After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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I've said this before, I'll say it again.
You can fall down a rabbit hole and travel to a fantasy world populated by peculiar creatures.
"Embrace Eternity?" Y'know, if Silver lets the Lamia do her thing she'll probably be able to speak Lamia afterward.
There's an awful lot of not hanging around with Ice Blossom so far. Silver better get back in her game before she upsets Ice again.
Awkward levels in the first half of this chapter definitely veered far, far off to the other side of the "critical limit" line.
"Son-of-a-Bitch" indeed, Miss Script.
Wow... I was not expecting the start of this chapter. I skipped back to the previous one to make sure I hadn't missed something important, but nope... apparently Silver just has a really F'ed up libido.
Great job with the Lamia and the cockatrice. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time Silver was fighting them, especially because I could just see in my head Spoony being foolish enough to watch the fight and have something terrible happen after all of that effort to save her.
I'd say we'd been left on a cliffhanger, but I'm 99.9% certain that Dashie will come to the rescue so I'm not biting my nails for this one... not that I don't want the next chapter soon and more cuteness from Blossom & Silver.
2830286 Sounds good to me. Anyways, for the obligatory
The fastest flyer in Equestria is unburdoned.
That was great. Also, Silver's definitely got a bit of badass in her. Taking on a Lamia like that? Taking out a cockatrice without eyes? Damn good.
Oh the cliff hanger.
thats... a lot of one liners. seriously, how many B movies did silver hafta watch to come up with all of those?
I would like to add to that a TOASTY!
To bad Sliver dosen't play more hoofball. Then she could have given that lamia one wicked case of heart burn, instead of only a third degree facial.
Man, shit never goes right for Silver. Not sure why she would orgasm while being milked though? If that is a common thing, all foals have some hidden memories of their mommies...
So much shit happens to Silver we only know about just because of a quick reference. It sounds as if you have a shit ton of other material that you just cannot add in.
Sounds like someone likes ANAL BEADS!
I love those Die Hard movies, despite them being so over used.
This was a good chapter, but the cliffhanger endings! WHY?! Now I am wondering what she was gonna say, "Son of a bit of trash", "Son of a bit tall goat", "Son of a bit torrent site", I DON'T KNOW!
So, if I threw one of these at that giant lamia,.
given how exhausted she is, I don’t really expect her too
I've been waiting to write for <i>ages</i>
1. Extra fullstop.
2. To.
3. Right, this ain't deviant art
Now for AJ to lasso the lamia and divert it. Right...? Or maybe Silver could just go all rabid and hopefully bite the lamia to death. Could work considering she has more experience in... partaking in some extra nutrition
Edit: Idea! They ain't too far from Gale right? Get the head in a jar quick! But point it in the right direction and have Silver practice what she saw at Flim & Flam's little 'circus'
What?! Why didn't we get to see this?!
Oh~ I found that hilarious. I am dreadful.
I'm still waiting for that compass to be responsible for something horrible happening, if not outright killing someone. Gale, I'm looking at you now.
I'm surprised Silver isn't carrying around more weaponizable potions. It's the ever free, and she went in not prepared to unleash havoc on its denizens?
She should research how to make a potion that generates O2F2 or something similar on impact, just so she can burn things to ashes, and then burn the ashes.
“It must not be my brand.”
2830372 Not really an edit so much as a counterargument. Trying to imply Silver ain't Alice and it ain't wonderland.

2830443 I'm pretty sure by eternity, the lamia means death, and by death, it means in its belly.
2830748 Wait, you mean Silver's life couldn't qualify? To answer your question, she's probably seen too many to count on hooves and wings.
2831400 The thing about making too many weaponized potions is that folks are bound to take notice.
2830831 The embarrassment of having to be milked by her roommate and best friend, maybe.
I'm surprised you didn't just jump to bukkake.
2830839 You might still get to see that eventually. I've been considering writing an on-the-side clop story to fit all the things that just can't be reasonably worked in.
