After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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This is where the tragedy tag picks up, no doubt. Oh dear
Launching off into a pit of despair,
the light of your eyes all surely close
and you shall dream of that flawless paradise within your hearts.
We shall read on.
Nice to see the Bluebloods get their comeuppance...too bad it had to come at the cost of breaking Silver into little pieces though...
I'm curious how she will recover from her previous ordeal?
I wonder if she'll remember to pass greetings to Applejack...
That was a good character I loved it all.I'm happy that the Blueblood family finely got what they deserve .maybe Aqua can just spend the rest of her life in place.I hope Silver is going to be ok.I can't wait to see what happens next to them all and what happens between them all next.And that one day she can forgive the princesses for what has happened to her.And I happy that she was was able to get a lot of her chest.And that that person was part of the Apple family. After all that I wonder how Silver would have acted and handled if she had gotten pregnant from Aqua?
Chapter 33? Freemasons.
I feel really disappointed that you threw Celestia and especially Luna on the train track.
It feels like you specificly and purposefully targeted and smearing their characters.
Since this is an "Alternative Universe", I will give it a pass (even if it leave a bad taste in my mouth).
Another one of my main problems is that this whole story feels like some sort of sadomasochism fetish and not quite a proper story.
Ah, finally. It's 1am, I'm eager to read the rest of this, but it's finally at a point where I can resist the urge to turn the page. I must adjourn for the evening.
I don't know how I feel about what happened to aqua. Should I be happy to see what she deserves or be sad with sympathy for her. I'm seriously conflicted about this.
I feel absolutely no sympathy for her, she deserves to suffer for all eternity.