor will they all shun her.
IMO you really don't have to worry about Mary Sue comparisons when it comes to Silver, too many terrible occurrences happen to her on a regular basis for that to be a real possibility.
As far as Dash is concerned, as much as I may love her, she's stubborn and often self-centered. If she does apologize and make nice, it'll be a terrible attempt at it. She's not oblivious so this event likely would have given her a new perspective on how she treated Silver; she might act nicer towards her now, but getting Dash to actively admit that she was wrong and apologize would be like pulling teeth, and would come out similar to a small child whose parents are forcing them to make an apology.
2812828 Oh jeeze... I did't even realize you were following this story.
You'd think I'd notice if an author whose work I enjoyed was following. Just goes to show how much of an air-head I can be sometimes.
I'm glad to see that I might have been over-worrying about the whole sue thing. I find it incredibly easy to write from a single character's perspective, so I often forget that not all characters are going to react the way Silver might expect. Because of this, it's sometimes a concern that I might dip too far outside of social realism.
On the Dashie [sorry, can't help it
] Subject, I'm pretty sure I have that whole situation figured out in a way where they 'make up', without having to pull teeth.
Sort of a compromise.
Don't feel bad. Honestly it's still a little freaky when authors recognize me when I comment or when they post thanking me for watching/faving.
Never apologize for calling her Dashie,
there's a reason I picked this name after all 
How is that pronounced?
Lie-lee or Lie-lie?
2826878 The latter.
2826891 Thank you for the clarification.
My OCD needed the answer.
...Its name is Greg.
I loved this chapter it had me LOTF in some parts. And I feel a little bad for what happened to Dashie. I can't wait to see what happens next .And I loved Silver's and Lyra's reunion is was awesome it had me LOTF.
Explicit mentions of how alchemy can make a barren mare produce milk for her foal.
Silver commiserates with a leaky Lyra.
I'm surprised so many people wanted to be told what happened.