After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Oh god Ice Blossom turns into a sex aficcionado, this is too funny
Silver must be really sexually deprived to have came from vocal stimulus, or is that just Blossom's sex god voice? Anyway in all seriousness, things finally seem to be looking up for those two, but we can never be sure
Seriously cool chapter to go to sleep to afterwards, thanks author :)
I love this story
Holy fuck the typewriter scene with Blossom was probably the hottest thing you've ever written.
I went from feeling feels-y to feeling a sort of "fuck yeah!" feeling to somewhat aroused... This chapter was a rollercoaster my body wasn't ready for. AGAIN! *gets back on the ride*
Ok, Aqua Regia can't possibly be that stupid. Something is going on here. Hmmmmm...
3599690 Jeeze... and I completely forgot about writing about Silver spelling out 'I love you', too.
3599782 She's the type of pony who is used to making her problems disappear before they reach this level. I don't think she ever counted on Silver ever growing a pair and calling her out.
Or, Ms. Regia actually could be that stupid. She certainly shares the genes for such a thing to be likely.
I almost think that your own version of Will The Circle Be Unbroken with your original lyrics improvised from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's version (the group sing with Johnny Cash, Roy Acuff, etc.) would have been that much more powerful in the story. Then again, you'd have to somehow write that without having Silver break down into a weeping, sobbing mess. Or write her as such with her group of friends and possibly the audience reinforcing her with the instant-perfectly-choreographed-group-singing effect that Equestria always seems to have.
Even if that's true, the amount of stupid in an unprovoked physical assault - torture, really - of an otherwise non-combative pony in front of many credible witnesses is just astounding. The green magic I just really noticed is also a bit weird considering her coloration but there's easy cosmetic fixes that she's have ready access to - it doesn't actually have to mean anything. Why would she know a spell to melt a tongue anyway? Things just don't feel right to me.
Or maybe, since I've always hoped for the best for Aqua, I'm blinding myself with overly-convoluted possibilities.
3599883 She has a 'corrosive' personality, and she's literally named for nitro-hydrochloric acid. I can only imagine that her magic would be a bit... caustic if tempers flare. As for the green, obviously green means evil!
Needless to say, you'll all be finding out a bit more about Aqua Regia's upbringing and why she's so inundated with typical 'royal' delusions of how the world works.
Well now that Aqua's pretty much done the unthinkable in front of witnesses, and there's a credible lead that it's not a solitary example, I think it's about time the firl* got properly broken down! Then we can start building her back up.
*(I'm used to mixing words and ideas as I speak because my brain can think of multiple ways to say something but needs to pare it down to one, and in less time than I'm comfortable with. I don't think I've ever mixed up like that while typing though. I had to stop and take a second look, but hell, it's kinda' neat. firl = filly + girl.)

this chapter was AWESOME! i love it when total asswipes get the verbal thrashing they deserve, especially when somepony goes bass cannon on their ass (we need a vinyl emote
) cant wait for the next one 
Well, now that everything's going right with Silver's life, it probably means that something very nasty is waiting just around the corner...
Wow, so Aqua really just attacked Silver in a room full of witnesses including Twilight Velvet and various other professors? Is her position as a Princess so secure and privileged that they wouldn't lift a hoof to stop her public assault on another pony? I actually stopped reading for a moment and scrolled back up to check and see if there was mention of them leaving the room or something.
3599944 Hold it! I object to you saying Green = Evil! Lyra is green but she's not evil just misunderstood! Hmm... if this context applied to Aqua and Chrissy... then all of them are merely misunderstood, only Lyra seemed to have gotten to meet the right pony at the right time. Hmm... Seems like it's high time that Miss Aqua Regia started to drown in her own little poisonous world that she had created. Pun intended and I think poorly delivered... Still, Silver seems to have *ahem* blossomed quite a bit with her love that night...
Aqua's related to Blueblood, isn't she?
Aaah no! You jixed her!
Why do I feel "commoners" should be stressed?
With a bloody tongue no less! I wonder how Blossom likes the taste?
You sure vulva is the right term for what is doing the winking? I would link to the wiki page but it might be considered NSFW since there are pictures of vulvas (fancy that).
