Smolder learns to feel comfortable in her own scales, by loving yourself only then will the inner beauty shine through in time.
Total Words: 2,671,885
Estimated Reading: 1 week
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This story is a sequel to Spa and Order
Alicorns get sick in weird ways. It's enough to put a stallion off his love-themed holiday, something young Lt. Shining Armor of the Household Regiments is about to find out.
Part of "Cadance of Cloudsdale." Pre-reading and moral support by Axis of Rotation, GaPJaxie, horizon, Murcushio , SR Foxley, and my beloved spouse.
Good relationships are all about compromise. For example: Rarity likes massages, and Spike likes adventuring up giant magical beanstalks to fight giants.
This is gonna be one heck of a compromise.
Written for LtMajorDude for Jinglemas 2022!
My roommate's name is Octavia, or "Tavi" for short. She likes vintage red wine, soft pillows, and long walks on the beach. But, more than anything, she loves music. She loves it with a passion that radiates with every burning color of the spectrum.
Each day I spend with her... or without her, I learn a little bit more about life, about the sick beat to which we all dance, whether we know it or not. I hope you don't mind if I say a few things about her. Just a few things. One can learn a lot from Tavi.
After all, she saved my life.
Playlist - Because Even Original Things Aren't Original
Rarity's search for gemstones leads her to Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack has no problem guiding her around the orchard. But when a freak storm strikes, the two ponies must race against the tempest to find shelter.
As the storm rages overhead, Applejack wrestles with the growing unrest within her heart regarding Rarity. And as events unfold, Rarity is forced to examine her own opinions and feelings towards her best friend.
(This is a RariJack shipfic, written per request/challenge for a friend.)
Sometimes, all that we look for are right in front of our eyes, yet we are unable to see them.
Written for the Spike Shipping Contest.
Cover art does not belong to me.
Twilight Sparkle prides herself on following and sticking to her plans, but she isn't as organized as everypony thinks. Her master list, the plan for her life, has an item that she has never been able to check off; and the time has come to fix that. How hard can it be? All she needs to do is go on a date and get a kiss.
Twilight Sparkle is dead.
Twilight Sparkle is only slightly inconvenienced by this.