I am going to stubbornly interpret that uncommitted "maybe" as a resounding "definitely".
2831618 OH! Uh, sorry. It was late. The "Edit" means I edited my comment. I couldn't help but post my reaction to the special eyes line the moment I read it.
I said weaponizable, meaning taking something that isn't a weapon and using it in ways that make it one.
Virtually any potion that can be applied to the skin is a weapon, even if it doesn't cause physical harm. A skin softener or lubricant, for example, would impair the naga's mobility. A permanent dye applied to the eyes would blind a foe. A shrink potion, a growth potion, spices that cause pain or poison some creatures, etc...
Then there's weapons that people couldn't notice Silver making, such as any poison created by 'accidentally' screwing up a potion. Nobody would find it odd for a novice alchemist to be carrying around 'mistakes' that she 'accidentally' created.
Then there's the honest route; tell people she's heading into the everfree to gather reagents and needs things in case a Hydra decides she'd make a nice snack. Nobody's going to call her out on it since it's a perfectly reasonable explanation, and if she's doesn't act like anything's wrong with what she's doing people will assume there isn't.
2831654 For all the time such preparations take, she probably wouldn't have a marefriend, and would have managed to talk her way out of Gearalt's music scheme.
Yea, probably.
Still, a few more bottles of that firestarter would probably fix that nag a problem pretty quick. One hit inside it's mouth would probably be the end of it.
Sorry, I tend to ramble ^^;;
So it seems Silver s easily the most formidable mortal pony on the planet.

Killing a cockatrice bare-hoofed is not an easy feat.
That lamia is persistent.
Perhaps she shall be the one taking a vacation to Eternity?
Awaiting further releases.
2831692 She is, at least, the most formidable pony little over the size of a foal. If she were built like Applejack, I reckon even that cross punch she threw would would have been a 1-Hit KO.
Well, I generally see milk and bukkake as different, well, cause that latter one is just loads of semen, and a female pony would not have that problem. But Silver getting off on being humiliated is weird. Is this like some sub-conscious connection Aqua has created in her head with the bathroom rape?
2831877 I was actually in reference to the anal beads thing you did in response to Silver Spoon's pearl necklace. You do know the euphemism, right?
Well, one, Silver Spoon is a girl, and I try and keep my mind away from "foalcon" as it has been termed. But now you have put the thought of Futa Silver Spoon having an orgasm while being chased by a monster in my head... This is so wrong, and yet I am chuckling.
Silver is a lot like Spiderman, a whole lot of trash talking.
2832002 I was actually... Wait. I have no idea where this conversation even went now. "Didn't Silver Spoon have a pearl necklace?" Where my mind went was that she'd been walking around with one beforehand. Still, kudos for your mental image. It made my chuckle too.
2832060 Hey, if Peter Parker can make it look good, maybe I should get Silver a spidey suit.
She could be the Silver Spider!
Except that type of "pearl necklace" generally would soak into the fur and glue it all together.
I am giving this way too much thought.
2832095 Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
I only have you to blame. You could have let the matter drop at bukake, but noooooo. Just had to keep going with it. I am drowning in all this filth that is my brain!
You just reminded me of my lowest moment in roleplay gaming... I was playing a Halfling Rogue with an eye on becoming a Master Thrower. At one point we saw a large black dragon flying with a maiden in its grasp. The Paladin naturally needs to save her and starts trying to coerce and then insult the dragon to coming down for a fight. (We were all level 2-4 at the time, very bad idea!) The dragon ignores the Paladin because, well, he's a Paladin. They do these kinds of things. Then I step up to help him.
"Hey butterfly! Your father smelt of Elderberries and your mother dresses you funny!"
Even the GM did a doubletake, so naturally the dragon itself took notice of that one. But the GM, in a rare fit of leniency, decided that if we did about half the dragon's HP in damage that it would get scared and leave. We had 2 chances to do so. One was the Barbarian with a magical 2-hander. Unfortunately he kept trying to grapple the dragon's tail so he could climb on it (free attack from the dragon's tail itself, with a knockback effect).
