After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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I swear I'm in an abusive relationship with this story: it wreaks havoc with me and I still keep coming back to it.
If she dies..... she sacrificed 3 lives to save one.... how noble
Mrs. Cake wasn't paying attention apparently.
Wonder if we'll ever find out what happened in Canterlot.
lol that's an interesting way to put it XD
4812034 Not that she dies... but you're really looking at the numbers in such a short-sighted way.
She saves one today, and her research posthumously saves countless other would-be cockatrice victims.
Idea with depetrificating gas was much safer.
4812108 I was being sarcastic but internet speak is hard at putting emotions across usually, but I digress, this story is still awesome so don't think i'm bashing it
4811973 I second this.
I feel like I called this... A lot earlier. I don't remember my comments.
Either way! Waiting with bated breath for the next chapter!
She only needs to get a wee bit closer to the ground to obtain... a cockatrice's eye view.
Knowing the luck Silver's had in this story thus far, she'll live...only for it to be too late for her foals...
Well, this is a tragedy for some reason. I imagine her foals would meet with a terrible fate at some point
Giving darkness unto this light,
obscuring pain and suffering.
No longer might you dream.
No longer might you blissfully rest.
Awaiting further releases.
4813252 4813354 I've said before that the tragedy in this story has passed. I may be the sort to make jokes about realistic baby-shaped cakes and the cutting thereof, but I won't just casually kill babies in stories after I've said tragedy is up.
Dat cliffhanger!!
...That usually doesn't warrant a Tragedy tag. A tragedy tends to end with terrible things happening. If it weren't for the magnitude of the things happening, I think the tag would have been unnecessary.
Also, I must have missed that statement. Sorry about that
4813595 The tragedy tag came into effect because of the events of Chapter 29. It was the best warning applicable.
That's okay, I suppose. Warning your readers may be the best thing you could have done in the end
cant wait for more

See, the problem now is, since so much of what's already happened has been clouded or outright retconned as "I'm fucking crazy", how do I know what's actually going on?
I say, good show old mare, you finally did it.
Even if she dies, and she won't, her anti-petrification research will be as big as someone here discovering the cure for cancer. I'm rather anticipating all sorts of branches from that discovery; non-lethal potions, a preventative anti-petrification potion to be taken before traipsing around the forest, and given enough time, maybe even some sort of shot to give foals so they have life-long resistance to petrification. At the very least, she'll have a school or library named after her. Heh.
Now, about her twins... all this alchemist tomfoolery with her own body has got to have some repercussions with the foals, if not her own body. Her research already got her knocked up, in the worst way possible.
And on a far darker note, I'm assuming the Mother's Kiss won't treat the fetuses as foreign matter and purge them from her body? Technically they're parasites, but they do contain at least half her DNA so it might be enough to let them stay. Tho, a crazy voice in my head says that maybe the other half of DNA will get purged/replaced making them wholly Silver Script's DNA. Which would effectively make her twins, er, clones? Wow. That is kinda crazy.
4814762 You're now confusing Mother's Kiss with the blood-tailored cleansing potion Silver used when she killed the lamia.
Yes. Yes. Because, she is a good teacher or a bad listener. And no.
And yes, you will find out in the next exciting episode of Dragon .. Ball ... Z. NOT
, Kai. 
Why do I feel like the potion is going to give her a (pardon the pun) permanent change of view on life?
She could be half blind from a near mishap with the potion (or even her kids) or maybe she will more than likely see 'life' as we know it. Only (pardon the pun again) the fates know
Next time on: Full Metal Alchemist's Heart.
Couldn't help it...
4816159 The hilarious thing is that I was watching a few episodes of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood this afternoon while I was waiting for my PS3 to download a system update.
Derp. My bad.
The other point still stands. All this alchemical voodoo has got to be messing with Silver. If this was a cheesy comic (or an enchanted/cursed one?), she'd have mutated into a super-mutant X-mare already.
OMG that was an awesome chapter.first I'm happy that pound is back But I really hope Silver and the baby's are going to be ok.This is going to be driving me crazy Intel I find out what happened.Second I loved getting to see more of Silver's friends in the hospital and to see how she reacted when she found out she was pregnant and how it is possible she is still pregnant after what happened to her.I hope Silver and Luna make up and she eventually go's back to school to get her degree and maybe doctorate in alchemy .I can't wait to see what happens next between them all and what happens next to them all.
Am I the ONLY one here who WANTS those foals to die?
Yes, i know theyre innocent
Yes, i know they're just foals
But i mean, they're RAPE foals!
I'm partially of the same mind, but I have enough reasons to restrain my murderous thoughts.
The rapist was severely mentally handicapped. Couple that with a very toxic upbringing (her parents basically told her that she was worthless except as a political bargaining tool) and a culture that did nothing to change that view and you have a recipe for something bad.
The implication there is that they will only be as bad as their 'father' if they are raised in a similar environment.
Did I accidentally put on an episode of What The Fuck Is Wrong With You?
4818173 Silver can't abort them due to her/his upbringing in our world and beliefs forced into him from a young age. Life is sacred, and Aqua wasn't psychotic through genetics but through her circumstances, as such the foals are likely to grow up into fine ponies as long as they are raised in a safe and loving environment.
