After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Damn son, another chapter to a story that always grabs my attention.
i don't know how you do it butt you seem to have an ability to make me go from liking a character to hating them and back again in a millisecond and its ridiculously annoying also big mac in terminator power armor
wow. i knew there was a reason i waited for this
4034488 Oh? Which character did I jerk your disposition about with?
I would hardly say that she has recovered, heh.
4034572 100% recovered? Definitely not. But for her to be rationally thinking and making half decent plans? I know for sure I'd still be fucked up in the head just a little after two weeks. Or, maybe Silver's just made of sterner stuff than most.
[Edited post 3/4/2014 2:05 PM PST]
4034545 in the last couple of chapters it was luna celestia good old mr.armor blueballs the nurse and i can't think of any more of the top of my head
....I just....I have no words.... I had no idea you would be turning your story into something like this...and I had no idea you'd be able to do it well enough to make me uncomfortable with reading this. You could have worked out the time a bit longer. Give a sense that more time was going on rather than telling... But I can't say I'm dissatisfied with this... only that how this has come out is dark as fuck....
...I just... I just have no words...
4034566 ya know this stuff
4034612 No, I was just wondering how in the world you got from rape, depression, denial et cetera, to power armored ponies.
Oh wait.
Welp, it seems that the common pony (and half the guard) agrees with my assessment of the situation from last chapter's comments. Celestia also forgot to mention the multiple conspiracies going around. And now we have Silver, yet another traumatized mare with nothing to lose. Burn it the fuck down!
4034642 ...i suddenly got this image of a space marine drop pod smashing thru the ceiling and landing right in front of silver luna and celestia and it opens and like ten space marines busting out of the drop pod screaming heresy
4034585 To some degree, she's still in the first stage of grief [if you subscribe to the Kübler-Ross model at any rate]. Denial. People experience grief differently, and if you've gone through something as horrifying as Silver did, you're bound to be all over the place. For the majority of the 'two weeks', she's been lying to herself, convincing herself that Blossom is not dead and that she hasn't been raped. Compartmentalizing could create the image of being calm when really you're just denying that you are in pain.
Momentarily, she slipped out of the denial phase when the guard took Silver's treatment into her own hooves and became angry. When she 'made plans' for 'lunch' with Celestia, she was riding the emotional high and momentary clarity of her anger. She allowed herself to 'be distracted' by the politics so that she didn't have to think about the other thing, thus slipping back into denial.
She might be 'better equipped' than ponies for it, but she's also got the mind of a human and nothing to lose. Who knows what's going to happen? Oh, right.
SHE DOESN´T NEED IT, YOU LUNATIC! She knows first hand/hoof how bad is your system, being in the receiving end, in the one of the worst possible ways. How couldn´t she have the right to judge your incompetence
(calming down) apparently Luna hasn´t learned yet that citizens have the genuine right to complain the government when it mess it up.
we double postin now
Bat shit insane adventures filled with pirates, bandits, sky pirates, space pirates, corrupted politicians, royal guards, evil half twin sister things, reality hopping, musicals, shopping, romance upon the high seas, skies/wastes/whathaveyou, bad cliches, decent cliches, a light sprinkling of tropes, maybe a dash of 'the spirit of humanity/equinity', and let's not forget, TIME TRAVEL!?!
That aside, there's not much I can really bring up at the moment, but you have confirmed for me as to what I thought Silver's mental state was. This said, from what was given in the story, we don't really know what Silver's mental condition really is. Yes, we know she's injured Guardsponies, yes, we know she's been traumatized both mentally and physically by way of torture, rape, and having her lover killed, but we don't really know what it's really like. There's definitely a bit of a disconnect in the story that shouldn't really be there. Maybe we can see an interlude or special chapter detailing Silver's recovery during those two weeks if at all possible?
there was another one but I can't find it now
Three words.
Keep. This. Up.
One thing is for sure, ponies will no doubt be staring in her general direction seeing as how this issue can be raised so much so to cause a near chaotic revolution.
