After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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FUCK. YOU. Your royal incompetence!
such feels.
Agreed, that line actually made me laugh aloud when I read it just from how utterly PATHETIC a comeback it was. You know what else is not nice, Princess? Totally dropping the ball on keeping an eye on Aqua and keeping Silver safe.
If she is not finishing her schooling, what is she going to do about Pound Cake. Also I would like to mention how much you impress me, as not many fics make me feel very emotional but you, with this one story have had me all over the place so I applaud you.
On a side not I have a really bad head for names so I might have screwed up the name of the cake child.
Celestia. What the actual fuck. Excuse me while I lose more of my shit, both WPC/TAH!Celestia and Luna is worst pone
Hey, at least she admitted it was justified.
Really, Silver had just been raped and her lover murdered because of the incompetence of yourself and your sister, as well as the corruption of the system you are both IN CHARGE OF and that is the only thing you can think to say.
You stupid, pollyanna.
It wasn't nice, because it was beyond justified.
You let all this happen because of a loophole for the sake of sparing royal blushes.
...I don't believe there's any way I can possibly express my feelings on this chapter. I have two ways I can take this; One, Luna and Celestia are ridiculously incompetent in this universe; or Two, we have a gigantic case of unreliable narrator who's so traumatised she's living in a dream world where the Princesses are indifferent, perpetually smiling optimists who have suddenly lost their centuries of acquired ruling experience. Considering the evidence, the former seems more likely, but I still like to imagine the latter is true as well.
If Blueballs hadn't had Aqua cut from the family, she would have gone to prison, so in a way he's just as responsible for what happened.
By that logic, Silver is at fault for telling her off when they met, and all the other things that happened.
Aqua chose to do the things she did regardless of life taking a difficulty spike she wasn't prepared for, or anything else.
It's like the evil counterpart of the good guy thing. There are a lot of times Silver could lashed out at people when life crapped on her. But she learned she shouldn't after almost killing Twilight. Doesn't mean she perfectly has the lesson down and has hiccups on the matter, but it's still there enough that the whole "good/evil counterpart" theme applies.
A tragedy yet not stilled rages on within the shambles
if a pony that was once human.
How terrible a thing will this existence become,
until all darkness shall be cleansed and despaired?!
Awaiting further releases.
Aw yeah, PONIES! Lots and lots of ponies!
Oh, and the other stuff sounds good too.
Except by being cut off, she was denied prison time, where she would have either been rehabilitated or sent to a mental institution after the extent of her mental problems are discovered.
Blueblood, in trying to keep his hooves clean of the political puddle of his sister raping a mare, has instead stumbled into a swamp that will eat him and almost the entire nobility.
I just realized that what I said doesn't make what you said wrong at all so first off let me apologize.
Actually it doesn't go much farther than that.
Yeah, Blueblood screwed up.
And I didn't even see your original comment.
So, could you repost it?
Oh no, My response to your comment was the first.
The point I was making was that Aqua's fault on this shouldn't be passed off to Blueblood simply because Blueblood didn't take good actions.
But when you replied, I realized I was being stupid because you weren't ever saying Aqua doesn't deserve the blame, just that Blueblood's mischief played a key role in Aqua's action towards Silver.
So I apologized.
Sorry bout that.
Except I wasn't the person you responded to in the first place. I was just bolstering their argument.
Ohhhhhhh I'm stupid.
Well, this is what I get for reading Crack Ship Inc. Mlp fanfics in the middle of night dead tired.
This was my first comment.
4075525 Don't poke holes in my logic!
It's unfair for me.
I don't get enough sleep to respond properly.
At this point, I'm more interested in seeing the system crash and burn than finding out what happens to Soren. There's isn't gonna be much to his life now that'll be worth more than the controversy of his entire existence. Furthermore, Pound Cake is still a statue, and given the track record of the author to have bad shit happen that doesn't get resolved (or at least, get resolved where anyone at all has anything even resembling a happy ending), it's entirely reasonable to expect him to remain that way forever.
R.I.P Pound. You were robbed of a life that wasn't meant to be.
Well, this is... Not so bad... I guess. Not as good as what I'd expect from you but definitely improving since the last two chapters.
Man, these princesses are worse than useless. Go live on a mountain and move the sun and moon, "your" ponies will be better off for it.
Actually, if Silver gets back to Ponyville, rather than getting further from that original problem, she'll be forced physically closer. Progress will be made. A solution however? Only the author knows that. And if one takes the scientific approach, Silver will have to do something incredibly dangerous such as get a cockatrice, then start petrifying small animals to test possible cures on. I can already see Fluttershy will not like this one bit. And even if you skip the cockatrice capture, you still have to get test samples from somewhere in the Everfree where the little monsters live and hope you're not stoned while gathering up small victims.
