After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Ponyville won't know what hit them.
Sharing a bed. How hard could it be?
No Blossom, stay away from the poison joke!
2709162 You have no idea how much I want to work in "My eyes are bananas, aren't they?" into one of the upcoming chapters. I've thought better of it though. It'll be interesting to see what degrading things the poison joke might do to Gale or Blossom.
Why do I get the feeling Silver is pushing Ice too hard?
What is it about poison joke + alchemy that makes it feel that Silver is going to spend some of this story as a human?
Why do I like Aqua so much? (I want her to face an epiphany and be redeemed somehow!) (Also, Silver x Aqua for some strange reason...)
Another sweet chapter, sometimes its good just to have these slow informative ones.
Also, she wrote that letter to Bonners and Lye on my birthday! *squee*
Oh Silver, you poor, poor, fool.
2709500 My thoughts .... NOOOOOOOO, *Excalibur/Celestia Fool/Obey Poser here* WHY DID YOU INVOKE THE WRATH OF MURPHY?! *ocean-full of tears here while rolling on the ground, back and forth, saying= "Not again,Not again,Not again,Not again,Not again,Not again,Not again." Repeatedly in stress...*
2709063 Too true.
From this, one can conclude that the visit will be...interesting.
Especially due to the presence of Gale.

They must be wary of the dangers of the Everfree as well.
Awaiting further releases.
There's a reason Dan isn't in my headcanon for the story, and it isn't because I've never watched more than five minutes of Dan vs.
Hm, the song that popped into my head for the description given was one from the Silent Hill series. "Love Psalm", I think.
This is the first time I noticed this. Why is the year date set back so far? I hope you're not planning for a time-skip.
2714471 The Equestrian calendar is oriented around 'Harmony', rather than the death of Christ, being Post Harmony. The time frame for The Alchemist's Heart is two whole years past the defeat of Nightmare Moon, which is arbitrarily set for 2000 Post Harmony.
I can take a few guesses what may happen while they're in ponyville. I'll just take five guesses.
1. Silver Script will undergo another sexual incident under lyra's and bonbon's roof
2. Poison joke will affect Blossom and/or Gale
3. Zicora teaches Silver what she knows
4. The rest of the mane 6 will befriend Silver
5. Something bad may happen while there
Those are my five guesses. i wounder which ones I may get correct.
what could go wrong WHAT COULD GO WRONG?! ooo you done did it now you are doomed (i seem to be using dota 2 stuff here more often)
And here I thought this chapter would be going into the origins of the alphabet. Still good.
2717731 Wait what? Oh. The title.
2718044 *Points to quoted user's name.*
Nice chapter, gotta stay away from the Poison Joke though, I thought that in the last book you had the year 4000 something, maybe it was an different time frame though!
2726845 I don't actually recall mentioning years in When a Pony Calls, other than it taking place before the launch of Season 3. If I'm wrong about that, though, feel free to correct/inform me.
Hmm my bad then I must of been thinking about another fanfic, where they've mentioned what the calendar is like in it, there's not many of them out there! I've got so many favorited now that it's hard to remember what's mentioned in them!
Silver in Ponyville? This sounds like it's going to be good. I hope we get a glimpse of the state of affairs between her and the other ponies, not just Lyra, Bon Bon, and Zecora. Would be quite interesting to see how 'mad' Dash really is about past events, for instance, when a cute filly-sized alchemist shows up with a marefriend.
2735581 Hopefully, you'll be getting the next chapter sooner rather than later. I'm just waiting on approval from my other editor.
Think I got it!
To cure being petrified, then a Soft Potion, no?
So, since alchemy works on semantics, apaprently, then Script just needs to make an un-hard potion....
..........A Viagra milkshake mixed with poison joke.
I loved it all and can't wait to see Ponyville. I can't wait to see what happens next to them it's sounds like it is going to be awesome. And I can't wait to see what happens next
.and I see what Bin Bon is up to with only having one room with one bed 
Interestingly, What peeved me off most in this chapter was the mentioning of homeopathy. Yes, I know this magic land, but the lengths some people take to dilute things go to the point of ridiculousness.
3753914 Wait, I mentioned homeopathy? Honestly, it's been so long since I wrote that chapter that I am not sure where that mention would even be.