Heck, there mist likely will be some overzealous ponies who would portray her as their 'prime example' of how they need to change. They could possibly be looking so much into Silver that they would most likely forget about the others that can be related to her, such as Aqua, one of their own
If this civil war does break out...I honestly don't know which side I'd be rooting for. I also wonder which side Silver would be on. I guess the next chapters will show us.
So apparently incompetence really is the answer to how the guard let the previous chapter's events happen.
What the hell the point of following this story anymore, I just can't imagine. I was hoping the uproar against the last chapter would have convinced the author that his terrible plotline was a terrible plotline, but instead we're moving into a civil war story where the thousand year plus rulers are suddenly clueless and need the help of *random human in Equestria*. I'm out.
Viva Revolución!
Honestly on the back of the arrogance of her statement alone Luna should pretty much be declared unfit for leadership in the girl scouts. Truly the only way to judge the rulership of an immortal god-empress with a history of attempted mass genocide is to also be one. Thus her only true judge is an alternate universe immortal clone Hitler.
4035048 Luna also has the handicap of an antiquated mindset. Lest we forget that before she was imprisoned on the moon, she likely came from a society where to question royalty was to issue a direct challenge for power. It might have been a beneficial mindset during the times of Discord's reign, when there was likely griffon predation of ponies, or even war between nations, when figureheads needed to lead unchallenged in order to provide stability for the nation, but where Equestria is headed, she is indeed reaffirming that the princesses aren't necessary for the country to function beyond their control of the sun and moon.
You are one fucked up individual, Seven. Sadly, I cannot stop reading this fic.
Revolution rarely ends bloodlessly, and this one already has more blood spilled than should have been even before it began. The princesses aren't getting out of this one without having shed a good amount of theirs as well, if they even manage to get out at all.
There is no amount of healing that can ever help Soren now. Honestly, how the hell could there be? I only reading now to see how much more fucked up the author can make things. Any actual story or message that was trying to be conveyed has been lost now.
Oh, and Pound Cake is still a statue.
4035001 Actually, this isn't about to become a civil war story. Even if this version of Equestria does implode in on itself, it ultimately has very little to do with Silver Script. How a possible civil war relates to Silver in my mind: she was involved in the events that lead up to it; that's it. The story was, is, and always will be about her and her alone. It's not her job to fix Equestria. She's not even obliged to tell Celestia or Luna anything about how to fix their country. All Silver is going to be concerned with is 'getting her affairs together' and coming to terms with everything that has happened to her with the help of the only 'family' she has.
The story is in the final arc. The last thing I plan on doing is introducing something that is going to forcibly extend the it.
If I was in Silvers' position and Celestia said to me
"Revolution is brewing."
My only response would have been.
If nothing else before the end of the story, I'd like to see Pound Cake to get restored back to normal. In all the hullabaloo (there's a word I don't get to use often) that initial tip leading to Silver's downward spiral has been forgotten.
Yeah no sorry, I've been a faithful reader from the beginning of the first story, but I just can't read this anymore. Ice Blossom is dead, if it was, almost any pony else I could deal but I would use her in MY stories it was great just little references. Whatever I'm sorry but I'm done good luck and I hope you keep writing.
I thought I'd see this again soon.
I... will read this sometime later. At the moment I can't afford to be distracted and nearly incapacitated the way I was with the last chapter. I already lost one week of writing my own story and I'm so close to the end of chapter 8.
Maybe this weekend.
(There's no emote that expresses adequately.)
I'm not entirely sure why I'm still reading this, but I am. I will say this much- I am glad someone called out Luna for her behaviour, and finally addressed the fact that the current political system is about as corrupt as Renaissance Italy.
Finally caught up. Talk about tragic! Sheesh. Nothing ever works out for Silver, does it?
Please, keep uploading; and I sincerely hope Silver gets one last hoorah bringing down the corrupt aristocracy before the inevitable assassination.
We all know that's how she'll go.
...Or she will poison herself with ye olde Essence of Cockatrice to gain the temporary ability to turn ponies to (and restore from) stone.