Yes yes, you could just test on Pound Cake. Assuming you don't mind the chance a possible solution might (very likely) destroy the petrified pony or mutate the pony into something neither dead nor flesh and fur. (Gargoyle pony?)
And how the hell does Zecora do it? She's living in there. Does she have mirrored shades or some 'Monster Repellant' that keeps them at bay? Does she have a petrification vaccine she takes??? (Actually, that makes sense in a weird magic way. Easier to prevent the magic matrix from forming than cure it after the matrix has set so permanently)
4076522 Actually, if you recall, she HAS samples.
It seems implied that she's going to finish her schooling from Ponyville, through correspondence, or textbooks.
I thought from the Q&A that she was actually going to have a child. This chapter says she can't have children for some time though, so I'm guessing that means she isn't carrying a child.
Ah, well, then I guess she can get right to it then.
I wonder how Ponyville is going to react to Silver "coming home"? Er, I can guess it'll be a lot of awkward supportive words and worried glances from afar, seeing as how close they all are down there. Not sure if Silver wants to be near Pinkie since that pony will be beside herself trying to cheer Silver up without it going horribly awry and doing the exact opposite of making Silver smile. I suppose it boils down to how mellow a party Pinkie can do. Sugar-high hyperactive, yes, but a quiet hug or just lending an ear to listen over a single cupcake and a small bottle of hard cider in a party of two... three if you count Gummy.
That reminds me. A lot them have pets. While it might be just begging for more soul crushing sorrow in the future, will Silver ever consider getting a pet? I'd almost say a pet rock is best since no amount of neglect or abuse can kill it. Though, with Silver's track record, she might actually accomplish that feat somehow by bringing it to life, then having it die on her. Oof, too early for dark humor.
4076896 Here's the thing. The zebra potion was supposed to be a surefire knockup, and induced ovulation. There's no real indicator of how long after she was inseminated until her 'rescue', further, I left it intentionally vague how long until Silver woke up the first time in the hospital. Could have been days after. I'm not an expert on ovulation, obviously, but feasibly it could operate differently for ponies, mostly due to their smaller bodies [see size differences in When a Pony Calls], or a fertilized ovum could have passed far enough before treatment to not be impeded by the scars of regeneration.
Nopony brings it up because they realize that, like her progress thus far, it might be preferable for her to be the one to open up about things rather than forced to.
4076958 you're saying that she still could be pregnant. Ovulation time aside, I figured the mention of tearing and infections would have prevented an actual pregnancy. I mean if she actually is pregnant with all these medical complications I can't figure a delivery would go well.
On the thought of bringing it up, I would guess that Silver wouldn't bring it up until she shows symptoms because Celestia told her she wouldn't be having foals any time soon. I would think that Celestia wouldn't just outright lie to her about it if she actually knew.
4077038 Yeah. Given everything that has happened, I'd think most of the medical staff alone expects implantation wouldn't have occurred, because Silver's research is still not widely known.
That does, then, bring up the possibility of Soren/Silver having to deal with the fact that his/her child was born from a horribly traumatic event by an evil monster like Aqua. I couldn't even imagine the conflicting emotions that would constantly be bombarding Soren at that point. He'd never be able to look at his child without it being a physical reminder of his torture and Blossom's death.
The worst part is, the child would be Aqua Regia's, not Ice Blossom's as I imagine Soren was planning. Aqua would still "win" in this case, forever being able to still taunt Soren in a manner for the rest of their lives.
Oh god...watching this disaster the story turned into after the rape hurts my eyes. Like...what the fucking hell where you thinking? The princesses ruled for MILLENIA. They should have more than enough experience dealing with crime or holding of the nobility from doing their fucking own thing like plotting for own benefits, meddling with the true authority. But still you let them stand there, appearing like a bunch of young mares, that have the crown on their head for just a few years or even less.
Okay, with Luna I can understand that, because she was gone for 1000 years...but not with fucking Celestia! I mean...she held the entire country together! She should have gathered more then enough experience to deal with this mess alone. It was peace due to her. Because she mastered this challenge. It can't be, that there was magically no crime, no madponies, no signs of a civil war or attempts of manipulation by the nobility, because that would mean, that there wouldn't be any prisons, guards and nuthouses anymore. Where is their experience? Their wisdom? All gone, as it seems due to author sickness. I mean...why would they let Aqua walk around with a STALLION? They should know she could seduce one with her charm, bending him to her will. She is a fucking manipulator for Celestia's sake! It is the author's bad, that the story went this way! That the princesses became stupid bitches, that can't deal with anything! It's all wrong! It's all fucking wrong and doesn't make any sense!
