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[hide message]After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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A couple of proof-reading errors, but dangit! Now I feel I have to reread some chapters as I feel a little lost. On two issues....maybe.
Dang it Ponyville, you drive an alien pony absolutely insane and then ostracize him/her after the breakdown. Good job.
It should be 'days'.
Looking good so far. A gory scene to come up soon? Bring it on!
Woot! Sequel!
good way to recap
2196864 I agree. Very well done.
Alternate personality= Now Off to the Mushroom Kingdom, Verily!
Sorry about him, when I think something odd, he just comes out and says it, even if it doesn't make too much sense.
I love the sequel so far and awesome recipe
Lyra/Bonbon.exe has stopped working please reset to continue
Second time through this wonderful story. I still have no regrets with what I do during my free time
6848256 I too, am currently through the second read through. Could not be happier doin this again, and can not Believe I missed so much stuff!
I must say, the Cake part confuses me a little. DO they actually blame him/her for Pound?
(Are transgender pronouns regressive? Is it correct to use your new gender to describe the time before you chose I guess is a bit better way to ask?)
This is a great way to start the sequel. Too many start with the idea that everyone read the previous one, but that's a very stupid way to think. Not everyone is going to want to read an entire story just to read another, especially what basically amounts to the HiE equivalent of the 'superhero origin story. This provides enough backstory for newcomers that don't want to read the previous entry to be able to follow what's going on. Kudos to you.
To the characters- Jeez Ponyville, you forgave Discord and Luna. What he did was way less than most vilains that ponies forgave. I think that the General population is overreacting, especially when you consider how much it was not entirely her fault.
To the writer- You can't say that the level of fear he gets is not a *little* out of character. Beyond that, not too bad.
To be fair, Nightmare Moon didn't really do anything to the residents when she was in Ponyville. Discord was a bit more trouble, but he also didn't threaten to kill anyone. With Soren being all banged up, bloodied, and waving around a crystal dagger like some kind of psychopath, the danger he presented probably felt a lot more real.
Pretty much all of that. Discord never killed or intentionally physically hurt anyone, and though Nightmare Moon's plan for eternal night would have killed all life on the planet, few would have even recognized the risk because neither was outright violent. Soren was three things that would have put the Ponyvillians on edge: an outsider, unstable, and violent. Of course it'd leave a lasting impression, even after 'getting better'.