After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Am I the only one who finds the warning near absurd? I mean, being caught in the throat of a monster and about to be digested is just barely enought excuse for using a restorative potion as a weapon.
They're probably just saying it for the sake of saying it. Otherwise I'm pretty sure they're proud of her.
"‘Silver Script? Who’s that?’ a mare might ask, and to which her friend would reply, ‘I dunno. Wasn’t she that pony that saved a filly or something?’" is better than "Isn't she that pony that nearly murdered Twilight Sparkle?".
Did Silver just break the spell and publicly out the girls as being the Element Bearers?
It's definitely a time saver when you can accurately predict how your parole officer will respond.
You're going to end it right there... Really? REALLY?! After everything leading up to (and through, actually) the Town Hall I have some pretty big suspicions about the upcoming events. And now I have to wait to see if I'm right!
Damned cliffhangers.
(Yes, I know it was self-made.)
Silver Script is no longer a stigma amongst the village of Ponyville.
Things could simply not be better.

And the duo have been shown the way at last!
It must not accumulate into misfortune in return!
Awaiting further releases.
dear luna, i hope that aqua isnt the representative. or blueballs, er,... blood. blueblood
3233165 Pretty much this. It's a matter of precedent, and any student would have been warned for misuse. Circumstances as they were, that's why Silver was not penalized.
I did miss out on this one, but I did figure out the problem. It really was just Internet Explorer causing the problems. I'm nearly done editing the chapter for my friend over in Google Chrome, and it's working just fine. Sorry again for the inconvenience.
3233476 Fireofx man. Firefox.
3233476 The only real reason to use Internet Explorer is to get better browsers.
Actually I would say it is more an acknowledgement of just how terribly brutally effective that potion (which is meant to be a curative) is as a weapon. If it were misused in that manner even in fairly extreme circumstances I could see the potion being banned from use even though it is such an important vial for good. It would kind of be like if you had a very good drug that was also usable as a very powerful explosive. Such a thing would end up highly regulated as otherwise people wanting to do bad would be getting it for ill purpose, and every time it hit the news that it was used in that manner would be another coffin nail for its use as a cure.
3235169 That too.
Google Chrome ftw. I trust Google Chrome way more than Firefox.
Aww, I'm glad to see Silver and Ice Blossom are growing closer together. They make a cuter couple than I originally anticipated.
The fact that Twilight's now been alicorn'd and these ponies want to talk to Silver makes me think something is building up, and those alchemy skills will come in handy once again, even if she has to break the rules.
I ain't gonna forget what that compass is, I'm still waiting for it to do something!
It's eventually going to lead her to the sea where she will meet an eccentric earthpony ship captain named after a bird, and will help him break an ancient curse and get his ship back.
"Dear Silver Script, next time you get eaten by a Lamia, let it kill you.
Head of the Alchemy Department, Ginger Flask."
That's my favorite part. I would imagine that the Lamia would have eventually dissolved the cork of the potion bottle and died anyway, but apparently, one does not simply turn a healing potion into a weapon of mass destruction.
3243790 Well, she certainly wouldn't have been getting any letters in that case.
3249163 Just because somebody is over something doesn't mean that reminders of the guilt they felt won't still hurt. It doesn't escape her that she's essentially the gone from the mare who—in an event out of her hooves—blamed herself for not being able to save a foal from a cockatrice to the mare who singlehoofedly saved a foal from a cockatrice and lamia. It's hard for her not to draw the comparison in her mind, and be reminded of the pain.
In addition to what Seven said, you have to realize why Silver got into alchemy in the first place. Of course you are going to be reminded of the thing that set you in your path.
I think criticizing Seven's lack of mystery or inadvertently giving someone spoilers through their go-to artist is fair game though.
Watch this episode of Firefly, and base the rest of Silver Script's "Hero Worship" around it. You won't regret it.
Hulu - Firefly, Jaynestown
p.s. for bonus points, have somepony ask Silver what being swallowed by a Lamia and nearly killed makes him.
Then he replies, "A big damn hero."
um... if that's okay with you.
3253836 I really gotta finish watching that series. I've had the Bluray since Christmas but watching's been sporadic 'cause I've been watching it with the folks when there's time.
Hell, I don't think silver [read 'Me'] even thought about bloody statues. Unfortunately, the next chapter is already in pre-reading/editing, so it's not like I can rightly change anything I've already written now without requiring a second pass from the ones who've already done it.
That's not to say she can't find out about it in her next pass through town.
It's got a real touching moral at the end that goes something like this:
Jayne: Why'd they put the statue back up? I'm not some hero.
Mal: I reckon every man's had a statue made of him was one kind of asshole or another. But it ain't about what you want, it's about what they need to see you as.
Seems to fit, the ponies *need* to praise a hero. It gives them something to unify behind and exemplify their idealic nature. They don't really stop to ask the hero if they want worshipped. (Probably because Dash never turns down hero worship.)
I loved it all and I'm happy Silver got that hero's welcome and got to meet new people.This chapter was so sweet I guess Silver is going to go have dinner with the Silver family

Well, that went in a different direction than I was expecting. I mean, you have:
*The immediate foreshadowing about the "Ponyville Silvers" being a Noble family from the moment Silver Script first met Aqua Regia,
*The close, almost familial resemblance between Script and Silver Spoon,
*The downright viscerally caring reactions that the Silvers had when meeting her for the first time,
*The various ways it could immediately help her and maybe even help tie up loose ends re: both the "Aqua Regia/Blueblood/Nobility hating Commoners" plotline AND the "my family disowned me" plotline,
I was almost certain you were going to have Sterling Silver and Silver Lining offer to adopt her into their family, or at the very least make her an "honorary" Silver, along with whatever prestige that that brings. I mean, I think that Silver Spoon would certainly love to have her as an older sister!