Going on hiatus for a little bit... · 3:18pm Nov 3rd, 2014
...due to some rather severe creative differences with the guy whose worldbuilding inspired me to write this in the first place. Hopefully we can resolve them and I can get back to writing soon...
Stay tuned, fans.
1877675 Certainly. Yours is one of the first ones I encountered on this site--after hearing about Cupcakes, oddly enough. (I still refuse to read that... thing directly. ) I heard about yours as an antidote, but only recently found it again and favorited it.
Thank you very much for the fave on The Light in the Darkness!
Seems I'm having trouble posting comments right now. Anypony know why? (Update: For some reason, it looks like logging out and then back in again fixed it. Strange...)
1252436 The topic fits one of my modified Favorites lists. Come check the (so far) two others that share a place with yours! (Maybe you can convince them to continue...)
And thank you for the Favorite on The Creation of a World
May the stories go on.