Funny how I just read up a bunch on the "does and don'ts" of cunnilingus.
It was funny as shit though!
What was this bit?
I am thinking if it is really sensitive, that could actually be too much and actually be an uncomfortable kind of pleasure.
Those weird ass fetishes. I love it.
Haha, that finisher. I got a good laugh out of that.
About the song, is it out of copywrite or was what you had considered "changed enough"?
Pretty sure she was jinxed a looong time ago.
Man, Aqua is making Blueblood look good in comparison.
I love the Bioshock: Infinite reference.
Also, in regards to Aqua Regalia, to quote Tyrion Lannister from George R.R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire', "When you cut out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you are only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
3601008 Considering that the vulvar area is what spreads from the clit pressing the bottom most section of her vulva open, pretty sure, yeah.
Regarding the fetishes, don't forget that Silver's had some scarring experiences. Is it any wonder she gets wound up for the wrong reasons?
As for that embarrassing mistake, I'll get that fixed as soon as my bloody connection opens the feckin' document. I swear to god we're on 28k with the way the fucker is behaving this morning.
Remember the change in tags. This is going to end very, very badly.
I would prefer if Aqua does something less cliche than hiring a gang to beat/rape Silver and Blossom. Of course, using her money and contacts to put obstacles in their lives outside the school is other entire thing.
P.E: I know Silver wasn´t probably serious about Aqua being into foals, but does she actually...
3602050 Nah. A gang beat/rape isn't on Aqua's agenda. That's too cliche. And no, this isn't going to lead into attempted murder, either. Just wait and see.
I was under the impression that the vulva constituted all the external organs on a female. Though semantics aside, the meaning is conveyed.
But of all that things you pick, you choose shameful acts to get her off.
i know how that is. Whenever I visit my parents I have to steel myself for dealing with 85kb/s max download speeds.
3602109 Not shameful acts, just humiliation.
Apropos high-grade regeneratives - what about the bloodbound potion she defeated the naga with?
So it's even more broad than I presumed. Self-deprecating jokes have a whole new type of fun added to them.
The first story was also a Tragedy and look where it got us. I'm pretty sure Seven isn't going the route of so many other stories that are all doom and gloom with the main character failing horribly at the last second and losing literally everything.
At least he'd better not! I'd happily commit a hate crime if this story joins the legions of those I resolutely avoid. (This story is the only Tragedy I feel safe reading.)
3602306 That was a purgative, meant to cleanse one's blood/body of foreign objects/poisons, etc. Something ideal for an alchemist to keep handy when experimenting or going into forests with dangerous animals.
I really enjoyed this! that is all.
3600799 I think the "green = evil" was meant for the color of the magic. I think Lyra's magic would be gold or light yellow.
3602109 85kb/s is the peak of internet speed at my place. Just about everywhere else is a speed upgrade for me.
I was so happy when I left for college. Steam games didn't take a week to download.
3606258 I'll be sad when I leave the dorms here in a couple days. I think I've been spoiled by the high speed hardwire internet connection here.
Oh, that sucks. I am in an apartment. So I can stay as long as I want but the parents start to get a little miffed.
Massive public humiliation of Aqua Regia and going all the way with Blossom? Flawless Victory.
Read this at 2am. So worth it.
Finally got to was...ok. It wasn't great compared to what I'm used to seeing, but it was pretty good.
3605965 is totally not evil. Especially not when referring to magic...Such a neo-Christian idea is caustic to the original beliefs they found their 'knowledge of magic' in.
Damn ya got me beat, it's only 1:35 now
It was a contest?
Wait, a group of unicorn with green magic? *look at changelings* Nay, I'm reading too much into it.
I loved it all the songs where awesome and some of my game song favs.
And the Clop scene was sweet and sexy
.And I'm so happy for Silver for finely stand up to her and for her shelf.
.I can't wait to see what happens next
I thought I could do this but I can't. Second time reading and I got to here, will the circle be unbroken, even listening to the song in the background. But I know what happens and even after all this time I still cry! Celestia damnit seven fates for playing with my emotions!

Best chapter ever!!