After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Yay update
Chicken... yep, that was good.
Heh, I was just looking through my favorites and was hoping for an update from this. Did you start taking mind reading classes?
2341169 Nope. Just your typical magic asshole.
2341188 I wouldn't say asshole, I don't think one could produce as good of chapters as you do, this one not being any exception.
2341193 I call myself an asshole because I can act like one on a dime. Hmm, how do I feel today? .... Evil.
Seems like a reference.
2341229 Congratulations. You know your internet.
Thanks... Wait a second
I know that feeling. unfortunately my mother ingrained it into my very being to be polite to others even if I hate them...doesn't mean I cant make their life miserable though. heheheheh.
So, it's extra rosy?
Anyways, it's nice that she's figured out that ponies can eat a bit of meat without getting sick.
I would think the gryphons would be the ones who would react to a chicken-eater, what with them being part avian.
Now we just have to wait for a series of coincidences to make Silver look like a cannibalistic serial killer.
I have a feeling that Silver is more screwed than he thinks.
2341290 Wouldn't be too sure of that.
Reminds me of a fic where rainbow dash asks gilda to give her some chicken... was funny as hell :)
Oh now your just making me even more anxious for the next chapter.
That makes no sense that she would have THAT much trouble with chicken. The ONLY way it would cause that sort of trouble would be if there were some magical blanket prohibition against ponies eating chicken. Fun chapter tho.
2341607 Look at it from another side though. She hasn't partaken in the flesh of any animal other than fish since becoming a pony. That, and maybe griffon standards aren't up to pony standards?
Wouldn't matter. I have had tainted food before. It takes TIME for it to affect you. The other thing is there is absolutely nothing wrong with horses eating meat. They do it. The only problem a horse has with meat is that they get a limited amount of nutritional value from it and they can't exactly chew it very well.
That said it would make a very good prank on the griffons if that were a pratfall -- Gotcha!
2341632 When I said standards, I was thinking more along the lines of the chicken being seasoned with something a pony literally can't stomach.
And thats why scoots is an orphan
"I hope you all have enjoyed this particular chapter as much as I did."
Oh yes I did, Oh yes.
I just hope that Silver Script will not become sick.
Also, just pointing out that two eyes that are in front of the face, like the G4 ponies are, is a PREDATOR trait.
So, way earlier in History, ponies must have hunted for flesh like wolves.
Bad side of the nobles, bleh, that will probably suck but hopefully lead to fun hijinks. I think if I was forced to give up something I would want it all the more. Chicken can't be too much different when compared to fish.
2341803 I actually had my own fun implying ponies once ate meat with the "Mare of Thrace" comment.
I hope Silver doesn't get ill or otherwise physically or magically impaired from the chicken-eating, and those comments are just superstitions. Having her be a carnivorous pony just to horrify the nobles is funnier than any supernatural punishment, IMO. I believe, realistically, she should not get sick from adding meat to her diet.
2341803 Add that to the fact that horses often eat meat when the green is scarce and you've got yourself an omnivorous pony.
Fun chapter is fun. If this fic were a tv show with each chapter being one episode, this one would be one of those episodes that you like so much, you watch it again right after seeing it the first time. I do wonder how Silver's body will handle the chicken though. Will it make her somewhat ill? Will it merely make bathroom trips less easy? Or will she actually benefit from it and outdo Aqua Regia? Speaking of Aqua, I think I'd like to see a fight between her and Silver.
And now a for questions
-Why isn't Gaius going into theoretical physics? He could become Dr. Griffon Freewing and stop an alien takeover.
-What is up with griffons and their names starting with G?
-Will there be more fun chapters like this?
2342128 Find out on the next episode of Alchemist Pony Z?
Not a lot of people know this, but horses and ponies actually can digest meat - they just aren't suited for hunting, don't have teeth that can rip flesh, and typically avoid meat since it usually means that there is a predator nearby.
I've probably already said this (and probably will again) but thank you for allowing me to help with editing process, and thanks for the honorable mention.
Can't wait to help out more.
Now for bacon.
I'm curious, I've gone looking for info on this for ages and can only ever find 'Some horses in Iceland eat fish'
Where is there meat-eating mares? Besides of course when one is Hercules.
I enjoy stories where the main characters have a back bone and enjoy bashing bigots. Good chapter mate.
