After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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"..but apparently it brings its owner misfortune."
D: D: D: D':
You're such a moron, prince.
It seems, even in this world
chaos must reign this paradise.
Without the peace and the Harmony
nor the recollection of good will—
this kingdom shall fall.
Luna's night set the curtain for this haplessness,
or soon die with this sin.
Awaiting further releases
it is with great humor that i state that that kick was the best scene in the fic (that, or i just have a horrid memory of other greater scenes)
Hm. Just a buck? I thought in time Silver will poison whole Blueblood house.
I'm of mixed feelings about this.
I'm thrilled to see Blueblood get kicked.
I'm cringing that Silver would dare when she's in such a vulnerable position.
I want to be thrilled at the implications of the compass, Blueblood, and the last line.
I can't let myself be that because you already know.
And as always now, I'm going to go take a moment to myself.
She's maturing.
SO what will happen to Aqua? imprisonment for life or public execution? Taken for Granite via cockatrice?
Most males even if they had the misfortune of becoming mares would still not likely consider a nut shot to another male as its just not considered acceptable. This nut shot I feel was well deserved.
falling from sky
1. Did you mean; Falling from the sky?
Given that the author mentioned in a blog post that Neighpon has a very... an-eye-for-an-eye kind of mentality towards major crimes, I wouldn't be surprised if she got extradited and executed. Hell, might even happen to the rest of House Blueblood, or at least those of legal age.
Could even end with severing all major ties with Equestria and enacting a trade embargo if the Princesses show even the slightest sign of being lenient.
4147125 Dear god. Five people go over this, and all of them miss it.
i'm a male, and that's a nut shot i WOULDN'T be flinching at.
This chapter made me sad. But having Blueblood have some bruised balls to match his name cheered me up a little. Still sad though, so I patiently wait for next chapter.
Probably a good thing Silver's in disguise right now. I wouldn't put it past Blueblood to file charges or do something nastier against her for that buck if he'd have recognized her.
Look at that! Blueballs is finally living up to his nickname! How cute! SOMEPONY (not Aqua Regia) GIVE THAT MARE A MEDAL.
4150451 Look at human kind... we do exactly the same things for little known reason. Sometimes we do things seemingly without reason, we act unthinkingly.
Mankind is morbidly afraid of the unknown, seems so is ponykind.
I came back to see what happened to this story ever since the surprise necrophilia. Judging the comments, it looks like it's still spiraling down the drain pipe, and I don't regret cutting it off from there.
Too many characters and themes have been jammed sideways into the story and subsequently rejected, resulting in it reading like an unplanned mess with no logical progression. Lyra and Bon Bon? The Silver family? The ponies she briefly roomed with in Canterlot? Out the window. Fish-eating? Forgotten to make room for the evil red meat mechanic. This lead to the timid, two-dimensional Asian girlfriend (and there's no soft way to put this), who was shoehorned in as an almost fetish fulfillment, and crassly discarded in an awkward fumble for reader 'feels.' No welfare checks for Silver. No more therapy for Silver. No therapy for Aqua. No known campus security. No increased watch on them both after Silver's property and groundbreaking work go missing. I could go on, but it's nothing that hasn't been already said.
I mean this in the most detached, non-hurtful way I can possibly iterate: after a long season of poo buildup, "the Alchemist's Heart" has frankly become a ripe turd, grotesque in structure alone. It would be tragic enough on its own (by the very nature of the thing) without these flaws. With them, it's unbearably tacky. With a serious, sleeves-rolled-up rewrite . . . it could be decent. But currently, I consider it a sad loss of potentially good character building and alchemy lore. C'est la vie.
Anyway, I wish the author luck in other fan-fictional endeavors. And to possibly focus on his own therapy, because I'm genuinely concerned.
Hahaaaa, now I see what you mean about that earlier post of mine. Hyouka, indeed.
Interested to see where this "New World Order" business goes...
I loved it all I'm so happy that Blossoms mom and Silver made a mind's and Blue blood got what was coming to him for being a asshole.This chapter really hit deep .I can't wait to see what happens next to them all.
