After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Huzza another story!!!!

Royalty: 0
Silver Script: 2
Silver 4 the win!!!!!!!! Toga toga woo hooo
Now who's the bastard who brought Silver on them charges? Ima gonna ask Shroud to sneak into that dicks bedroom at night and sketch dicks all over his/her body!
(Please, ignore the part with Shroud. He wouldn't do that without me paying him, first, that damned cheap bastard)
Hah! Aqua, you have a lot to learn. It was a nice attempt, though.
Hah! That's an amazing line. The imagery it calls to mind... Wonderful.
I'm a little disappointed in the Equestrian system now that Soren could be summarily expelled simply because of the 'Ew!' factor of his(her) actions without actually taking in to account his(her) history. I know who/what Soren was is not common knowledge, but I'd like to think Shining would check with Luna on this one.
Horses can't vomit.
Lovin' the story, Fates.
And now I'm once more caught up to this amazing series, both silently condemning having put it off for so long, and at the same time wishing I'd left it for longer so I'd have more to read in one sitting!
Imagine my surprise when he turns out to become a pegasus named Silver... That's what my OC is! Though of course it would be at least semi-common in names, being both a color and precious metal.
Now I'm looking forward even more. I can't deny that now I'm more biased.
It'll be interesting to see if Soren will keep up his omnivorous diet, now that he knows how to go about it properly (or, at the very least, what to avoid in the future), just for the "don't mess with me, or I'll EAT YOU!!!" factor. While Equestria seems to run on the whole "friendship is magic" method, Soren really does need to kind of buckle down and Twilight his way through these studies. Gale and the other griffons, however, would provide a good counterbalance that he'll need to help keep his sanity while also giving him some individuals he can relate to.
You might even say he's a fossil. *snrk*
Since when did FiM ponies became horses? Last time I checked, they are some kind of alien species from some other universe. If they can talk, use their hooves like hands, fly, and do magic, they can certainly puke all over the place.
Great story by the way. I'm glad that Silver was sick just because of the alien spices and not because of the meat itself. I'm looking forward for the rest. Keep it up!
FiM Poinies being horses vs. not could turn into a very lengthy debate, so I'd rather not get into that if you don't mind (though I will say that in the Real World™ ponies are a classification of horse, and Flim & Flam gave us proof of the concept of horses in Equestria with their song: "Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same").
More importantly, I think, is why horses can't vomit. There's two reasons:
1. The muscles which operate the valve over a horse's stomach are much stronger than the same muscles in a human body. Humans and horses both have a one-way valve going into the stomach... the human valve just fails. (If there was a valve in your plumbing that failed as often as ours does, you'd be calling a professional to fix it!)
2. The angle at which a horse's esophagus connects to the stomach reinforces the strength of the valve when the stomach is filled with food or gas... or if muscles around the stomach would contract for some reason (emesis occurs when the body contracts the stomach, forcing the contents up and out)
FiM ponies are most certainly strong. Big Mac pulled a house. "But wait!" you say, "He was under the effects of a magic potion!" Fine, what about the applebucking he does every day? A single kick that's strong enough to knock all of the apples out of a tree? Rainbow Dash's wings are strong enough to break the sound barrier (and her body is strong enough to not be destroyed by it). Many pegasi together can form a tornado capable of launching a reservoir of water into a floating factory. And so on.
Now, I can't give you proof of the structure of a FiM pony's internal organs relative to one another, but a pony's stature is similar enough to that of a horse that assuming a similar angle between esophagus and stomach is not unreasonable.
(At least it's nothing like the reason why mice can't vomit; they don't have the part of their brain that would tell them to do so in the first place.)
Of course, there are instances when a horse might eject fluids from its nose and/or mouth which a casual observer would interpret as vomiting. However, barring catastrophic failures of the horse's body that will surely cause death in the extremely near future, fluids being expelled from the horse's front end are not originating from its stomach, and are not vomit.
Absolutely. Just read the accusations:
Being sarcastic with another alumn or insult his/her family can be labelled of sedition, noble or not?
Then again, to ate animal meat from the legal food from the cafeteria menu, being member from a herbivorous specie or not, is "treason against the crown" and a "crime against nature"? are the ponies so narrow-minded to consider eating meat from a non-sentient at the same page than cannibalism? Sounds almost alien to me.
So, according to Equestria´s judicial system, the accused´s rights to speak in self-defense or having a lawyer are considered "frivolities" ?
ha, take that you stuck up, wait. cunt's are useful and she is most definitely not useful. take that you stuck up bitch then.
also, yay he...she can eat meat
There was something about the clanking of bits when Modest slammed his hoof on his desk. Odds are, he was bribed and trying to make it happen.
2372815 I actually gave a little hint when he slammed his hooves down upon his desk as to why he might not want due process. Ooop, and tony1685 beats me too the punch.