I had a bag of Alchemist's Fire which would have done something like 10d6 damage each round for 3 rounds. I needed a 4 on a 20-sided die to hit. I rolled a 1. (Critical failure!)
We all died horribly.
2832163 I'm not going to lie, that sounds like exactly the sort of thing I'd screw up in a tabletop, too. Granted, my insults would probably have been a bit more 'colorful', by which I mean insanely random.
I'm trying to imagine what sort of use a Potion of FOOF (or a Potion of ClF3, which is probably a little more viable (and just about as nasty) since O2F2 is very unstable above cryogenic temperatures) would have that makes it weaponizable instead of a weapon.
I meant a potion that synthesises O2F2 when the container breaks.
It's magic; you can do stuff like that.
2832580 you guys are making me thing of that blog called Things i wont work with...some scary stuff on there
I think that ClF3 is probably nastier than O2F2 because it doesn't decompose by itself. If you make O2F2 at typical temperatures, most of it is going to turn into OF2 and O2 before it has a chance to react with anything else. It's just that unstable. And, while OF2 is a strong oxidizer, it's nearly as nasty as ClF3 is.
...also I just really wanted to use the term "Potion of FOOF"
Silver, Ice Blossom and Rd should have a threesome.
Wait, Silver wants the temporary sex change potion?
I see this arcing in so many different directions, I thought Silver was mostly accustomed to being a mare by now, unless this is a gesture to Ice who's culture isn't exactly friendly to mare on mare action and Silver wants to make things a little easier, temporarily... or she has some other devious plan like finding a way to make the potion permanent and being a stallion, though honestly it seems like the mares have all the fun in Equestria. (Besides... you can't do that to us Seven, Silver Script is just adorable as a mare.)
I need to stop reading mindfuck fics...
Oh and you mentioned a side-clop-fic... please do, I'd read it just for the laughs that ensue from an R63 character being exposed to all this shit. Which is probably why I love reading Five Score, Divided By Four so much.
Is it still R63 when an originally male character becomes a female character, come to terms with it and it begins to become a part of their persona, then change into a male again? *scratches his head*
This was awesome - I love seeing Equestria represented in a more intense, realistic style without devolving into cheap conspiracies, underbellies, or other "exploitation cinema."
Silver is definitely earning her status as a hero. There was a huge amount of satisfaction in seeing her take that trophy, as well.
Post-monster-killing lesbian threesome make-up sex is the best sex.
Anyway, great chapter. Keep 'em coming!
Indeed. Plus, Rd seems to be hot for Silver secretly.
I can see Silver having a threesome with some pony in the future chapters. If it does happen, Rd would be the best candidate imo.
I think even Cloud Kicker has still to catch up the body swap, gender changing, Soren-Lyra-Bon Bon threesome level of kinkiness.
About the lamia... considering what Soren did to her the last time, now that she has AJ and RD at her side she is pretty much dead meat aka spell components aka new Zecora´s recipe already.
Yeah... but enough talk about that,lets talk about how Soren wants to turn male again. I remember hearing Soren adapting to being a mare. Don't know what you think about this; how bout you?
I loved that beginning scene. I just wish we could have gotten the full story of Silver being milked by Gale.
Why do you want him/her dead?
I think after all the crap Soren was forced to endure back in the Academy (mostly thanks to Aqua Regia, but also that little scene in the consulting room with Blueblood), she deserves a few badass moments.
I think Soren was actually holding back. As showed in the previous chapter, she is still horrified of her near-assasination of Twilight, or the stunts she could theorically pull using her "human psyche" (even refering cupcakes) on any victim who dared to cross her.
Of couse she could have tried a more legal route, but Regia is a noble with a lot of money and the influences, proved with the more-than-evident bribe on the director to get Soren expelled for being a carnivore.