4814130 We're at a stage where we can safely assume either she's gone completely bananas or is recovering from going completely bananas.
4813695 It's a fair warning to people who have experienced some bad things or are sensitive that this story has a few tragic triggers.
It's good to know the tag is there for that purpose at least
I was thinking...
(Oh, Celestia no! Run for the hills!)
Aqua buried herself within the past of her own mind, potentially burning every bridge along the way, and her horn was destroyed, thereby eliminating her mental/personality backup. How much of her is even left at this point? Hmmmmmm.
4816438 I can actually see something coming from all this alchemical stuff. If Twilight goes alicorn just from finishing a new spell then creating an entirely new branch of alchemy as well as curing an uncurable condition would give chances of the same you'd think. Granted it would also be yet another bittersweet thing for her as she would then be sentenced to watching most of her friends grow old and die as well as any potential future family.
4867587 No alicorn Silver, not that the thought hadn't occurred to me in while working on the last chapter, if nothing less than to troll everybody.
With Silver's luck, or lack thereof, she would end up a pegacorn. The form only and none of the power-- as if she wasn't ostracized enough right now.
The dark flipside of this latest alchemical gamble would be some weird new type of vision. Seeing everything as a cockatrice does in shades of 'life' like a strange version of a FLIR camera. Possibly a mix of poor visible light and this life-energy sight.
4869127 I was actually thinking a silenus or satyr, symbolic of regaining some of her humanity [not that she really lost any beyond the literal sense], but like you said, she's ostracized more than enough.
No comment on the second half.
I do hope that reviving the petrified foal will go a long way to mending bridges with Ponyville. We all know it's been the burning reason why Silver got into alchemy in the first place. And honestly, if she can do this, what else can she do? To some ponies, Silver might as well be a miracle maker. I mean, if even Celestia couldn't undo the cockatrice petrification and she did... whoa. Next she'll be raising the dead! Obviously, that's just wishful thinking but this mare's "miracle tonic" is apparently the real deal. The Flim Flam brothers better watch out. Heh.
What does Mother's Kiss do, and how does it compare to the blood cleaner potion again? They seem similar, in that the differences lie in how much it cleans.
Go necromancy. Getting your head blown off will now become merely an inconvenience. As long as your phylactery is safe, of course. Just cover it in a 100mm of metal, shields, deflection, and energy absorption spells.
5031872 Mother's Kiss is a potion that flushes out alchemical toxins/poisons and the magics related therein. It is of a very narrow use.
The blood-tailored cleansing potion is user-specific, being made based on a sample of the intended drinker's blood. This sample is a template for what the individual's blood and body are supposed to contain. It has a broader number of uses in that it can, in addition to alchemical safety, be used to fight sickness/disease if based on a clean sample, as well as remove foreign objects from the blood, such as parasites. The only problem is that in addition to being hard to manufacture, it is incredibly expensive to make. Beyond that, it is incredibly dangerous if ingested by someone who is not the intended drinker, as was seen in the Everfree event.
So in the case of Silver in the latest chapter, while they could draw up a blood cleansing potion from samples taken before she went and poisoned herself, it would most likely not recognize Silver's foals as part of her body, but rather as foreign objects, and would react lethally with the unborn foals.
Well..... I don't rightly know what to make of this story. It had it's conflicts and such but with Abyss it certainly got very dark in a hurry. Poor Ice Blossom. I thought that song might have been foreshadowing, but I was not expecting such a violent, brutal, cruel ending.
If every single member of house Blueblood is not drawn and quartered I will be disappointed.
I cannot decide if that voice in the previous chapter was somehow her own madness getting to her again, or something akin to the Nightmare. And if it was something like the Nightmare, does that mean it went into Silver.. or her foals?
Should we expect the next chapter to be the Epilogue? If Pound Cake is finally unfrozen, I can't see how much more can be done with the story.
Honestly I don't know why Luna is there... I don't care what kind of society you have, you don't let those kind of people off with parole... We saw how well that worked out! She promised a lot to Silver, and pretty much failed on every single one of those promises and attempts to help.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes...
I would think she would get the hint and back off. Why exactly is she there?
Um... no. I don't know, actually.
I've just finished re-reading, and while I do enjoy a select few human-prejudice fic, I've recently come to the realisation that this is little more than a protagonist-torture fic.
If this doesn't change, I'm afraid I don't have the apathetic nature required to continue following this.
I'll still follow you as an author though, as your talents are not to be ignored.
when are we going to see the next chapter mate the suspense is killing me no pun intended
5176979 The next chapter is complete, but I refuse to release it without the epilogue as well. The problem is that I'm fairly burnt out on writing, and have developed an unhealthy fixation on XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I work on the epilogue when I can, but only when I actually feel in the mood to write.
5177007 fair enough
End of the line. Final stop. Prepare your baggage.
Man... poor Silver never gets a break...

I can't wait to see what happens though!
5177007 please, I beg of you, let me read the next chapter......ill do anything....ANYTHING. I must know what happens next, ive waited so long and read the chapters so many times.