I shoud have noted too. Still, to see Modest bowing to the rich part is not a surprise, but Shining Armor almost gave the impression of almost getting along with the accusation may Silver not to have mentioned Celestia or Twilight, or having agree with the mind reading. As the Captain of the Royal Guard, he should have been the first to claim the absurdity of the procedure.
2373156 In all fairness, I imagine he may simply have intended on taking Silver to 'get her away' from the trouble before taking her own statements.
I just thought of something. Bullies will be summarily expelled and someone just tried really hard to get Soren expelled. Bribe issue aside (I'll assume Shining has no idea bits were involved), someone just dumped a whole lot of trumped up charges on Soren in a very obvious attempt to remove him. The Dean would be understandably reluctant to turn around and respond back to the accusers, but Shining is under no such compulsion. In fact, I'll be disappointed if he doesn't get more involved after that incident.
This is the same version of Equestria where a stallion can be summarily gelded and held in stocks for a month if he gets fresh with a mare.
2373834 S1E4 - Applebuck Season: After eating baked bads, Pinkie is shown turning green, and then her cheeks bulge outward. Coupled with the presence of a bucket beside the bed, it's pretty obvious what's happening when it cuts to Twilight Sparkle's reaction.
It's already clear that the ponies don't have the same weaknesses that terrestrial equines posses. Particularly, they do not seem to suffer after ingesting tomatoes or potatoes. They even cultivate them, for that matter. Given all this, is it so far-fetched that a pony that can eat members of the nightshade family also possesses the ability to vomit?
They eat eggs, for that matter. Or at least they use them in bakery.
The little princess can't buy out this problem. Silver tends to be pron to bad decisions a lot it seems but still manages to wiggle her way out.
Dear Princess Luna,
Today, I learned that the rich and powerful always get their way, unless the person they're slighting can name-drop somepony even more rich and powerful, and that the rich don't need to pay for their crimes like the poor do. .
Your world is a lot like mine, feels a lot like home.
Your Passable Student,
Silver Script
Bacon? For Silver? This won't do at all. Get her a cooking area, some eggs, a myriad of vegetables, an assortment of sauces (except for the ones that make ponies ill or dead. Sesame oil sounds safe enough), and a tortilla shell to go with the bacon. Burritos like that sound like they would be tasty for a pony like her. They would also help increase wing dexterity and precision seeing as she would have to use her feathers to hold the burrito, and that can help her hold vials of chemicals as well.
2374765 That needs to appear at some point in the story, if the random period and second "a lot" is removed for flow first.
All I could think was:
HHmmmmmm, bacon.
I need more!
Oh yes, bacon and eggs. Sign me up. You keep taking things in an exciting direction, I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope it involves eating meat in front of a certain noble.
It always helps to have friends in high places to name drop when shit hits the fan.
So is alchemy completely disregarding the Periodic Table of Elements? Cause as a physics lover, I may have a conniption.
Way to go Silver, nice job with keeping up with the game, of course the nobles kind of remind me of Haters for some reason, huh, well it's going to take a lot to get you expelled!
Also can we get an rocket and put the nobles on it then launch it into the sun or an black hole?
2377878 I would as well, but remember that alchemy is that field where mercury is MaGiCaL, and you can turn lead into gold. the Periodic Table doesn't have a say in the matter, unfortunately. Granted, this could all be a moot point if it turns out that Soren's knowledge of the table actually gets him massively ahead in the class, similarly to how his knowledge of calculus put him years ahead of Equestrian mathematicians.
Where does it say he was years ahead of Equestrian math by knowing calc? I thought he was just allowed to skip all the intro math courses. Though I don't think any math advancements from astrology would count since there have been no mention of planets.
2386045I thought it mentioned something about a lot of the problems being much easier using calculus than the methods that the test suggested to use, though I'm not entirely sure on that and would have to reread that chapter. Granted, even if it does say that, I may have been reading into it a bit much. Still, it would be interesting to see if Soren's knowledge of the Periodic Table turned out to help him greatly, no?
Yes it would, though I think knowledge of organic chemistry would be far more helpful. Cause the elements are just atoms and are rarely found in their pure state. Though I think it would be interesting if in Equestria there is no LaPlace Transform, DEs just became a lot harder.
2391106Do you mean that the formula hasn't been derived, or that it doesn't hold true? Because depending on which one you mean, it could either give Soren even more of an edge or screw him over.
I think it would hold true unless mathmatics is completely different which would negate that calculus advantage. I am thinking it would not have been derived since LaPlace was an astrologer trying to figure out how the planets moved around. And so far I have heard no mention of planets and it would be difficult for them to exist if the sun orbits Equestria. That is unless the Equine solar system is setup like how the early Catholics thought.