They proved that for themselves long ago. They are failures as autocrats, Luna was doomed from the outset, and Celestia may have once had it, but she failed to go full cult of personality and screw over the nobility going full meritocracy.
Could have gone without the exact gory details of Whisper's ordeal, but at least it wasn't last chapter.
ALRIGHT! New chapter!
As soon as Wind Whisper was introduced I figured her for Ice Blossom's replacement a ways down the road. I can see Whisper teaching Silver to protect herself...and other things.
This prolonged civil unrest seems a bit far-fetched and a tad too convenient for my liking, however. I could see it if after months/years of Silver trying to change the system and failing. Then using all her pull to overthrow it, but ...meh... Still failing that because of eight reasons. Two main ones, and if the six other ones are in it; are harmonious to not put a stop to any real threat.
Though...if it were civil unrest, they would have to be united or lose the use of them. Opening that can of worms...loss of protection from malevolent, outside forces.
I went into this chapter with extreme trepidation, but it seems it was not needed.
hopefully there is now a life boat in this lake of misery that poor silver is drowning in.
or at least a pool noodle
Now take a creature. Maybe make it look humanoid. Let's give it illogical eyes that spread out from the sockets like a fungus or vine across the top of it's face. Give it a unnaturally long snake like jaw that can unhinge. With multiple rows of shark like teeth, long and sharp, that doesn't quite fit in it's moth. Leaving always slight open. Make it about 12 to 14 feet tall, with a body having natural looking proportions making it seem like a giant next to you. Make it's skin looked splotchy a ragged, somehow sharp, like torn wood on a table. Yet not flimsy in the slightest. Make it's expressions range from rage, desperation, panic, sadistic glee, all depending on how close it feels to being able to kill it's target. Make it kill specifically, enough to recognize a pattern, but not what the pattern is. Make it bleed. Make it so no matter how hurt it gets, it cannot be slowed down in the slightest. Imagine this thing chasing after you. Imagine the military knows, and is doing everything to protect you. Your family and friends know. You're armed. It doesn't help. It doesn't slow down, and it wants you bad.
Scary right? One of the thing that scares us most are things we can't really comprehend. Things that, you can't reason with or understand. Things you can't relate to. Lack of empathy is a great way to not look at something as human. So, when something intelligent and human like can have such pain or drive, and you can't relate or understand it, it can be really scary. Part of the reason why people wouldn't be able to handle Silver or Whisper's story is because they can't comprehend such pain, they just haven't suffered or experienced something in such a way that they could cope or understand it. Kinda like a super scary monster.
I hope Whisper doesn't leave the force. I don't know what the vow was. But her experience provides help in the sense that she's accustomed to horrible crap and can function when things like that go down. If she leaves, all the people she could help are now not going to be helped. Or, someone is going to brave certain horrors to reach her point and help those people in her place. I kinda get the feeling she wants people not to reach the point she has so I feel like the second one would be a bad thing for her. I hope she sticks to it. After all, evil only prevails when good does nothing.
Sure hope my monster analogy was good, I'm not the kinda guy to make horror stuff so I'm kinda out of my element there.
I was ... very close to not reading this chapter, but ... I think you did a good job. Honestly, I'm glad you waited this long to put this chapter out as the last one made me ... unbelievably angry--and possibly scared?--for a moment. I generally don't show or feel emotions like a normal person, so when faced with a situation that doesn't allow me to ignore those emotions, I have few other coping mechanisms. Seven, you are an absolutely amazing writer, and I'm going to keep reading your story. Keep up the great work, and have the best of luck in your ventures.
I don't know how people can write stuff like this... I don't know how people can DO stuff like this. Suffice to say, if you could bottle my current emotions and distribute them, there would be an end to all suffering because all those that cause suffering would be annihilated. Not dead, not imprisoned, annihilated. People would hesitate to remember their names for far off bringing the wrath of God down upon themselves.
Bravo on the good writing and storytelling, you F*****. I wouldn't be this angry and sorrowful if I didn't like your story.
