After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Actually, probation is not a full punishment (especially for a felony-level crime). It's nothing more than the adult equivalent of a child having his/her parents watching very closely. I'd be just as pissed, because once that probation is over, it's over. There are no lasting repercussions from having gone through probation, where there would be if she had spent the five years in prison.
Also, the idea that she should get a lighter criminal punishment, just because she was rich and "entitled", is complete bull. Justice is blind, and it should be. It might be "crueler" to force her to live on her own, but that's not the same as having a just punishment being served. I know in my area, that if some rich punk did this, and then got disowned, the judge wouldn't care (and rightly so). Being disowned is carried out by the familial legal system, not the criminal legal system, so it should not have any barring on a criminal punishment. I can see it being a factor in a request for resentencing, but not in the initial sentencing.
In summation, I can easily understand, and fully agree with, Silver here. The Princesses' judgement is BS and does show a double standard in the justice department. Honestly, I'm surprised she didn't go further with her anger other than go get drunk. I'd probably have left the University and cut ties with them (remember, decision would have been made in anger, so how "smart" that decision would be is understood by all parties).
Colds are typically caused by viruses, not bacteria but nice update regardless.
If I were in Silver's shoes, I would likely feel much the same way she does. However, Equestrian justice isn't humanity's justice. Coming from the perspective of humanity puts an onus upon the Equestrian system of law and order that isn't fair considering the sheer number of criminals that are processed through the system and how much more vile the average crime is. In this story, as many others, pony psychology is fundamentally different than humanity's. Humans are meant to function near-independently or in small social groups. Equestrian society is built upon the herd mentality. Being excluded from that would be devastating.
Keep in mind, there's a good chance that due to lower crime rates, the system isn't quite as burdened and can properly supervise probates. Make them live in a halfway house, institute mandatory therapy sessions, etc.
Oh no...
Now the question becomes: who is the sick fuck who's going to slip Aqua one of those potions and then drop her in a room with Silver? Seven... If you weren't joking in that PM, I will actually be very, very upset.
*looks at Tragedy tag again*
3899006 I think you just jinxed it
What now?
have i mentioned how much i love this story? probably, but ill say it again
this fic is to me what Pinkie Pride is when it comes to episodes. MY FAVORITE
Jinxed what exactly?
Um. I have a very peculiar interest regarding this story which I PMed Seven about. I took his reply as a joke. However, in light of recent developments, his PM is potentially less "joke-y." And if he was being strictly truthful then I will be a very sad panda.
3899240 i meant that now that you mentioned that Aqua Regia with the potion thing it will probably happen
Everybody, knock on wood.
Hm. Author i have a question.
If this Eros potion can cure any genetical deviation, then why Silver is still lesbian?
Because that's a mental thing, and her mind is that of a healthy young male's.
Besides, Chaos magic is Chaos magic.
Would it really be Chaos magic if it made complete sense?
Also, despite the fact it came off as unintentional to me. You probably just offended every homosexual on this site. What were you thinking?
I'm now scared for Silver, very scared. These comments have not allayed my fears at all. It merely made them worse. Though there is a (unintentional pun) Silver lining for every cloud, one being that Silver just might allay her fears about stallions if things go they way that some people see it right now during her near to be birthday.
I'm confusing myself with my ambiguous talk but I hope it makes sense
It's why I use wordpad and a USB.
I type in the wordpad on an old laptop that is nearly useless, save to USB, Insert USB into desktop and copy and paste into FIMfic.
3900466 Eh, I usually write things out in GDocs because I always have my browser open on the laptop anyway. The problem originated in the way I formatted the first segment. In GDocs, much like MSWord, Open Office, et cetera, you can change the orientation of the start of a chapter at the beginning, and how the next lines appear. For some reason, importing a document from GDocs into FiMFiction when it has line breaks in addition to paragraph breaks. Entire segments of text were nonexistent, and instead, entire sections were just line breaks. I ended up, much like the emails in When a Pony Calls, copy/pasting and formatting it myself.
3900494 Then using wordpad would probably save you time. As a default program that is included in all computers under around 15 years old, it is somewhat...awkward, compared to MSW and Open Office. You'll probably have to reformat anyway, but you don't have to worry about having anything drastically different from how you save it.
3900508 Actually, for the most part it would cost me more time than it would save, because I'd still end up putting it up on GDocs for the edit passes, leaving more mistakes than would be cut down on. Besides, the GDocs imports only bugger up when I do something outside of FIMFiction's capabilities. Besides, GDocs, just like in Chrome has a built-in spell check, aka the "Seven, what are you doing? That's not a word!" highlighter.
Hate Wordpad by the way. Much prefer Notepad to it.
3900519 Oh, so you DON'T use Chrome then?
My apologies for making that assumption.
Almost everyone I know uses it as their default.
3900536 Nah, Chrome is my default and preferred browser. Just seems pointless to make a redundant 'spell-check' after pasting something when you can fix it real-time while you write.
3900543 Fair enough.
I, myelf, actually use Internet explorer for adding chapters.
Because I have a spell check program made by a friend, and very limited access to the desktop, Chrome is too inefficient for it, with how it picks out words from the show.
3900563 To that extent, I just ignore them, or add them to my dictionary. lol
3900566 OCD won't let me ignore them and it's too much hassle to put them in the dictionary every time (goddamn automatic history cleanup), so I just stick with desktop IE when adding and Xbox IE when reading.
Would it still be a jinx if Seven already had an ending planned out months ago? From When a Pony Calls, he seemed to have a general plot idea before writing.
All potential for misuse of the Eros potion aside, unless something goes terribly wrong Silver's alchemical discoveries are going to change the equestrian medical industry from top to bottom. Of course, "something goes terribly wrong" is kind of par for the course in this 'verse, so who knows.
I loved it all looks like we have another Twilight someone give Silver a horn.I can't wait to see what happens next.And it was awesome seeing all of the new things she learning and is able to do I can't wait to see what next.
Alicorn potions for everypony.