After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Chapter packed with adorable, awaiting the next one.
Ninja ponies
HA! Lyra you sneaky mare! You had a camera the whole time didn't you?
I feel this would be a better line if you removed the world "feeling" from it.
The 'a' is unnecessary. And darn, you came out with part 2 sooner than I thought you would. Good news though, I finish summer school tomorrow, meaning I get my new laptop within a day or so. So next chapter, unless you finish it within 24 hours, I should be able to edit for you.
Well all know it's more of that freakydeaky unicorn magic. Who needs a camera when you can just magic-poof on a square of glossy paper what you're looking at? I bet she even makes a flash and a *click* *wrrrrr* sound with the photography spell. (If the paper with finished photo comes out of the pony's mouth, I might die laughing)
Kinda makes me wonder why unicorns, or even Celestia, can't just un-petrify a cockatrice victim. Just whip out the Alicorn Amulet, right-click to call up the Edit Menu, and click on [undo]...
Does Celestia know about Lyra´s computer?
3114266 If she does, she doesn't seem to care.
Newborn-poop really shouldn't be that foul, but whatever makes for an amusing story in a land of magical ponies is fair game, I suppose.
3115174 Yeah, it's probably nothing like mine, either. It usually has a nice spicy fragrance to it.
Another great chapter. Keep up the awesome fates!
Wait... so Lyra gets to use MLP as an Elements-centric divination device?
Next chapter: Aqua Regalia wakes up and feels something under the cover, next to her hooves. She lifts the bed sheet to find a decapitated two-headed bear, and the blankets soaked in blood.
Can't wait for more. Silver is becoming quite the big game hunter.
3118754 ... It's far too early for me to be awake [10:29am]. I read big game hunter as big game humper, and immediately thought, "Hey now! Silver isn't Fluttershy!
That being said something like that is pretty damn tempting.
Double entendre?
I loved it all another chapter of adorable thanks to Honeydew
.I loved it all so much and it looks like Silver got a very special prize for future mishaps.
I can't wait to see what happens next
“Spoilers,” she giggles. “It hasn’t happened yet for her or for you, so it wouldn’t mesh well with the timeline.”
“You’ve been stealing someone’s Netflix and watching Doctor Who, haven’t you?”
Since when is this written in second pony perspective?
7979649 Yeah, it's funny the things that can get by not only in two editing passes, but also nearly four years of readers.
7980238 While we are talking about grammar and spelling...
You didn't really specifify what "that" was. The bear head? The potion? Obviously not the recipe,because the recipe is what it really was instead of the "that" Sliver thought it was.
It isn't really much of a mistake as it is just hard for the reader to understand the context of "that"
7980238 I wonder... Is there a single story of over 10,000 words which has not a single grammar, spelling, informational, or any other type of error in it at all? I could swear that, no matter the story, there is always at least one hidden error that nopony ever sees. Like that one, for example.