After losing every semblance of a normal human life, the human-turned pony Silver Script turns to the study of alchemy in hopes of getting her life back on track. From there, she can start making friends and build a life for herself... Hopefully.
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Would seem like a bad idea to steal from somepony that the Princesses favor as I'm pretty sure the moment they try to claim her research or potions as their own and it becomes known the princesses themselves will take a great interest.
I haven't even read this yet and I just want to say FUCK YEAH! You can't know just how excited I am right now to drop everything and read this.
Or maybe you can. I am posting this preemptively after all. 
So far i'm really liking the story. It has a nice 'Plot'.
Silver s never going to have an easy day huh? Raped, and now her stuff is being stolen?
Poor girl needs a hug.
Silver s never going to have an easy day huh? Raped, and now her stuff is being stolen?
Poor girl needs a hug.
So, if you don´t have the luck of having friends in high places, you are fucked. Just like in real life.
Also, I wonder how Condiment Hair is gonna take the news about her family, when she meets
I loved it that party should's awesome and I was happy some things where going while for Silver.But you know nothing good is going to come from what ever that person that stole from her has planed to do with it.I can't wait to see what happens next to her next.
Wait, your birthday is October 21st? That's my birthday!
Dude you obviously don't fully know what a Mary Sue is do you? This character could never appear to be Mary Sue to someone who knows what the definition is. Mary Sues are characters able to achieve victory in what whatever conflict without any real hardships. This character, not so much. Silver Script will can't be Mary Sue. Not ever, that is a good thing. Even though the conflicts resolved themselves it still took hardships to do them in all examples listed. Knowledge is power, especially when Mary Sues are mentioned. Too many people are too stupid, thinking Twilight is Mary Sue... morons.
Yeah those nobles are definitely more Drow than anything else. Though I don't think they would go as far as watching the perpetrators of a failed attempt at mass murder of a House get demolished for being caught, not for doing it but for being caught for doing it.
Cucumber, wool shears and a muffin tin? These items are gonna come into play later arent they?
...if that's what Sunset Shimmer's family is like, she actually turned out remarkably well.
Do you want to make some.....cupcakes?
Didn't Silver already get the compass back. In that part where she was cleaning up the mess from that party, and Gale kept bugging her on if she was curious on how Gale found her? Then Gale showed her that it was the compass. I am pretty sure Gale gave the compass back in that chapter. I would re-read it to be sure, but I am too lazy.
Okay, now I am curious on what that could be used for...
Gale was going to give it back during the cleanup, but Silver didn't want it back at the time because she was filthy.