I'm just following this story now, because it started strong and I want to see, how pathetically you end it, Seven. How much sense or nonsense there will be. I hope it will be good...but how it progresses hope simply and slowly dies.
And to all fellow bronies out there, reading this story...if you think, it's still great, then it's fine to me. I don't care, if you don't care about sense. But if you judge the ponies wrong because of a fanfiction like this one here...I'm sorry, but you must have lost your feeling for what is canon and what is not.
So...after this rant, I will leave. Ignore it, shove it up your butt or whatever you want to do with it. I have other things to care about...but I thought, this here was necessary for some people here to wake up, even though it just could do harm or be seen as a "hater" comment.
Well, things have started to look up at least a little bit. That's a good sign.
This all just feels like damage control, I'm not sure what all of this is adding to the story aside from 'I wanted a scene where Silver gets raped and Ice Blossom is murdered.' I get it, Silver has it rough, you made that point many chapters ago and I'm not seeing any kind of character growth here. I'm still reading and still hoping you can salvage this, but it really feels like this plot is snow balling out of control.
I see why you were saying what you did in your PM's. Though now I'm wondering how anyone will convince Silver that your idea is the way to go. It seems like she'd want to "sabotage" her own efforts.
"Oh darn. I swear I didn't know that would happen. Oh well. At least nopony important was lost."
This is really good. I feel a bit dead inside, but dang. They way Silver was treated by Celestia and Luna by all this was just terribly ignorant. I will defend them a little bit by saying that people become blind over time, but wow it is nearly impossible especially with all the real life parallels here. I mean look at cases in modern real life where the rich get nothing but a slap on the wrist for what they did.
Your rant provided a reasoning all to itself, Celestia ruled for a millenia. You lose track of stuff after a time, blind eyes get turned, just the right amount of apathy and disconnect happens. This isn't weak writing at all, it is just great.
4137035 Maybe you're right. I understand the reasoning you are making out of this. But Just no. This isn't something I would expect from the princesses, but hey, who gives a shit anyway? It's FICTION. Not real. Anyone can go apeshit with it. So I will let it be this way...because I can't do shit about it anyway. You love it, I disgust this piece of crap, that was once a great story. Magnum Opus my ass...
To each there own is the truth indeed.
4136810 I actually do, but that's not the point I was trying to make in reflection itself. Silver contemplated whether or not it was worth trying not to look like a Mary Sue by taking the hard way versus getting it easy. She didn't mean it in the literal sense. She was using the Mary Sue analog as a gauge for how screwed up her life had been because of the directions she chose.
Menagerie magazine put it like this:
Looking to that summary, you can kinda see what Silver's comparing herself to. She's already a gifted alchemist and 'part-time badass' who is already living off the royal coffers until she's set. She's merely comparing some of the choices she's made [stipend and scholarship over 'your world ruined my life, so you should obviously pamper me until I die'/side with Gale over siding with Aqua Regia which could have been a big game changer]. If not for her personality and her penchant for picking the hard way every time, Silver would easily qualify as a Sympathetic Sue.
I'm not sure I'm getting this all out coherently because I'm fighting a migraine and procrastination, but I hope you have a better idea of what I'm trying to say than I do right now.
I feel so sorry for Silver I'm happy she now has Beat there to comfort her.And I am happy she can still have kids.And thank God for little Aurora for being there for Silver.And also maybe some of Silver's resurrects can help all the half breads right .And maybe soon Silver will forgive Luna and they can reconnect and be friends again I hope so.I can't wait to see what happens happens next to them all.
This better have a good damn reason.
Been a long, long time since I've continued reading after a character that I want to torture for a few million years shows up.
5031427 Right there with you. I'm a firm believer in the death penalty and even that seems too lenient in my mind right now.
Oh just fucking twist the knife, why dontcha? Dammit I'm jealous right now. This hurts. A lot. And that's a good thing. Few writers have ever made me cry. You're the first to cause me physical heartache, over a series of words on a page. Give yourself a gold star.
Now I'm crying again when I finished this chapter
I'm not, strictly speaking, opposed to grimdark, but here it feels kind of... thrown together for shock value. The thing with writing dark fiction is that the dark parts have to be meaningful in the larger story context- either tying into existing themes/arcs or building towards some kind of payoff/catharsis at the end. The recent events haven't really been contributing to the existing story, so I can only hope the resolution is enough to justify the depths you've plumbed with them.
I honestly don't have much confidence that this story will pull it off given the series' history of just sort of throwing around high-stakes conflict, but the only way to find out is to keep reading.
You're not exactly wrong. In retrospect, nearly a decade later, I can definitely say that the darker aspects of this story were rather clunky, if not straight up ham handed. Although the story is still one of the favourites among the things I've written, even I can see there are major flaws in the storytelling.