2391214 I once read that someone theorized that Equestria was actually a Dyson sphere. For the life of me, I cannot fathom how that would be, since the curvature of the world be very visible, and that would be contrary to the sun and moonrise depicted on the show.
The scene 2391192 has been talking about was regarding her examination, where she substituted a more efficient formula than the given one on the examination. She assumed Equestria's mathematics weren't as advanced because of an unnecessarily complex form of a relatively simple form. Granted, this idea came in part from the comment from the pony grading the exam commenting that, "No cutie mark, but possesses exceptional mathematical skills for a pegasus of her apparent age."
As far as the discussion regarding Soren/Silver's knowledge of chemistry, let's leave it at him knowing only a few things that were part of the less focused part of his high-school education. The extent of his knowledge is roughly that mixing bleach and ammonia produces toxic gasses, and to never put out a magnesium fire with water.
I don't think a Dyson sphere would work, they would need an alicorn for gravity then. It makes more sense for it to be a planet that has objects moving around it contrary to how gravitational physics actually work. I think that due to many of these differences, certain mathematical formula would not have been developed. Thankfully Soren wasn't an engineer or physics major; would probably just have killed himself by now.
2391423 Yeah. The way I imagine it is kind of odd to explain. Imagine a bubble that encompasses the planet, the moon and the sun. Inside of that bubble, everything is controlled by the alicorns. Position that bubble in our solar system right where the sun is. For all intents and purposes, from the outside that bubble looks and acts like a star. I imagine there's some science fiction descriptor, like a slipspace bubble of some such, but this is in a sense how I imagine it.
I imagined it as a sphere encompassing a miniature sun. In your case, it sounds more like you have a sun and moon orbiting a planet where the laws of physics are different then the rest of the galaxy. The bubble would only apply to the change in physical laws. Not sure how it would look from the outside though.
Hmm a Dyson sphere? That could work, of course the physics is outside of the cannon. But think of this possible 'explanation'
Imagine that in some pre pony civilization had grown so advance that they wanted or needed ALL the sun's energy for their projects and had built a Dyson sphere, but not the classic 'giant bubble 180 million miles in diameter' type but something smaller and closer to the surface of the local sun. Enclosing and absorbing all light energy from it, Then they put a large ribbon like ring system in a stable but not too distant orbit around the main inhabited planet that would eventually become equestia. This massive transparent 'mesh ring' would provide a surface for two moving circular light projections that would from the surface appear to be about 1/2 a degree wide and would IE the equestia Sun and Moon are illusions. Therefor Celestia and Luna are not 'moving the Sun and Moon' but affecting the energy flow of the energy projectors which from the surface appear to the be the same thing. They themselves may not even be aware of the difference as it all probably left over technology from the earlier civilization.
The power from Dyson sphere is being sent via hyperspace to parts unknown with a tiny amount leaking out and providing the underlying energy to empower the ponies magic system. Pony Astronomers might talk about a 'black moon' which is the real sun, seen only as a shadow as stars are hidden behind it.
2377878 I wouldn't expect entirely, but I can sense European Magic-theory coming up. also, If ponies can eat meat, CHILI!
Maybe a couple verb tenses out of place. Only real problem is...
should say "reined in." Y'know, less like a princess, more like a pony.
2412165 The way i thought of it was that the alicorns don't actually raise and lower the sun but instead rotate the planet around a stationary sun and moon, in which the laws of physics would still work except for the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the planet, that would cause everyone to go flying.
I loved it all it was so awesome how Gale was there for Silver that is how true friends acted I now mine would
.I can't wait to see what happens next.
I applaud you for having non unicorn magic classes. Getting a bit tired of them, tbh.
Though, it's not as bad as the whole 'getting castrated for flirting' thing from the first. Seriously, that one should just be retconned. The bit about it helping Lyra deal with hormones would be enough of an excuse for the sex change spell.
Anyway, like usual, despite a grievance or two, this was a great chapter. Am I the only one to read the professor as Professor Port from RWBY?
Honestly, that 'royal' (I forget her name. Aqua, I think, if not something close.) Doesn't seem as bad as I thought she would be. For one, she hasn't applied any false charges like I thought she would have, all her claims really did happen; Just a bit... over-exaggerated is all. From an outsized view without all the details of Silver's story, those claims would seem correct in anybody's eyes. I give her a little more respect than the average snobby noble; most of which would extremely over-exaggerate where they personally know that they are stretching the story far from the truth, as well as lie completely on some parts (for example, saying that Silver hit her or otherwise got physical when no such thing happened). Aqua isn't the best pony ever, but she is nowhere near as close to how I thought she would be.
For that, I would give you points for making a respectable villain/antagonist.
It would be funnier if it was made from mahogany XD