Hey what's going on with the next chapter? It's going on a month i hope everything is alright with you at home.
4306307 Everything's fine. I just have plans to release the next two chapters together [for reasons], and am currently combating
lazinessvideo gameswriters block on the second of the two while I wait for chapter 33 to pass editing.Oh alright, I was getting worried over here. I've been following this story for quite some time now, and having it end unfinished is like my greatest fear haha. You're easily one of my favorite writers on this site, second only to BronyWriter, and I've been following you religiously. I know people have been complaining about where the story arc has been heading lately but I'm looking forward to this particular event resolving, especially seeing Ms. Rapist McMurder get what's coming to her. Any idea when you think you'll publish these two chapters? Maybe instead you could just post the one when it's ready to quench my thirst for literature? =p
I just read that last three chapters in a row. I'm not sure how I feel about Silver's sudden mental recovery, but it worked out. Also, the only thing that could have made that last part of this chapter better would be if Silver pimp-slapped Blueblood beforehand.
I have to admit I just went through both stories in one sitting and I have to say I do enjoy your writing and I understand the warning you up a few chapters back. To be honestly for this last few chapters alone I have done nothing but cried at the transpiring events. I feel bad both for Sliver and all her friends. But I hate to state this here of all things. But I know how Sliver feels about losing someone so close to you. Especially someone that was your whole world. To have them taken from you shatters one's heart and soul. I will also admit I'm having a difficult time putting the feelings I have about this chapter into words. I understand why you did it but I just wish you didn't. I don't blame you or hate you because this is just a story in any context but I only hope that Sliver at least has an happy ending. Either it be a bitter sweet one or a truly happy ending. I HIGHTLY doubt this would happen but I would like to see Ice Blossom come back just to make Sliver happy either it being a great beyond kind of ending that Sliver gave her life to save enough just to see the mare she cared about in the end or by some deus ex machina that she comes back from the dead and not in the zombie way. As I saw in the comments about her recovery. Honestly I can sort of agree that it seemed a bit fast but you never really recover from something like that and I unfortunately know that from experience. I feel so sad thinking about how Sliver is going to react seeing the Ice Blossom plushie possibly next to one of her. It's going to tear her up inside and I can also understand how she feels about getting away from Canterlot and not even thinking about going to Ponyville. To be honestly I would like to see her go to the Crystal Empire but I would lean against that because of Shining would be right up there in the blame with the celestial sisters. I also agree that Celestia and Luna are also at fault because of there choices then there's BloodBitch (I refuse at this point in this stories context to say Blood) get his just deserts as well as the House of Shinners or what it was called. To be honest I think Ponyville would be the way you take this story for the fact of Lyra, Bon Bon, the main six, as well as a few other ponies. But I also see that the Cakes get in on something as well if she goes to Ponyville. In a way I hope you don't go down the whole kill the character off route because I could see Sliver return to the school so she can be with the GG's as she puts them as well as Beat. I hope new chapters come out soon because I would like to see how this story ends. Thank you for providing a very good stories you have thus far and I hope to read more soon. From one writer to the next. May the quill give your story life. (I think that's how it goes anyway)
That chapter man... that fucking chapter
Also.. have you taken down some chapters? I'm seeing comments for chapters after 32 in the comment sections but i can only see 32 chapters
4449539 You aren't counting the prologue or interludes.
4449793 Woops XD
You know what I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms from... Lack of this story!

Trying to enjoy summer, or got some stuff come up? I just can't wait to read more!
4543907 For the most part, I haven't had much of the writing spirit lately. Just been perpetually tired.
4545266 I hope you feel better. I do know that feeling from time to time. Regularly working 12 days straight before you get a day off can do that to me. Sometimes just being uncertain about stuff can be exhausting itself. Good luck.
a couple days ago i read the whole thing, and now i see this news:
Too much of a coincidence. The universe have a sense of humor.
Emotional masturbation.
This chapter marks the third (at least) time I cried while reading this story. Also now whenever I hear 'will the circle be unbroken' I will think of this and be sad. Anyway good chapter... Sorry Im still recovering from a fresh wave of tears...

This is sad. Just sad.