After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Funny, just yesterday I was thinking "When was the last time that updated?"
Hmm... I may have forgotten exactly where this story takes place in the timeline... and now we reach Season 2 Premiere.
Silver has been here for months, I would have thought this had taken place sometime after Season 2 started what with the Shining Armor and Cadance presence.
Regardless, I can only begin to wonder what Discord will do to Silver by the end of this little Arc...
More body switching, since he wasn't around for the first round of it?
Ironic gigantism for the pint sized pony?
woot, i love this story
my hunger for first person fanfic demands more!
(just keep writing when you can and feel like it!)
3073283 Eheheh, nope. 'When a Pony Calls' actually officially took place 'before season 3 aired', but most of the things in the season had already happened by that time. I actually referenced Magic Duel in the chapter where Silver bought that magical/'cursed' compass.
I had thought so...
...checkered sky...
This is Magical Mystery Cure isn't it?
Congrats Silver... that pony you tried to murder is your new Princess...
I can't imagine Lyra would be especially pleased with the prospect of post-foaling singing and dancing to "True True Friend".
A checkerboard sky? Sounds like something I'd write about....Hmn...Have fun with discordant maladies!
3073411 From what I can recall, Lyra didn't appear in the episode until the coronation ceremony.
3073437 Oh I didn't mean joining in, but most of Ponyville was screaming in song from the rooftops. It may disturb her lazy-funk.
3073451 The funny thing is that Pinkie and Lyra are technically the ones who saw this coming, even if Pinkie's forgotten because of the Magic of the spell. The flow of time in Equestria and how the show lines up aren't completely in synchronicity.
Awwwww. Honeydew is going to have a latent imprint from her time inside "Silver" isn't she?
Also, and I know Silver wasn't paying a lot of attention, but what kind of pony is Honeydew? (Did I miss that part?)
3073486 I never actually wrote that detail, come to think of it. Filly's an earth pony. I'll make sure to point that out.
Someone is about to have a bad day.
I can sorta understand the ponypile in the living room. Honeydew ends up sleeping on Silver and Lyra, not wanting to move the baby who might just start crying all night, opts to just cuddle up and join the filly on the couch.
Through extensive research and experimentation, it's a proven fact that a mare's flank is much nicer than any pillow.
Does Honeydew possibly think Sliver is her mother despite being squeezed out of Lyra? That would imply that a foal is somehow able to recognize the pony it was conceived in. More specifically, the mind of the pony it was conceived in.
This was the perfect update to end the day. I hope you have plenty of productive days ahead so we can see what happens next a little sooner.
Speaking of the baby fever dream, couldn't Silver whip up a little potion to turn Lyra into a foal? Call it a little "plan B" in case Lyra gets a case of the crazy again. She can turn her into a baby and
torturecalm her down.You know, the other day I recently looked up Aqua Regia to see where you came up with the name. I knew it literally means "Royal Water" in Latin, but I was wondering if it was used as a name for something else.
Turns out it's the name of a potent mixture of Nitric and Hydrochloric Acid, primarily used by chemical manufacturers to produce Chloroauric Acid. So not only is Princess Aqua Regia "corrosive", she's also studying alchemy, which is Equestria's closest analogue to Earth's chemistry.
Seven Fates, you are a freaking genius.
3074423 Nah. Children ARE able to tell when you are uncomfortable around them even in the slightest. Methinks Honeydew is going to be a mischievous little filly.
3074731 I actually played around with the concept of such a potion coming into play a little down the line, but I felt it too comedic in purpose to actually work in. Obviously, if it HAD been worked in, I would have had fun writing another foal's perspective tale.
Needless to say I couldn't work out what unique would have the unique effect of 'time' in the language of potions.
3074783 I'm glad someone took the time to work that one out. I wouldn't call it genius, but it was definitely one of the big things I put a lot of thought into.
Checkerboard sky...... IT BEGINS!
But you made it seem as if she thought Silver was her real mother. Which could lead to odd situations and Lyra maybe getting a little jealous.
3074833 We'll just have to see how it turns out.
I cant take the name 'Honeydew' seriously at all, for the yogscast's Simon is a bit to silly/odd.
Turns out I'm still wincing over the "unbirth" comment from last chapter.
Awesome non-lucid/lucid dream.
3075263 I always seem to get compliments on dreams in these stories. I wonder what it is about dreams that I can write so well?
Why did I have to break my usual routine of holding off until the second part of a chapter update?!
Regardless, I'm liking how Honeydew is affecting the feel of the tale. I'm going to be missing them when Silver goes back... It's certainly nice having the slice of life feeling that's going on at this time.
This looks like a wonderful day to say inside and pretend not to exist
1. Stay. (First found by Raistlin)
That makes sense... perhaps instead a potion to help you stay awake and write more? Silver will just need some beans of Coffea arabica and some boiling water.
Come to think of it, I don't recall Silver ever drinking any coffee. Given her body size and after-effects of her many near-death experiences, I bet a single cup would make her insanely hyper. That would be an excellent revenge on Lyra, as Silver bounces off the walls and Honeydew cheers her on.
I am going to have to use that line at some point during bad weather.
Part of me kinda wished she would have woken up to the feeling of Honeydew suckling from her teat. Would definitely explain why she was having such a maternal dream.
Look out, Silver, she's after your precious bodily fluids.
This is an interesting part of the story... A lot of things seem to be up in the air, with a lot of ways they could go, but we've still got a lead-in to future events, what with the visit from Luna and the Rarity-sky. What does this portend!?
haha, im loving this and the prequel was pretty cool too, you sir are a bloody good writer!
You said bottle twice.
Also, I'm confused. Checkerboard sky as in ending of season 3 or beginning of season 2?
Soo Honeydew is a unicorn or earth pony?
3096329 You'll find out in the next chapter.
3096363 You're such a tease!
3096366 Damn straight.
I loved it all so much.And Honeydew sound's absolutely adorable
.And I loved that in Silver's dream all the ponys where her baby's
it make me think that subconsciously she wants to have children of her own but don't know it
.I can't wait to see what happens next and see what kind of pony Honeydew is
When I hear the name Honeydew, the first thing that comes to mind is the Yogscast