2342370Well we get that idea just because we only feed them non-meat products and we rarely ever see them eat meat. Some of us never see horses in our life, and others that do will probly have a one in a million chance of actually seeing them eat meat (unless we're the ones feeding them).
And another excellent chapter. I look forward to editing the next one. I always take pride in the fact that I've helped a fellow author make their fic just a little bit better.
2341266Same here. Thankfully, I came up with a little classification system to bypass this:
self: Be nice to this group.
others: be nice to this group. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Be patient with them.
other (singular): Give them a chance. Be patient. Drop subtle hints that they're being pricks. If they don't pick up on it, treat these assholes as they treat you. Don't take their shit.
Is she intoxicated?
Hold on... That last sentence left me a bit confused
Did she have some kind of a seizure for eating chicken, or did she just fall down laughing?
Either way, awesome chapter. Gale seems like a nice enough fella, although it seemed a bit strange how all the griffons acted when Silver mentioned the chicken.. Were they ashamed of eating meat, or was it something else?
2341302 But, humans eat mammals (and ape brains...). And don't falcons hunt doves? Even if they were eating eagle and lion, it's not gryphon.
2346406 I actually kind of like the kinship idea.
It tastes just like Scootaloo!
"Used to wrestle bears, he did.”
if im not mistaken, us Amareicans said such funny jokes to ze USSR in le cold war, as a joke
something along the lines of
"Then Ruskies are so crazy they wrestle BEARS for sport!"
is that something my grandfather only did?
2347658 Depending who you ask, it is either Russians or Canadians.
Then again
only ruskies drink pure alchohol, canadians dont
Ruskies 1
Canamadians 0
First there was Miller. Then there was Millie. Now, there is...
Horses are herbivores. An herbivore is an organism adapted to eat plant matter as the main component of its diet -- not an organism that can only eat plant matter. Everything from teeth designed for grazing to a cecum that can digest cellulose points to horses being herbivores.
Horses can be trained to eat meat (Ernest Shackleton used horses to explore Antarctica, and fed them meat since there were no plants to graze on), and in fact they can behave violently to obtain it when they run out of other options for food... But that's a bit like talking about putting a vegetarian on the Donner Party expedition. It is not healthy for a horse to eat meat long-term, and they cannot digest it well in large quantities (in particular, a horse's digestive tract is notoriously bad at dealing with fat).
> Where is there meat-eating mares?
Go find a copy of Deadly Equines: The Shocking True Story of Meat-Eating and Murderous Horses, by CuChullaine O'Reilly. The book is about more than just eating meat (see the description: "...What if evidence demonstrated horses have slain lions, tigers, pumas, wolves, hyenas and humans...?"), but it's a good place to start if you're interested.
I seem to recall in a Pony-in-Earth fic, some canned pineapple got the pony so drunk off her plot, she blacked out before she knew what did it to her... kinda like guzzling down strawberry daiquiris-- so sweet and tasty and... whoa, the room's spinning... *thud*
Still, I'd be very interested to find out who this Mare of Thrace is and just how badly Silver has just ostracized herself from the plant-eating ponies by enjoying that chicken. Maybe she can backpedal a bit and spread a rumor she's part Threstral (batpony of the night guards) unless the hoity-toity ponies are already doing it.
The Mares of Thrace (also called the Mares of Diomedes) are from Greek mythology; they were man-eating horses owned by the giant Diomedes, king of Thrace. Stealing them was the eighth labor of Hercules.
The mares were
Rainbow DashPodagros the fast,RarityLampon the shining,ApplejackXanthos the blond, andPinkie PieDeimos the terribleI guess it was a little too much of a confrontation. I mean Silver making a scene is technically acting as mean as the "offender", even if she haven't started it. Hope it will bite her in more ways than one.
"There is absolutely no way I’m going to regret this."
Are those words in the same category as What could go wrong, or Could it get any worse?
Ponified HiE? Yeah, I'd do just like Soren there since I love meat too much. Plus the idea of being that pony - the one who ate the meat - is greatly entertaining to me.
I don't know why, but I immediately pegged Aqua Regia as the "initially hostile antagonist who eventually comes around as a friend." I don't know whether I'm stupidly optimistic or just delusional. (You know you want to write Soren X Aqua now!)
I'm a sucker for misguided sheltered bigots who learn their lessons through thorough beratings.