After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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dafuq I just read
So Silver had another mental breakdown involving some sort of messed up version of Equestria and the princesses, possibly along with the Nightmare, and then she runs through town deranged when she was, I don't want to say fine, ... travel worthy, and then flips out the second she hits Ponyville soil.
Excuse me while I reread the last two chapters to try and figure out what the fuck is going on here.
I like what I'm reading. I already have so much trepidation every time you update that this kind of thing is a breath of fresh air.
I'm also eager, if still very nervous, about what our discussions may have wrought. I can't wait for more simply because I want to make sure that actually is a light at the end of the tunnel. You know?
Though I my hoof doesn’t connect with anything
Pain erupts across my body as these angry little mes carve gashes into my face, neck and torso
and a laugh like a fingers sliding along guitar strings floats free
the crowd of mes shouts
1. I think you're missing out a word here.
2. Yeah, I tried to find out if you actually meant what you wrote or actually meant something else. Google doesn't really help in this case because what it came up with was an acronym instead. Specifically the Manufacturing Execution System funnily enough.
3. I think you had an extra A here.
4. Same as 2.
Seems like Silver has finally decided now was the time to address her initial motivation for her path. Once all the experiences have been sorted out, the only thing left is your original goal.
Despite all of that, there's a little somber joke here that I can say.
Hi ho Silver.
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide.
No escape from reality...
Aw hell yeah.. The mind-screw is legit.
Now, I'm excited for the finale of the story- it's reaching its climax as Silver's sanity shreds through a paper shredder, and her achievements are about to be crowned... (Not with thorns, though).
At this point, it's only inertia and masochism that keep me reading this.
I am so very confused.
Also, I thought she was temporarily unable to carry foals because of the rape. You're contradicting your own writing.
i agree with Silver. It's about damn time!
4722057 I'm gonna guess she was delusional about the not able to have foals temporarily being one of her episodes or the current event being the delusion. It does seem to be somewhat contradictory if both events were to be considered true. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I hope she succeeds with these two things at the very least. Even if Pound may already have died
A cursed mind,
staggering over a desert of solitude.
Your flesh grows colder with your sentiments;
already have you lost peace and sanity
beneath a light far darker on the other side.
Awaiting further releases.
4722999 I only brought it up because it seems like too much bad happening to the main character within too little time.
4721721 Nothing so special on the point of the 'mes'. It is literally just the pluralization of me, reflecting Silver's reference to her tiny doppelgangers.
4722057 4722999 Dravkwn is partially right on this. There is a scene in the chapter coming that actually commentates on this. So stay tuned.
4723522 Repeating my previous comment, I only mentioned it because it was too soon for the sheer amount of ill-fted occurences.
It can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front
4723785 Never mind that Poe wrote on both.
can't wait for more
Don't forget, there's a "B" in both and a "N" in neither!
Ecstatic to be getting new updates! And fantastic two chapters. I myself am still in denial of what all has happened, but at least Silver is beginning to move on. I just really hope all of this has a happy ending. Or as happy as it can be, despite what's happened and how you've already ripped out most of our hearts :L
and here I was thinking that we would never see that initial thread resolved
OMG this chapter was crazy but I loved was awesome beyond awesome and I can't believe Silver pregnant I hope her and the baby's will be ok .And that they finely get Pound Cake.back to normal.I can't wait to see what happens between them all next and what happens next to them all.This story just keeps getting better and better it pulls you in and wouldn't let you go.
In the begging and middle, I was thinking "What the..."
When you explained that it was all a hallucination, it made much more sense.
Then that meta humor in that end.
Well I'm not sure if this is act 3 or just the climax, but it's been a long time coming and I can't wait to see it.
Wait what? How is she pregnant? I thought she had severe scaring? I'm seriously lost?