Okay....i am sorry but here it ends for me, i wanted to see if you are capable of handling the situation you created and....well no you aren´t but that isn't bad in anyway, because even the Big Writers fuck´t this kind of situation up before....
So to my last word to the story i will tell you which two things didn´t work in this chapter, at least for me.
The psyche of the main char...i mean really? If you over jump it with something so cheesy like that, Why bring your char in that situation? But other can go over this because i don´t want to, it would take to long and would really stretch my half backed english writing capabilities.
So the number two is the actual reason for this chapter and the last...only to get to this pointless and failed attempt to believable destabilizing the equestrian government? REALLY???? And also so cheap and without any weight behind it. As if something like that would sprout an Revolution. (By the way the implying that Monarchie/Douarchy is worse than Democratie is at best laughable...especially when the rulers are immortal and thus destroying the greatest weakness of Monarchy the Throne heir...) What happened wouldend change anything, you don't go from beloved to heated because of one murder...and no one would even try to dethrone her because how long she is in that position. People don´t like change and this world works good at it is since long before anyone can remember...there is no Pony (besides some Lone Nobel without real influence that would want to change that) But alas....
even this one takes to long to totally explain so tried something, like Microsoft and you failed, like Microsoft.
By from me, Have a good day.
Well damn, I'm still kind of thrown for a loop by the direction this story's taking. Not that I don't have these kinds of images in my head already—I think most people do—but it's something else entirely to really own them and put them out there instead of just taking them for granted or sweeping them back into the id.
Looks like the last arc of the plot is congealing as well. I'm wondering, of course, what's happened to Aqua, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of action and revenge to be had during the upcoming revolutionary storm.
I'll give ANYTHING a chance, I read the last chapter... Heck I read "120 days of blueblood" all the way through.... I'm not going to stop reading this but you had really better get your shit together this is going from a nice story to absolutely horrible real quick
Just had to do that before I started reading. And now to start reading.
I ran out of read. Can you fix this?
4034566 Also keep in mind that this chapter covered a two week timeframe, and Silver was also being treated with potions that we haven't any way to replicate. With that in mind, her recovering in one chapter makes more sense. That, and I'm fairly certain that two consecutive chapters of Silver Script stuck in the hospital would be a bit uninteresting.
So much disapproval going round, that must be a bit of a downer.
I still think you're a pretty cool dude.
They could resolve the revolution by refusing to recognize Aqua Regia's dismissal from House Blueblood.
Either the nobles shut up and take it, which concedes that the diarchs CAN disregard such documents, or they contest it.
If the nobles contest it then things would get really interesting - there would suddenly be wide public opposition to the noble houses and the sisters could declare that the government be disbanded and restructured. The sisters throw their own coup to oust and strip the nobles of their assets, and only return the assets to nobles who are determined to be of superior moral fiber - such as Fancy Pants - and distribute the forfeited assets amongst charities and their victims.
I kinda hope Silver will start delving into necromancy; I can see her creating a potion designed to cause her to become possessed or haunted by Ice Blossom, or reanimation.
Oh, and the NARM spiral continues! E.M.O. reactors at 105%, right full rudder!
Cool Story Bro,
Needs more Ninjas.
Lol jk... very interesting plot twist in chapter 29 though it was really... how should I put this...
That sums up what I think of Chapter 29... (too bad I'm used to worse... more brutal... stuff... yea chater whatever...
P.S. I feel sad for the poor lady that started wat. she must (if still alive) be made fun of alot.
On second thought of the last two chapters... did you actually PLAN to do that... well Im guessing you did but why to prolong how much you have to write...?
P.S. What were a drummer's favorite two years of life?
Haha... ha... yea... only muscisians get that one
4041964 Wonder how many have rescinded their upvote for a downvote because of the last 2 chapters... heh OMG IM SO BORED I HAVE NOTHING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
maybe thats why I'm not allowed to get drunk... I just ramble
4042573 At least ten, and last time I looked at least twenty had unfavorited. Oh well.