After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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That potion could be perfect for Scootaloo. I mean if she took it and then eliminated it, her wings might be normal.
Hmm, not fun sized anymore? I'm not sure how I feel about that. I guess if Silver is happy then I'm happy for em.
You've got an editor's comment at the end.
3427343 Ooops. I didn't even notice THAT comment in there.
Well, compared to some of the other stuff you've posted that "naughty" scene is rather tame. I'm glad to see Silver stick to her(his?) original self there. I'll admit to cringing when that scene started because of how I thought it might go.
Now I really want to see a scene with Silver wandering the hallways and getting all the ladies. And I mean all.
3427507 The morning after is going to be quite the tale to tell.
I have only one thing to say there: Spidermare.
Think of it what you may.
He - I mean she - is going to have to repeatedly rescue a nearly helpless damsel, who is head over hooves in love with him - I mean her - from stupid situations? Why do I get the feeling that Aqua is going to be cameoing as the, um, well, Green Goblin? (seriously, that title fits way, way too well on its own)
3427547 Too much reading into.
My brain never goes normal places.
That was hilarious, the ending was very anticlimactic though. I'm assuming it's written like that specifically to piss us off while we wait for the next chapter XP.
Can't he/she go anywhere without being molested? Probably not.
lol this reminds me of all those ppl that get really drunk and get a tattoo but she is way to happy about it owe well drunk is drunk
Well... You did say Spidermare...
My guess is that Silver is going to use freaky pegasus magic to crawl on the walls and ceiling. Or something close to that. Hoping for the Zebra Potion to be a permanent fix for Silver, too. She deserves a big break, in my opinion.
That's fine. Mine goes to all the weird places automatically.
3427825"a big break"
I see what you did there.
Aww... I wish Silver kept staying fun sized
I could imagine Blossom cuddling Silver like a near body sized plush. Those are nice...
Oh well, time to brew a dwarfism potion!
Let Aqua be the one to brew it and then make her 'lord over' Silver showing off her 'superiority'.
Dammit, I hate my mind sometimes...
Now silver has the means to fix any problems of the body. Also that cloppy part was bad ... just nasty. Also ... make a new picture of her and ice blossom now!
Heh, assuming that the effects aren't temporary, Script just (re)discovered a method of correcting genetic defects safely. That's pretty awesome. Too bad you gotta go back and forth through a sex change to do it though.
I'm actually a little disappointed that Silver is normal-sized now! She may not have enjoyed it so much... but I really think it was one of her most endearing features.
Hm, the ending was a bit anti-climatic and seemed rushed. I think it might have been better if you showed Silver's initial reaction to be a full sized mare. Honestly, until it was said, I thought she was still a stallion when she surprised Blossom. Side note, a scene between them while she was a stallion would have been nice. Oh well. It was a decent chapter, especially the beginning part.
Now I want some reason as to why Silver was small and what that potion did. GET SOME GODDAMN SCIENCE IN HERE!
hurray! Silver is now alchemist! next up silver will make potion that changes her back to her dwarf size!
3427516I have a weird felling of blossom getting a hold of a flask of the gender flip potion
3430203 Next chapter, actually.
Awwww yiiissss, motherfucking SCIENCE! Hmmm, would using the potion on Twilight cause her to grow bigger as well? Considering two of the other alicorns are like supermodels and one is a big, white marshmallow.
3430776 I would argue that the case of Twilight [and Cadance, to a lesser extent] is a matter of age. In terms of Alicorns, Twilight is clearly a juvenile, and Cadance is probably a teen or young adult.
But she already evolved since someone wasn't mashing A fast enough. So, is Silver a mix up of age as well? Reason she didn't have her cutie mark earlier?
Good on ya, Silver, I was wondering when you were going to tackle that whole stature problem. And in doing so you got a cutie mark! I think that was a decent alchemical project for earning one, though if anything I would have thought it'd come after the battle with the Lamia.
I will miss Fun-Size Silver, but it always pisses me off when a character has some kind of physical problem or handicap that nothing can be done about, so that's all quelled. Though Soren has gone through plenty a transformation, so I hardly think this is any kind of final form...
3431479 3432344 I actually have a perfectly reasonable explanation for the cutie mark/size difference business... at least, in my mind. I'll let locus explain in the next chapter.
Hrm....Welp that's all I got. I understood the awkwardness from the clop scene, but I think people are already talking about that, and there's not much I can really add, other than ... fucking weird. The Cutie Mark is interesting, and I don't exactly know what it means, so I can't postulate about that. Finally, dwarfism is cured, which I'm happy about and wondering why you had to introduce it...but I think somebody already asked that question.
3431479 ...B button. And you only mash it once at the appropriate time.
Aww, why turn down the portal sex? No fun, no fun at all~
Really? I haven't played Pokemon since Gold and Silver were released. And it didn't matter if it only needed to be pressed once, that button was still mashed. Just like how it is unnecessary to shake a Polaroid but still everyone did it.
3443036 ...Pretty much, I know.
Bububut... but... she was SO CUTE as a mini pony. Now she's just... normal.
I loved it but the sex sense was just wrong
.But the rest was awesome and I'm so happy for Silver finely getting her cutie mark and is her wright size.I can't wait to see what happens next to them all 
Drunk Silver=Pinkie Pie. Well, let's hope the world doesn't explode because of this...
3430203 'Cause, magic. Is that good enough?
I bet pinkie would still throw her a cute-ceañera
Damn right!