After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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A very enjoyable chapter with very good writing. Thank you for sharing you talent!
I think you hit tab instead of space bar. That was like ten spaces before the next sentence.
Pretty nice interlude chapter.
it's a joy to read, and love to read more in the future
2265354I'm not sure if I missed that, I accidentally hit the tab key, or one of the other editors did. Still, mistake on one of (if not all) our faults.
And yay, new chapter with me credited for editing.
I like this style of writing, if only infrequent. Not sure I could stand it if was entire, consecutive chapters of diary entries.
Glad the time skipping feature was handled well. I want to see Soren study alchemy and make some meaningful progress towards making a life for himself. I am glad you are turning his search for the petrify action cure into an obsession, it makes sense. All the horrible things that happened to him, and the one good thing he could have done he failed at. At least Twilight seems to have forgiven him, probably due to his gift and the fact she's the one who pushed him over the edge.
2265354, 2265449 I think that was some random niggling error introduced by importing from Google docs. Funny that I noticed a bunch of unnecessary closed and reopened italics tags [everywhere there had been a comment in the document], but I didn't at all notice that.
Poor Silver. I'm always sad to see attitudes towards psych help like hers (being in that field myself), but it is understandable.
Roommate... Oh, dear, that will be interesting.
Nice chapter. Your writing abilities really shine in the journal entries for some reason.
About 250 invasions of privacy so far. She's gonna need a lot of buckets.
I think the reason it only got half-way there was because the featherbrain in question realized that there are not supposed to be giant pony shaped monsters fighting giant pony shaped robots in Canterlot. That said, one of my OCs has a friend from Neighpon (Japony if you want. Also, Japonyse), and got many ideas from there. Giant robots are not out of the question. If you want to include the OC in question, send me a PM.
Good chapter!
Also Silver you're going to need a lot of buckets at this point, maybe even a water truck at some point!
Ooooookaaaay, hopefully Silver Script never finds out i read this chapter, i know how many liters of blood i have, but i don't need her to confirm it using buckets and desanguinisation.
I loved it it so sweet that Lyra made Silver a ant I like see every major thing going on. And also learning about the different schools see can think about going to and see need to admit that see loved sex with a Male but I can understand not wanting to hurt anyone I can't wait to see what happens next
Hmm...Well, there are like several hundreds to thoudsands of people reading her diary...
I'll be going...
To bed...
7432872 Alternate reality from Silver's, made by our version of that person, and posted by him so people could freely read it. I don't think that counts...