After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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I wouldn't call you a rambling idiot.
More like an educated rambling idiot.
I kid, I kid. It was a fun chapter to preread as well.
Almost kill your main character -> fun chapter.
Right, where did you escape from again?
Good chapter. Keep up the good work.
2643048 My mother's womb.
2643098 Drat, the only place I never got out of. Now how will I match your genius.
Ohh, I'm looking forward to what Gale has to say. If Soren's not gonna address some of those lingering issues, then someone else has to. It's far preferable that a friend does so.
Oh no, it's time for the talk again. Though Silver has a lot of issues that need dealing with. Gale seems to be that awesome friend that knows when it is time to play hard ball.
one again, silver has a near death experience that she laughs off. seriously, how deranged is this man-turned-mare?
2643242 'bout as deranged as the author.
2643295 true, but what fun is there in sanity?
...we need a discord emote
...Sover is being very dangerous right now.

She plain doesn't care if she dies.
Hopefully, somepony(of griffon) will teach her to act more natural.
Awaiting further releases.
Well clearly you need to be re-admitted.
Hmph, it's just a little poison. It's not like his/her mind, his very existence, was going to be slowly wiped away by some freakydeaky unicorn magic again.
A fatal dose of neurotoxin is nothing but an occupational hazard of being an alchemist. You don't see lumberjacks running away when they get a splinter, sheesh..
Go drink an antidote and get back to work you lazy mare!
p.s. The eulogy at the beginning. Oh sweet Celestia's flanks. The feels! Liquid Pride welling up everywhere. What a glorious mess.
2643660 who cares about your liquid pride! i have liquid remorse.
She's losing it again, isn't she?
2645361 What in the hay did I just watch?
One of the greatest skit shows known to mankind.
Damn, Aqua, you are downright felonious.
I do think it's time for Silver to have a little talk... And a little uncomfortable time in the spotlight for the sake of at least one less textbook psychopath on campus.
I have the feeling that the next chapter will either have lots of tears or her just going batshit insane.
Also, 'delay'. Heh. I wish I was as diligent as you with writing if this is what you consider a delay. Glad my readers seem to be the patient sort... hopefully.
I would say that Silver is having her period, which is equivalent to heat but... she just had it so I just guess that it's sleep deprivation just wearing her down further. That reminds me, who else other than the Princesses, Mane 6, Lyra and BB know that Silver is from another universe?
I think Regia needs a song spewed at her.
I agree that this felt like two very different chapters.
As for Silver Script, she has just had too many bad things happen to her over time. Eventually one gets desensitized to simple things like being poisoned. If anything that can be sort of a rush compared to what she has already gone through — an actual pure potential demise with no strings attached.
As for the first part I was hoping that Script would be adopted into the noble house that was going away — that would have given her standing against Aqua and would have been touching, and Script deserved it.
Ooh, a "we need to talk" cliffhanger....
Oh. And Little Silver just started her recovery.Mix-mix-swirl and mix.
// Ask and ye shall receive. //
*clings to the end of this chapter, flailing his legs*
If there is a god out there! Please make Seven Fates write the next chapter and submit it soon, or my grip just might slip and my life end after a very long fall to the earth below!
Seven you gave captured my heart, my imagination and my awe... I have so much respect for you and your writing and I have to admit... you've really fueled my desire to put up some chapters on my own works.
I just want to say... I really associate with Silver/Soran a lot, besides the whole "I was forced into the body of a pony" thing obviously, but my own family rejected me and is now broken, I was betrayed... and raped (and before you go looking, yes I am male) and all the feelings that Silver has for these two things are accurate to what happens to those who suffer them in real life. The rape was initially met by my incomprehension, followed by anger at myself and the perpetrator. And now I mistrust many, I find myself unable to be like I was before, it didn't just change me, it completely rewrote me as a person.
The rejection of my family happened earlier than that, I have always wanted to be an IT guru, ever since I was like 7 and I failed high school due to severe clinical depression. I was a dead-beat, a bum and a sack of shit to my family. Just another mouth to feed. When I suggested I attempt finishing the final year at my brothers school, I as told "Sure, as long as you don't fuck things up for your brother, if you do. I'll disown you" Two weeks later I left to live with my nan and have been ever since, I now work as an IT Administrator for an employment agency that covers most of the North and North East suburbs of Melbourne in Australia.
Please Seven continue you work, it is beautiful, enthralling and I simply cannot think of anymore words to describe it with, please excuse me while I go pass out in bed.
2656818 Believe it or not, but the next chapter is already in the editing phase.
This is what happens when you don't see your psychologist.
words cannot describe my feelings towards this... so ill use an emoticon instead ....... there isn't one
*totally not homo-sexual hug*
You... I... *brain melts*
Fun. Unlike some above, I can see the emotional switch. Silver is a bit bipolar, but moreso in a medical sense than the casual "they be crazy" sense. She gets highs that are really high, and can confront the world and lie with a smile to it, but gets lows that will make even death seem like an impossible dream. When you hit that low, you can start acting like Silver does here sometimes.
I'm betting Aqua Regia knows (somehow) that Silver marked her test and passed her. Not that it would make a difference, she would just use her money and station to magically improve the mark if she failed, but that saved her a mild bit of effort.
And I'm betting Gale is going to give the third "pull yourself together" speech, which Silver, much like the prior two, takes to heart for about one incident of some sort to occur and then immediately reverts.
2660252 To be honest, I never gave much thought to the volatile moods she goes through beyond having to deal with all she's gone through. The bipolar assessment does make a lot of sense, though. I'd be kind of curious to see if some of those aspects weren't also present in her personality in the first story too. I myself see how that could be, if she was in the middle of a manic episode when the world 'broke'.
I loved the charter OMG I can't believe Silver Almost died like that I hope that she will be ok .
I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Let's tally this up.
* complains about commoners
* may have bribed the old chancellor, or it may have been her family. investigation needed.
* rapes you ass in the bathroom
* best orgasm ever
* saves your life
And you still think she's evil?
Now I know rape is wrong and all, but given how goddamn horny she was it probably started as an attempt to reconcile and just got out of hand. The situation here isn't black and white, and you're harboring resentment for a mare who only exists in your head. The real Aqua is undeserving of such ire.
1. push her away
2. report her to the faculty
3. tell her parents what she did to you
4. get a mediator to work out your differences
5. bite her in the clit
Silver, you have a biting problem. You need to tell your counselor about this.
No seriously Silver is an awesome character. I'm both cringing and laughing at her creative and terrible approaches to life's problems.
Don't mind me, just promoting "Sollace's Userscripts" Go look up Sollace. He has good stuff
Shaky legs carry me toward the stairs to my dorm. Though it’s still so early, I’d like nothing more than to crawl back in my bed and sleep until Luna’s moon has graced the sky twice more. It is as though this experience has drained me of both willpower and physical strength; at any moment, my legs could fold beneath me before crying, “No more!”
My muscles all cramp as though I’ve just run five consecutive marathons, making my breathing terribly difficult. At the same time, my heart is just pounding away in my ears like one of Chill Beat’s little drum solos. It’s beating loudly, and it’s beating fast. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Here come the drums
That funeral...
I'm still shipping silver and gale